Sure, children's games come in a wide variety these days and they can all be found conveniently and quickly either in stores or online. But what if you spontaneously feel like playing a game or don't want to spend money unnecessarily? Then of course you canmake your own game. Today we would like to offer you a game that you will definitely remember from your own childhood. It is the catch cup. You know… that cup that has a ball tied to it and has to be caught with the cup. Did you feel like playing? Then gather the necessary materials and you can make your own catch cups.
The easiest way is to use catch cupscraft with paper cupsor plastic cups. These can be designed in any way you like (or you can simply buy ones of the same color or pattern) and then decorated with balls, baubles or beads. This is what you need if you want to make a catch cup with cups:
- Paper or plastic cups
- cord
- Perle
- wooden sticks
- Hot glue
- optional felt-tip pens, acrylic paints and brushes
Making a catch cup instructions
Paint the cups however you likewith acrylic paintsand let the colors dry. You can then draw pretty patterns with felt-tip pens and then make the catch cup. Using sharp scissors or another suitable tool, pierce a hole in the bottom of the cup and insert a wooden stick into it. Then secure it additionally with hot glue. Cut a piece of string about 12 cm long and tie it to the bead. Tie the other end to the wooden stick and the game can begin!
Make crafts with yogurt cups
Did you just serve yogurt to the children? Then don't throw the cups away afterwards, because you can also make catch cups with them after you've rinsed them well. This is how it works:
- Yoghurt cup
- a large wooden bead and a small one
- cord
- Wooden stick or skewer
- optional Washi-Tape
This is how you can make the children's game with cups:
In principle, you proceed as with the first variant: First, design the outside according to your ideas. Poke the wooden stick through the bottom of the cup (you can make a small hole with scissors beforehand). Cut a piece of string of any length (30 cm in the example) and tie one end to the large bead. Insert the other end through the prepared hole in the cup, then tie it to the small bead. This way the thread can no longer slip out.
Now poke two holes in the side walls of the cup. These should be opposite each other. Insert a wooden stick through it (it's longer on one side so it can be held in place) and secure it with hot glue. You can also use the staffdesign with washi tape. If you are using a skewer instead of a stick, cut the tip off after inserting it through the cup.
Make a catch cup game with toilet rolls
Toilet rolls are for craftingextremely popular and versatile. So it's no wonder that the material can also be used if you want to make a catch cup. Another great way to recycle and reuse something into awesome things. How to use the reels for the catch cup game:
- toilet paper roll
- Markers, paints, stickers, washi tape or other things to create
- Cord (e.g. wool)
- Perle
Make a fun catch game
If you would like to make these catch cups, first let the children design the roles as they wish. Now cut a longer piece of string and tie one end to the bead. Put the other end through the roll and tie it together. Alternatively, you can punch a hole at an opening with a hole punch and tie the free end of the string there. Either way, the thread should be long enough to be easily caught with the opening of the reel.
Make a catch cup with a table tennis ball
Of course, it's not just beads that are suitable if you want to make catch cups. Ping pong balls are also suitable, as they are not too heavy and can also be relatively easily fitted with a hole. In order to thread the thread through the holes, you will also need a large needle with an eye large enough for the thread to fit through. Poke a hole through the bottom of the cup, thread the thread through this hole, tie a thick knot so that the end of the thread cannot slip through and tie the other end to the ball.
You can design the ball however you like - for example like a basketball (it's best to get orange table tennis balls straight away) or how about a classic football? As you can see, there are no limits to your imagination when you make a catch cup.