Feeding house made from tetra pack: instructions for making your own and nice ideas for imitating

Crafting with milk cartons (or juice cartons) has become a really popular option. Not only because you get a perfect basis for a variety of projects without much effort, but also because you can recycle wonderfully in this way - just like the variant with plastic bottles. After we have already shown you a few projects with milk packs, there is now another idea for winter 2021 with which you will not only have a fun afternoon of crafting, but will also make the many birds happy in the cold winter: feeders made from tetra packs! Whether colorful and particularly child-friendly or something more neutral - you can get really creative and let your imagination run wild when making a bird feeder out of a tetra pack. Here are instructions and ideas:

Tetra pack feeder – instructions for a quick project

It could be quicker and easierMaking a birdhousehardly be. As already mentioned, you can design the milk carton feeding station in any way you like. For example, our first model has a roof made of sticks, which is more for decoration than protection from rain. This is how the feeder is made from tetra pack:

  • Milchtüte
  • Acrylic paints
  • Hot glue
  • Stick or wooden stick
  • cord
  • sharp knife (e.g. cutter or carpet knife); Alternatively, scissors also work

Tetra pack bird feeder instructions

It is important that the tetra pack bird feeder is completely clean and dry before hanging it up later. So first of all, rinse the milk carton. Then think about where you would like the opening of the house to be and cut it out with a sharp knife. Thanks to this opening, you can now clean the inside of the milk carton particularly thoroughly and then let it dry.

Poke a hole through the milk carton below the opening. You then attach the rod there that the birds can sit on. Then you can paint them however you want. It's best to first apply one or two coats of white paint as a base and, once dry, the desired color. Here too, a second layer might be necessary. Once everything is dry, insert the stick/stick into the hole and fix it with hot glue.

Now you can create the roof for the feeder out of tetra pack by sticking sticks to it (of course you should remove the lid first). You can now pierce two holes at the top of the tab to which you can tie the string so that you can hang up the tetra pack birdhouse. Then you can do it with purchased orhomemade bird foodfill.

Tipp: An alternative to the large openings for the Tetrapack feeder is the variant in which only smaller openings are cut into the vertical edges (see the first picture on the right). Of course, you can also place sticks underneath for clawing. This means the food is a little more protected, but still easily accessible for the birds.

Tetra pack bird feeder in the shape of birds

Should several birds be at this feeder at the same time?aus Tetrapackcan eat? Then simply make several openings instead of just one! And that's not all. You can even create a funny character, such as a parrot. Simply glue wiggly eyes into two milk lids and then glue them onto the milk carton. Do not cut out the side openings completely, but instead create two protruding flaps that also act as the wings.

The milk carton is waterproof and does not require any additional protection. For the feather crown and beak, it is best to use foam rubber, felt or another weatherproof material if you make the birdhouse yourself from milk cartons.

Idea for the summer – feeder made from milk cartons with a drinker

If you want to leave the milk carton feeder in the garden in the summer, you can add an additional accessory to it. Make the perches for the tetra pack bird feeder a little longer, glue a shorter one across them to form a cross, and hot glue a lid on top. You can then fill this with water and provide the birds with water on hot days. Remember that both the drinking and feeding areas must be cleaned regularly to avoid the spread of any diseases and germs.

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Colorful tetra pack bird house with crepe paper

If you don't want to let each layer of acrylic paint dry, you can alternatively cover the milk carton with paper. This will be a lot of fun, especially for children. To design the tetra pack bird feeder in this way, you can use normal colored paper that you cut or tear into shreds. Then use glue to stick them to the surfaces until the entire cardboard is covered. This cottage is suitable for a sheltered outdoor area (e.g. covered patio).

Wooden spoons that you can use instead of sticks, sticks and popsicle sticks also make a comfortable landing surface. Instead of gluing rods in place, you can keep them from slipping out in another way: tie a rubber band around the inner end. This also makes cleaning easier later.

Crafting with tetra packs and paper