Make your own autumn garlands – Beautify your home with these DIY ideas!

Would you like to decorate your home for fall with a pretty,homemade decorationdecorate? Today we'll show you some quick and super easy craft ideas for fall garlands that you can make yourself this weekend! Be inspired to craft and beautify your home with this atmospheric autumn hanging decoration!

1. Make your own autumn garland with oranges, leaves and cinnamon sticks

Making a garland is actually not rocket science. For the simplest ideas you simply need a string, a suitable decoration and possibly some glue. We will now show you some ideas made from different materials that you can easily recreate.

For your first DIY project, you should first make some autumn garlands yourself and then tie them to a branch to create a kind of mobile. First collect the necessary materials and then get started:

  • Artificial autumn leaves
  • Wooden beads
  • cord
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Large branch or stick
  • Scissors
  • Dried orange slices

Take the stick and place it on two chairs so that you can easily attach a string to it and hang it up. Tie the string to the stick a few inches apart. The strands can be as long as you want the garland to hang, but leave some room for error.

Start with the first strand and add whatever you like. For example, you can make one strand with beads, oranges and cinnamon sticks and another strand with just leaves. To make threading the pieces easier, you can use a large needle.

When hanging the leaves, oranges or beads on the strands, make sure you always tie a knot to hold them on the string. Tie a knot after each leaf and also tie each orange slice. With the beads it is enough if you just tie a knot at the end of a row of beads. Be sure to tie the end of the strand tightly.

To hang the mobile, tie a long string to both ends of the stick. That's it! Now you can hang the finished autumn decorations on a window, on the wall or above the fireplace.

2. Make atmospheric autumn garlands with fairy lights

In autumn it is often gray and cloudy outside. That's why a little mood lighting indoors can't do any harm! The easiest way to make a lighted garland is with a string of lights. You can simply collect some autumn leaves and stick them to the small LEDs. Another idea with instructions for an LED leaf garland made of felt can be found below.


  • LED fairy lights
  • Red, yellow and orange felt
  • Scissors
  • Sheet template (just draw a sheet on white cardboard)
  • Stickgarn (rot, gelb, orange)
  • Stitch advantage
  • Glue gun

Trace your leaf template onto the felt and cut out 4 leaves in each color. Use matching embroidery floss to create the veins of 2 leaves in each color.

Using the glue gun, glue an embroidered leaf onto a blank sheet. Leave a gap at the top to attach the string lights.

Insert an LED into each leaf and make a few small stitches around it to hold it in place.

And your beautiful autumnal leaf garland is ready, with which you can create an atmospheric autumn decoration for your home in no time. Since there are so many beautiful ways to present this pretty craft project, you may want to consider making several lighted fall garlands yourself.

3. Autumn garland made from natural materials – leaves, twigs and acorns

You don't have to buy expensive materials to make crafts in autumn - nature has everything to offer. Just take a walk in the nearby park and collect fallen leaves, sticks and acorns. You can make many things out of it, such as this beautiful autumn garland! In addition to the natural material, you also need:

  • cord
  • Thin wire
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Wire cutters

The first thing you should do is dry the leaves. Simply use an old book and place them carefully between the pages overnight.

While the leaves are drying, glue the acorn caps onto the fruit cups if necessary, as they often come loose when they fall from the trees. Then make them into bundles of two and hang them on a short string.

Next, tie some of the branches to the string by wrapping them with thin gold wire.

Once the leaves are dry, glue them together in bundles of three and attach them to the string between each branch.

Finally, hang the garland and add the little acorns next to the leaves. With this DIYAutumn garlandyou can decorate the mantel or simply an empty wall.

4. Make a super easy pine cone garland yourself

This pine cone and wooden bead garland is delicate and earthy - perfect for adding a little touch of nature to your home. It's super easy to make and with just a few materials you can make many of these autumn garlands yourself. Everything you need is listed below:

  • some rope or string (preferably brown)
  • Wooden beads
  • Pine cones of similar sizes
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun

To make the autumn garland, first arrange the wooden beads at even intervals. Tie a knot on each side of the beads to secure them in place. Once all the beads are in place, attach the pinecones to the string with small dabs of hot glue. And the homemade garland with a natural look is ready! You can customize the design however you like by painting the pine cones or using different types of beads. You can space the beads apart or string them closer together - it's entirely up to you!

5. Make a glittering leaf garland for fall

You can do a lot of crafts with autumn leaves. From wreaths to funny pictures to beautiful lanterns - theDIY ideas with colorful autumn leavesare diverse. If you are looking for a simple but beautiful autumn decoration to make yourself, you simply cannot go wrong with some autumn garlands made of leaves. And the best thing is that this DIY idea is super cheap! Decorate the autumn leaves with some glitter to give the decoration a special touch. What you need:

  • Autumn leaves and berries
  • Clear acrylic sealer
  • Thin paint brushes
  • Metallic color
  • Glitter
  • Twine, jute or ribbon

Go outside and collect some beautiful fall leaves. In the example, green, yellow and red leaves were used and a few bright red berries were added as an accent. In a well-ventilated room, or ideally outdoors, spray each of your leaves with clear acrylic varnish.

Once the leaves are dry, use a thin brush to coat the edges of one leaf with a thick layer of gold paint. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle glitter over the leaf and let it dry. Repeat the process with all sheets.

After drying, tie the leaves and berries together with jute or thin twine. Hang the homemade leaf garland on the wall to put the apartment in an autumnal mood.

6. Make your own fall garlands with pumpkins

And what is an autumn decoration withouta few pumpkins? The autumnal fruit vegetables not only belong on the table, but also cut a really good figure as decoration. However, the pumpkins used for the next two craft ideas are not edible and are only used for decorative purposes. The first DIY project uses plastic pumpkins to make a pretty fall garland for the mantel. All you need to craft is:

  • Artificial mini pumpkins
  • Gold spray paint
  • Brown acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • Small eye hooks
  • Scissors
  • Baker's twine
  • Electric drill with matching drill (optional)

First, attach the eye hooks to the pumpkins. The drill is the easiest method - simply drill a small pilot hole in the stem at a right angle to the pumpkin and then screw the eye hook into it. You can also screw it in without the pre-drilled hole, it will just take a little longer.

Then take the pumpkins outside and spray paint them gold. Apply two thin coats and allow the paint to dry thoroughly.

Now use some brown acrylic paint to paint the stems of the pumpkins. While the stems are drying, measure the width of your chimney and add a foot. This is how long the cord has to be. Then divide the length by the number of pumpkins plus one to determine the distance between pumpkins. All that remains is to tie the decorative pumpkins to the string and the DIY garland for autumn is ready!

The metallic finish gives the pumpkins such a sophisticated fall touch. This is also a great example of how easy it can be to update decorations from years past. Color can do wonders and breathe new life into outdated seasonal decor.

7. DIY fall pumpkin garlands made from yarn

You can also make cute pumpkins yourself from yarn and then use them to make hanging decorations for the wall or window. With a garland like this, your autumn decorations look even more beautiful and cozy. What you need:

  • Yarn of any color
  • Pipe cleaners for the pumpkin stems
  • cord
  • Scissors

And this is how the garland is made:

Start by wrapping the yarn around your hand. Remember: the more yarn you use, the bigger and fuller the pumpkin will be.

Then cut a piece of the yarn (about 20 cm) and lay it flat. Gently slide the ball of yarn from your hand and place it directly on top of the cut piece of yarn, as shown above. Tie the cut piece of yarn tightly around the ball. This is how the pumpkin shape is created!

Cut the pipe cleaner in half and slip one half under the knot you made in the previous step.

Now the string comes into play. The pumpkins are attached to this to hang them up. Place the string between the two sides of the pipe cleaner as shown above. You start twisting the pipe cleaner together - this way it will hold the string in place and look like a stem. If desired, you can also curl it a little at the top.

Then repeat this process until you have the desired number of pumpkins and the fall garland is long enough to hang. You can vary the colors of the pumpkins as desired to match the garland with the rest of your fall decor.

Looking for more craft ideas for a pumpkin garland? Then try it toousing the paper folding technique origami!

8. Easy Fall DIY: Glittery Feather Garland (+ Template)

For a modern fall decoration, you can also make this beautiful glittering garland out of feathers. All you need is the feather template found below, white cardstock, glue, some glitter and string. You simply cut several feathers out of cardboard, apply some glue to the bottom half, and sprinkle glitter on top. Once the glue has dried, poke a small hole in each feather and thread them onto a string. Such autumn garlands are super easy to make, but look very elegant and sophisticated.