Make crocuses with pistachios, paper or toilet paper rolls: simple craft ideas for spring

Some of you are probably already in the spring mood despite the still quite cold temperatures and cloudy days. Eventually, one or two snowdrops will be found and it won't be long before you'll see all the colorful flowers of the early bloomers. Until then, you can create a colorful spring atmosphere in your home by making crocuses, for example. Whether alone or with the children, at school or in kindergarten – our craft ideas are suitable for everyone.

Make your own flowers from pistachio shells

Isn't that a really cool idea! The pistachio shells you collected while snacking are the perfect petals.

  • Pistachio shells
  • Acrylic paints
  • liquid glue
  • Blumendraht
  • Paper tape
  • Crepe paper
  • Mug or mini pot
  • Floral foam

Simply paint them with acrylic paints in typical crocus flower colors and let them dry. You need 6 pieces per flower. Then glue three of them together at their tips. You can use a spray bottle or similar object to make this row of petals a little more upright. Wait until the liquid glue has dried slightly and then place the flowers over the selected object. Gently press the petals down. Now you can easily glue the other three petals around it.

Also interesting:Make tulips: pipe cleaners, pistachios, toilet rolls etc.

While the glue dries, prepare the stem. Bend a piece of floral wire in half and wrap it with tape. Color one end orange for the stamens. If you want, you can paint two more pieces of wire and attach them to the stem for more stamens. Then push the stem through the flower from below so that the stamens are visible in the flower and glue it in place. Support the stem until the glue dries.

Paint about half of the stem the color of the flowers and then glue thin strips of green crepe paper to the bottom for the leaves. If you want, you can also make buds and add them to your bouquet. Fill any container with floral foam and insert the flowers into it.

See more ideas for pistachio shell flowersin this article.

Making crocuses in kindergarten

A particularly simple craft idea for crocuses that you can also do with kindergarten children is to use strips of paper to make flowers. You can use the typical crocus colors purple, yellow/orange and white here and also combine them with each other, because after all there are also purple crocuses with white accents. Fold the strips of equal length in half and glue the ends together (older children can also use a stapler).

You need four such petals per flower, which you then staple or glue together. You can decide for yourself how you proceed. You can make stems and leaves for the flowers using green colored construction paper or simply stick the flowers onto a surface (for example a card for Women's Day) and simply paint or draw the flower stems and leaves.

Make your own spring flowers with toilet rolls

Crocuses can be made in a similar way using toilet paper rolls. Simply cut these into rings and fold them into an oval shape. If you want larger flowers, you can also cut the rings open and glue two together per petal.

If you want to make early bloomers out of paper, you canin this articlefind nice instructions.