This is how you can make a Santa sack from different materials – ideas & instructions

Cleaning the boots and then filling them with sweets and gifts from Santa is really a nice tradition that not only makes the children happy. But especially when the children are still very small and so are the boots, not many things actually fit in them. Adults, on the other hand, forego the boots and give each other presents simply like that or on a Santa plate. But that's pretty boring, don't you think? How about making a Santa sack instead and wrapping the presents in it?

A Santa bag is a great alternativetraditional Santa Claus boots, because it is still in connection with the saint, is nice to look at and a little more generous in its volume. It is also great for adults to wrap gifts in an original and festive way. But how can you make a Santa sack? There are various options, some of which we would like to introduce to you.

Make a Santa sack – The classic Santa sack made of jute

A bag made of linen or jute looks particularly authentic, as it is a constant companionSaint Nicholas. For this reason, we would like to start with instructions that will help you make just such a Santa sack. You'll be amazed at how easy it is!

  • Burlap
  • sewing machine
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • The stick needle
  • optional: stencils, a piece of cardboard that fits in the bag and acrylic paints

Cut two equal pieces out of the burlap and place them on top of each other. Then use the pins to pin the two long sides and one of the short sides together. You then sew these together and it's so easy to do it yourselfSewing beginners can do it easily. If you want, you can also add a hem to the top edge. Turn the finished bag inside out so that the seam is on the inside and your bag is ready.

Of course, you can also design the bag individually with color. Whether you paint something freehand or use a stencil is up to you. Simply place the cardboard inside the bag (this will protect the back from the paint while you design the front), place the stencil on the front and trace the design onto the fabric using any color. Once the paint is dry you canfill with different things.

Idea of ​​two colors

You can also combine two colors of burlap, like in this example. To do this, first sew the two halves together in the two colors, repeat this with the other piece and sew the resulting front and back sides together as in the instructions above. We also think the idea of ​​adding a bell to the ribbon to tie it is very nice.

Made of felt

Because it's so easywork with feltand at the same time it is a very beautiful material to look at, it is extremely popular as a craft material. It's no wonder that we would also like to recommend it to you if you want to make a Santa bag. You can make a Santa sack out of felt in a few different ways. It is best to use softer felt.

Felt bagssew

One variant is to sew the felt as in the instructions for the jute bag and then turn it inside out. A visible seam also looks very nice on felt. So if you can sew straight, you can choose a colored, decorative or normal seam, sew all sides together and then use the bag without turning it inside out. Just try out which variant for thispractical Christmas decorationsyou like best.

Without sewing

A great advantage of felt is that it can also be easily glued together. So if you are looking for instructions that will help you make a Santa sack without sewing, felt is particularly suitable. Where the seam would go, simply apply hot glue to the inside and glue both pieces together. You already have a bag for Santa Claus gifts.

Decorate with felt motifs

You can also cut out beautiful motifs from felt and then glue them onto the bag as desiredsew as decorationand make it even more interesting and beautiful.

Santa sack made of fabric without sewing

If you would rather use beautiful Christmas fabric instead of felt but would like to save yourself the trouble of sewing, then simply use glue. Since the bag won't be carried around later and doesn't have to permanently withstand heavy weight, this isn't a problem. In the example above, the fabric was cut out with zigzag scissors, which adds even more interest to the finished bag and prevents the fabric from fraying.

Cut out two pieces of fabric of the same size or one long piece twice the length of the eventual total height. For example, if you want the bag to be 30 cm high, cut out a 60 cm long piece of fabric. Then fold it in half and glue the two layers together on both sides. The bottom is already closed thanks to the fold. You can then decorate the fabric with felt or other decorations.

Jute bags with Christmas trees as motifs

Make Santa bags out of burlap