Origami for Christmas – 9 poinsettia folding instructions

Making decorations out of paper is always a good idea and is also environmentally friendly. However, the Christmas tree would definitely look better without cheap plastic Christmas decorations hanging on it. The best thing to do is to make your own jewelry. Old heirlooms made of crystal or small carved wooden figures contain nice stories from the past and remind us of the right reason for celebrating - the family. Plan a day where you and your family can make great Christmas decorations yourself and try folding a decorative origami star for Christmas from the excess wrapping paper. It will certainly be fun and a cool idea to renew your Christmas decorations.

The holidays around Christmas are usually spent at home with family and loved ones. A wonderful collaborative activity for young and old would be to fold beautiful paper poinsettias yourself. We'll show you how this is possible with our five simple folding instructions and other craft ideas. Choose suitable paper and be patient when folding.

Stars are without question a popular motif at Christmas. So try making one out of colorful paper. Make your first attempt with plain white copy paper. If the result is successful, you can try the whole thing with paper.

*a DIY project byDelia Creates

You will also find some more complicated ideas under our folding instructions. Start with a low level of difficulty that is easy to follow with a few tools. At the end of the photo series we present two helpful video instructions that will be useful to you.

*a project by Hoytrykk

*a DIY project byExtreme Papercrafting

*a DIY project byElviras Drops

You can find more interesting craft ideas here:

Make Christmas decorations out of paper – 10 beautiful DIY ideas for the Christmas season
Make your own Christmas wreath – 4 simple ideas for DIY Christmas decorations
Make Christmas decorations out of cardboard rolls: 7 charming DIY projects for Christmas decorations
Making Christmas decorations – 10 DIY projects from simple materials
Making Christmas cards – 10 simple ideas for beginners and children