Making winter decorations with children: 22 great ideas for a good mood

Now that the weather is no longer too pleasant for walks, it is appropriate to find a new activity for the children to entertain themselves. And what could be better than fun craft afternoons? We have put together great ideas for making winter decorations with children to get into the winter mood. Take a look at the examples and try out one of the ideas with your children. Of course, you are also welcome to let your child choose.

This idea is extremely easy to implement, but definitely requires the help of parents, as the decorations are melted in the oven. You will need ironing beads, baking paper and cookie cutters with Christmas or winter characters. Place these shapes on a baking tray lined with baking paper and fill with the beads. Which colors you choose depends entirely on your children's taste.

The tray is then placed in the preheated oven and heated at maximum temperature for about 10 minutes until the beads have melted. Check the figures periodically. Once the pendants have cooled down, you can hang them up and, why not, start with the next idea.

Take a piece of colored paper or paint a canvas. Using glue or another adhesive, stick the string in the shape of a Christmas tree or other figure. Then add glue to the lower part of the tree and then pour plenty of colorful buttons, sequins and/or beads on top. Fill the figure piece by piece, as the glue could dry quickly and the decoration would not stick quickly enough.

Children can make lots of great things with buttons that are also easy. A great example of this is this wreath. Simply thread the buttons onto a string, then tie the ends together and decorate with a bow.

Take a mason jar and stick any winter figure into it. Then fill the glass with some glitter and water. Then add some glycerin. This causes the glitter to float more slowly. Yours is readyhomemade craft idea for the winter.

You need wood, felt and other decorative elements. Paint the upper part of the woods intended for the faces. Add glue or glue to the rest and wrap the wood with felt to create the coats. For the rest of the decoration you can choose the materials yourself. You're done!

If you thought of storing the popsicle sticks in the summer, paint them white and glue them together to create the shape of a snowflake. Glue white, matt and glittering buttons onto the figure. The color light blue is also very suitable for this idea.

Your little ones are guaranteed to like this idea too. You just fill socks with rice, then form two balls for the body and add faces, buttons and a hat. The cute figures are ready.

Ice skates as Christmas tree decorations or as pendants for the winter bouquet are a great idea. They are made from felt and paper clip and as you can see they are really easy to make. A really simple idea for children.

It's best to use plastic balls for this idea to avoid breaking glass if one of the balls falls. A variety of techniques are suitable for decorating: fingerprints, gluing materials such as felt, cotton wool or other textiles, painting with felt-tip pens or watercolors and whatever else comes to mind. The same applies to the motifs.

As mentioned above, fingerprints can be used wonderfully to create images. How about this idea? Your little ones can get really dirty without getting in trouble for it.

Air-drying clay is practical and convenient when it comes to crafting with children. On the one hand, it doesn't make a lot of mess and on the other hand, it can be shaped into any shape you like. It sets on its own without baking necessary. Why not try this snowman?

A wide variety of figures can also be made with salt dough. The cookie cutters can also help you with this. Or you can make it easier for yourself with the idea above and use handprints that you then paint. You can find out how to make salt dough at the end of the article.

A recipe for salt doughcan be found here.

Create a Santa Claus with paper. For the beard, use cotton wool and paper tape. Felt or other materials are also suitable for making various pictures.

This fun idea will get you in the mood for ice skating straight away. All you need is cotton wool, paper and watercolors.

Make a wreath out of gloves cut out of colorful paper. You can also use wrapping paper for this. If it has Christmas colors and motifs, the effect will be even better. Glue the gloves onto a cardboard ring.

You can also create a very effective landscape by using artificial snow and various figures. The idea is a little more complicated for children, so your help is essential. But the result is really great, don't you think?

The next DIY project is really great, but small children will certainly need some support here. Needles will soon be hammered into a wooden board and a certain shape will be rewritten. A jute cord is threaded through the needle to create a beautiful geometric structure. The board can be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf. Due to the selection of natural materials and neutral colors, this homemade winter decoration fits wonderfully into any ambience and living style. Depending on the motif, the decorative board will find a beautiful presence in the living room above the fireplace as well as in the children's room or in the hallway.

To create a greater contrast between the materials, we recommend designing the board in black, dark gray or anthracite from the outset. Acrylic and wall paints can be used for this, depending on what you have on hand. To strengthen the effect, you can use the needles in white. In the meantime, you and your child can think about the actual design of the shape. Winter motifs are of course very popular at the moment: stars, snowflakes, deer, Christmas trees and others. Above all, take into account that you represent the respective shape geometrically afterwards and it should still be recognizable. There are certainly numerous variants on the Internet that you can use as a template or you can create one yourself. The template should logically correspond to the size of the board.

From several points of view, winter wall decorations made of paper are always the best solution if you want to decorate a room festively. Paper is easy to transport, attach to the wall and then dispose of later. You can make many things yourself without special tools. The materials are easily accessible and can be found at any craft store or office supply store. In the example in the photo above, holly leaves with red berries made of paper are shown as a pretty wall decoration. Green craft cardboard is used for the Ilex leaves, which is cut into the desired shape using a template. We'll reveal a little trick - make a cut along the cardboard sheet as long as about a third of the entire length, bend it slightly and secure it on the lower side with adhesive tape. This way you can achieve this 3D effect, as in the example. Honeycomb balls are used here for the red berries.

Decorating a Christmas ball made of clear glass is a wonderful way to add something new to the Christmas tree decorations every year. Such transparent glass balls can be found in every craft store and are available in different sizes. They can be designed however you like or filled with something. Here we present a very nice idea for a message in a glass ball instead of a bottle that you can read next year. It is definitely exciting when the children in the family take over the writing.