What could you make for carnival with children? How about those clowns and masks?

The colorful time is approaching - carnival is next month and for some people the first preparations are already underway. The costume needs to be well planned, but so does the makeup and snacks if you have a party planned. With the little ones you can get in the mood with one or two afternoon crafts. What could you make with children for carnival? Do you need a few more ideas?


In principle: the more colorful, the better. Clowns, masks and garlands are particularly popular motifs and craft ideas and we have put together a few of them for you.

Colorful hair for the clown with toilet rolls


You can use toilet paper rolls as stamps and give a clown colorful curls. You need a template with a clown motif or you can simply quickly draw a funny friend yourself on a piece of paper.

  • Pour liquid paint onto a surface (palette, piece of cardboard, small bowl).
  • Take toilet roll and dip the edge into the colors alternately (you can also prepare a separate roll for each color).
  • Press the colored roller above the clown's head to create the first curl.
  • Tip: You can also squeeze some of the toilet paper rolls a little to create an oval shape and create different curl shapes.

Also read:Make a hat for the clown: accessories for the costume

Glue scraps of paper or circles


Another variant would be any carnival motifwith scraps of paperto stick. You can cut or tear these into different shapes or use a punch. For example, make a clown's clothes colorful or balloons.

Templates for clowns, balloons and hats

Make carnival masks from handprints


Do you want cool andMake simple carnival masks, you can use this guide:

  • Fold a piece of paper of any color in half and place one hand on it with your arm facing away from the direction of the fold.
  • Trace the outline of the hand.
  • Cut out the handprint, leaving the area of ​​the foldnotcut through.
  • If you now open the paper, you will get two mirror-inverted hands.
  • In the middle of one palm, draw a circle for the peephole.
  • Fold the paper again and cut out the circle using a cutter on a suitable surface. To do this, cut through both layers of paper so that you get equal holes in both palms at the same time.
  • Let the children design the carnival mask however they want. Use markers, crayons, acrylic or watercolors, glue and glitter or confetti, or whatever else you can think of and have available.

Make clowns for carnival with children using paper cups

Take onesimple paper cupsand design it thematically. This would be a great idea for a carnival theme in kindergarten, for example. You can put various elements such as paper triangles or circles, stickers, googly eyes, bows, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, etc. in bowls and let the children get creative and take what they need for their mug.


Funny cards as craft ideas for carnival with strips of paper

You can also remove the hair from oneMake a carnival garland. The popular streamers are perfect because they are already shaped like curls and can be cut to any length.

  • Print the templateor draw your own clown face on paper.
  • Cut a card out of black or another colored paper and glue the clown's face onto it.
  • Cut strips of paper. You can also use ready-made ones for quilling or the air quills already mentioned.
  • If you used normal paper, you can now curl it by wrapping the strip around a pen. You can also use a glue stick to make the curls bigger.
  • Glue the curls onto the templates where the hair is.

If you have planned a carnival party, you can use these cards for the invitations. But these pictures are also ideal if you are doing carnival crafts in elementary school or daycare.

Owl carnival mask made from a paper plate


Strictly speaking, all you need ishalf a plate, so you can make two masks out of one. The owl face is just an example and can be changed as desired. Just let your child be creative.

  • Paper plates of any color
  • colored paper
  • Decorations such as glitter, confetti, etc
  • Paper straw
  • scissors, glue

Making funny masks for carnival with children – this is how it works:

  • Cut the plate in half and cut out eyes.
  • Design the mask however you like. For the leaves in the example, you only need oval shapes that you cut into the sides. But you can also come up with other motifs or use real/artificial, dyed feathers.
  • To make a beak, take a piece of cardboard and fold it. Cut out a triangle with the fold being one of the two long sides of the triangle.
  • If you are happy with the design of the mask, just attach the paper straw to one side so that you can hold the mask in front of your face. A wooden stick or pipe cleaner is also suitable.

Magic wands for the fairy costume


No matter whether your child will dress up as a fairy and have oneMagic wand as accessoriesneeded or it should just be for playing, the craft project will be great fun and will still be useful afterwards.

  • Construction paper
  • Adhesive film (adhesive on one side)
  • Glitter, buttons, beads, decorative sand or other decorations
  • Glue
  • Eisstiel

This is how it's done:

  • Cut out stars. You can toouse our template.
  • Transfer the stars to the desired construction paper and cut them out again. Two pieces are required per wand.
  • Glue on a star and cut off the excess on the sides.
  • Now scatter the selected decorations onto the adhesive surface inside the star.
  • When you're done, stick another piece of tape (sticky side down) onto the star and cut off the excess again.
  • Using glue, attach the popsicle stick to make a magic wand. You can also design this beforehand if you want.

Also interesting:Make a fairy wand: Magical DIY ideas with cardboard and natural materials


Tipp:If you want to make a window decoration for carnival, you can also choose the stars. Simply leave out the popsicle sticks and either tape them to the window or tie string around themto hang in front of the window. Since this carnival decoration is transparent, the light can shine through perfectly and highlight the decorative elements.

Also read:Making masks with children: instructions for carnival