Decorate the outdoor area for Halloween 2021: 20 of the best decoration ideas to imitate

October has already arrived and for all Halloween fans this means only one thing - the spookiest night of the year is getting closer and closer! No matter if you have the party with youcelebrate at homeor simply want to give your house and garden a spooky factor, appropriate decoration is essential in addition to the costume. Since every detail can be important to scare your guests on October 31st, you shouldn't wait until the last moment to do everything. In the article you will find many great Halloween decoration ideas for outside that you can do yourself without much effort. Get inspired and make the first preparations for Halloween 2021!

On Halloween, a suitable outdoor decoration should not be missing!

A haunted house can be easily identified by spooky outdoor decorations, especially in the front yard and entrance. It sets the tone for everything that awaits the intrepid who dare to enter the house.

We're sure you want to be as unique as possible, especially if your neighbors are already thinking about how to arrange the best Halloween decorations. The ideas for spooky Halloween decorations are almost endless, but how can you stay original? That's quite simple. You just need to add a little imagination. So use our collection of ideas to get inspired and think about how you can expand or even improve these ideas.

Decorate the house entrance for Halloween 2021

On Halloween, even the slightest touch of fantasy can turn the decorations into a real nightmare. It mostly depends on how you play with the decoration. Outside, guests get their first impression of what awaits them inside. In this regard, outdoor decoration is just as important as indoor decoration. Additionally, the outdoor decorations are a great way to scare the candy collectors when they come hunting for candy.

If candy hunting is very popular in your neighborhood, you should definitely decorate the entrance area in front of the front door to match. This also applies to those hosting a Halloween party at home. Welcome your guests with a spooky Halloween decoration to put them in the right mood right at the entrance. A few cool ideas follow.

The Halloween door wreath – a spooky greeting for candy collectors and guests

What would a Halloween decoration be without an element for the front door? So on October 31st you can have yoursbeautiful autumn wreathReplace with a spooky door decoration! For example, what do you think of an all black snake wreath that looks like the snakes are biting you? Or a door wreath with a skull and a cheeky message that will test your courage?

If you find the door wreath too boring, you can also try the following idea: You put a bowl full of sweets in front of the door, but hang a scary monster hand over it. This will make the candy collectors think twice before picking something up from the bowl. For more cool ideas on how to decorate your front door for Halloween, check outin this article.

An arch of spooky pumpkins in front of the front door

Another option would be to decorate the area in front of the front door in a spooky way. For example, you can use several pumpkins made of foam or plastic to create a large arch for the entrance to the house. To do this, the carved pumpkins are stacked on top of each other and secured with glue and wire. You can also make a structure yourself out of PVC pipes, for example, to make the arch more stable. To add an accent to this decorative arch in the evening, you can illuminate the pumpkins from the inside with LED lights.

If you don't want to make your Halloween decorations scary for one reason or another, you can do this tooRainbow Halloween Pumpkin Bow Instructionsview.

Make Halloween decorations for outside cheaply yourself

A good Halloween decoration doesn't necessarily have to cost a fortune. If you are planning the Halloween party or looking for ideas for decorating outside, don't worry because you don't have to spend too much money to impress your guests and visitors. Simple solutions are often the best. You can make really cool things from cheap materials like paper and natural materials that look anything but cheap. For example, take some fallen twigs and branches, arrange them around the front door or anywhere else in the garden and decorate them with paper bats, yarn spider webs or fabric ghosts. This way you get an effective decoration that costs almost nothing.

If you are hosting the Halloween celebration outdoors for safety reasons, appropriate outdoor decorations are a must. The following ideas are just a small part of the options for a garden to celebrate and spook at Halloween 2021.

Go for the classic

The classic Halloween decorations and symbols will always be on trend. So it's not necessarily necessary to implement new ideas every year. In this regard, you certainly can't go wrong with some carved pumpkins for outdoor decoration.

Spooky garden decoration for Halloween 2021

Other elements such as witches, zombies and ghosts are also part of the classic Halloween decoration. For example, if you want to create an eerie atmosphere in the garden or front yard, a ghost decoration is certainly a good idea.

Ghostly apparition in the lawn

If there is an open lawn in the front yard, you can scare the neighbors and passers-by with spooky ghostly apparitions. These may look harmless in daylight, but after dark and with the right lighting, they are sure to inspire fear. And the best thing about this decoration idea is that it's not difficult to imitate. You will need, among other things, chicken wire, white spray paint andthis guide.

As an alternative to wire, you can also use stretch film

The witches brewing a potion

Witches are not just onepopular choice for Halloween costumes, but can also be a great idea for outdoor decoration. For example, with empty detergent bottles, green spray paint, some sticks and black fabric, you can make believable witches like the one in the picture above who brew a poisonous potion in your garden.

Simple garden decoration to imitate - excavated skeleton parts

If you have a wheelbarrow available, you can also incorporate it into your outdoor Halloween decorations. Fill the wheelbarrow with sand, soil or autumn leaves and buy a cheap skeleton from the 1 euro shop. Use only the legs, arms and head of it to give the appearance that the rest is still buried in the sand.

Outdoor decoration with spiders for Halloween 2021

Spiders everywhere are another element that perfectly completes the outdoor decorations for Halloween. Not only do they fit in with the overall picture, but they increase the spook factor and are a real nightmare for those who are afraid of them. The possible variants for an outdoor Halloween decoration with spiders are quite diverse. For example, you can attach spider webs made of thin white fabric,Make giant spiders, hang garlands of several tiny spiders around the front door or put the eight-legged creatures in bags that could burst open at any time and release millions of spiders. Just let your creativity run wild!

Halloween decoration with the Guardians of the Night

Owls and crows are also Halloween symbols because they are very mysterious. At first glance they may seem like too simple a decoration, but not at night when only their shadow can be seen in the dark.

An owl with glowing eyes in the garden can be frightening in the evening

Ideas for outdoor Halloween decorations with lighting

For a successful Halloween decoration, you should play with the lights. When night falls, even the best decorations are obscured by darkness. That's why you need to think about artificial lighting to showcase the decorations. After all, Halloween is about a night of spooky. Try to highlight the best elements of the decoration, but use as little light as possible so as not to lose the spooky factor.

For decorations in front of the front door, you can, for example, use fairy lights as lighting. Battery-operated LEDs, on the other hand, are a good option for the garden. Candles are also great for Halloween, but caution is advised when using them. So always use lanterns and lanterns to avoid the risk of fire.

Halloween party lighting

At a Halloween party in the garden, the right lighting is a must. Ideally, this should be subtle and possibly accentuate individual decorative elements. For example, you can decorate lanterns appropriately or make entire fairy lights out of scary faces.

DIY glowing decoration

Atmospheric garden lights for Halloween can also be made from inexpensive materials such as old detergent bottles. To do this, remove all stickers from the bottles (they must be white) and paint funny or scary faces on them. Cut out an opening in the back and insert string lights into it. You can, for example, place the bright decoration on the wall of the house or use it as a signpost to the festivities in the garden.