45 Halloween costume and makeup ideas inspired by celebrities

Celebrities often aim to provoke the public through their behavior and clothing. Their performances often resemble spooky Halloween parties and there are long discussions about what message they want to convey with the help of art. Many act as if they had sold their souls to the devil. We really hope that this scary outfit is just part of the image that many artists want to build. We have compiled a lot of stars with eccentric tastes in this article and let us be inspired by their creativity for effective Halloween costumes and make-up. Join us!

The South African rap-rave band “The Antwoord” have a distinctive styling in every performance or video. Ninja – the man, Yo Landy – the woman, often appeared creepy and out of this world. It is definitely related to their works and music. In their lyrics they often mix statements about social criticism and satire and sing in a special dialect - Afrikaans, Xhosa and English. Other celebrities also take part in her latest video, such as model Cara Delevingne.

Lady Gaga is truly a monster on stage. The pop singer is known for her willingness to experiment. But it doesn't really surprise us anymore. Eccentric corsages, dresses made of real flesh, “clothes” covered in blood, unusual designer pieces – Gaga’s style is a real eye-catcher everywhere. Many people are still excited about the idea of ​​dressing up as Lady Gaga for Halloween.

Marilyn Manson is one of the stars who always shocks with their outfit! But his style and make-up are distinctive and can be further interpreted on Halloween.

The brightly made-up, extravagant singer is known for her love of the color pink and her crazy outfits. The rapper is often dressed in bright neon colors, wears multi-colored wigs and is never boring.

Karl Lagerfeld is one of the designers who set the tone when it comes to world fashion. His outfit is not complicated to imitate.

Sometimes she wore a tight, rather transparent bodysuit, sometimes leather boots and a leather jacket. The musical icon still impresses today with her openness on stage.

LMFAO's clothing style might be the best disguise for you at the Halloween party! The eclectic mix of animal prints, stripes, neck jewelry and fashionable sneakers is sure to captivate everyone's attention!

Tom Leppard is still known as “Leopard Man”. The 78-year-old's skin is covered in leopard print.

The zombie boy from Montreal, known for his participation in Lady Gaga's “Born This Way” video, has tattoos depicting the human skeleton.

The fearsome lizard-man with a forked tongue has had his entire body pierced.

Brazilian-born Elaine Davidson had her entire face and large body parts pierced by a piercer. In total she has 6,925 piercings, many tattoos, brightly colored hair and long ears with drilled holes. One can only imagine what her face actually looks like behind all this jewelry.

Compared to Elaine, his 241 pieces are relatively less, but really enough, we think.

His body is completely covered in tattoos. For him, tattoos can be compared to drugs - they actually led to an addiction.

In this case, one doubts whether Dennis is actually addicted to tattoos or addicted to cats. The eccentric man had his body tattooed with tiger stripes and even had whiskers implanted.