Make beautiful autumn decorations for indoors yourself: 10 ideas for crafting

Painted pumpkins, garlands made of autumn leaves and vases decorated with acorns: beautiful autumn decorations create a cozy atmosphere on cold and dreary days. We show you 10Decoration ideasfor indoors, which are great for crafting.

Beautiful autumn decorations for indoors: embellish candles with corn leaves and feathers

Do you have white candles in a glass? Then you canthese with feathersand corn leaves embellish. Allow the corn leaves to dry in a well-ventilated, low-humidity room. Then you can wrap the glasses with it. Use straws or twine to tie bird feathers to them.

Beautiful autumn decoration for the wall: make a “sun” out of wheat stalks

For this craft idea you need the following materials:

  • a wooden plate
  • Bindfad
  • Weizenhalme
  • a bowl
  • a pencil
  • a saw
  • a drill
  • Hot glue
  1. First draw a semicircle on the wooden board and cut it out.
  2. Draw the radius three times and glue the first three wheat stalks.
  3. Attach the other wheat stalks too. Turn the finished “sun” over so that the glued areas are not visible.
  4. Drill two holes and hang the beautiful autumn decorations.

Wall decoration made of autumn leaves as autumn decoration in the hallway

Welcome your guests with onebeautiful autumn decorations welcome. Below we will explain to you how you can make a wall decoration yourself out of autumn leaves. You will need autumn leaves, spray paint in bronze, silver and copper and double-sided tape. Choose a shady and well-ventilated room, line the floor with newspaper and let the autumn leaves dry there overnight. The next day you can spray them outside with the color sprays. After the paint dries, tape a strip of scotch tape to the back of each fall leaf and attach them to the wall.

Make acorns out of plastic eggs

If you have plastic eggs left over from the last Easter holidays, you can use them for your next craft idea. First, spray them with paint spray and let the paint dry. Then cut twine and wrap it around the plastic egg. Secure the ends of the twine with hot glue. Glue a small branch as a “stem” and the acorns are ready.

Arrange the acorns in large baskets or bowls and the fall decoration for the dining or coffee table is ready.

Beautiful autumn decorations for indoors: painting candles

White pillar candles can be painted any way you like. Acrylic paints are particularly suitable for this purpose because they have high opacity. To ensure that the paint adheres well, you should first apply a layer of candle painting medium. You can also find numerous candle crayons in craft shops.

Simple motifs can be created with a flat brush; for complicated patterns you can use ready-made stencils. The Edding pens are perfect for fine lines. If you only want to paint half of the candle, you can cover it with paper tape.

Make a garland out of yarn

Tassels, pompoms, wooden beads and feathers make the next autumn garland so attractive. The color scheme in particular points to the coming autumn. Teal blue and gray create the perfect background for bronze and gold. White feathers brighten the arrangement.

For optimal effect, you can hang the individual decorative elements on a branch at different heights. Driftwood looks particularly beautiful and brings a touch of summer to the autumn decoration.

Modern autumn decoration with painted pumpkins

A beautiful autumn decoration does not necessarily have to stand out with a strong color palette. The next decorative elements are subtle and reserved. If you want to paint pumpkins, then you can choose the “Baby Boo” variety. These small decorative pumpkins are bright white, so they fit particularly harmoniously into purist interiors and country house style furnishings. They are also easy to paint.

Alternatively, you can first paint the decorative pumpkin white, let it dry and then decorate it as desired with patterns, stickers or washi tape. The pumpkin stems can also be colored with bronze spray.

Painting autumn leaves

Pictures give the room character. It doesn't necessarily have to be complicated motifs. Several autumn leaves on a white background are enough to spice up the bare wall. The good news: You don't necessarily have to have any artistic talent to conjure up an effective image. You can download and print a template, then trace it onto white paper and trace the outline with a pencil.

Paint the autumn leaves any way you like. It looks very effective when you create color gradients. When choosing colors, let nature inspire you. You can skilfully mix yellow, green, red and orange with pink undertones to conjure up an effective image.

Beautiful autumn decorations for indoors: decorate the vase with acorns

Do you have a simple glass vase? Then spice them up with acorns. For the next craft idea you will still need paint spray, hot glue and acorns. First, paint the acorns a pink shade and let them dry. You can use a flat brush for this purpose, as this allows the paint to be applied particularly evenly.

Then glue the acorns to the vase. If desired, you can first paint the vase a metallic color or spray it with paint.

Autumn decoration with vintage jam jars

Do you have vintage jam jars that you can no longer use but don't want to throw away? Then you can spray paint them and turn them into vases. Display seasonal cut flowers, fall leaves, berry branches and even dried flowers.

Autumnal arrangement with pumpkins under a glass cover

Make a beautiful autumn decoration with small decorative pumpkins that you place under a glass hood. It looks particularly beautiful if you paint the pumpkins in several shades of blue and green and stack them on top of each other. The color palette brings a touch of romance from bygone times into your own four walls.

Beautiful autumn decorations with natural materials

Fire red, orange and pink: the autumn season starts with a riot of color. After a long walk in the forest, you are guaranteed to find ingredients for a beautiful autumn bouquet. Maple branches, oak leaves and wild berries are so pretty that they are best displayed on their own, without any additional decorations. The arrangement can decorate the windowsill, coffee table or mantel.

Make an autumn lantern

A lantern provides coziness and has an unmistakable charm. In stores you can find a wide range of different models. But homemade things have a decisive advantage: they cost less and give the interior character. Below we will explain to you how you can make a lantern yourself out of tracing paper and autumn leaves.

Fold a piece of paper in half and insert autumn leaves into it. Then glue the ends together. Continue until you have decorated a total of four pages with autumn leaves, flowers and grasses. Then stick the four sides together with washi tape to create a cube. Place an LED candle in the center of the cube. Only use LED candles because tracing paper is flammable.

A beautiful autumn decoration creates a cozy ambience. Homemade lanterns and lovingly decorated lanterns ensure more comfort at the dining table. The mantel and window sill can be stylishly decorated with colorful arrangements. A successful wall decoration in the living room or hallway, on the other hand, is more subtle. But upon closer inspection, the “sun” made of wood and wheat stalks or the garland made of autumn leaves turn out to be true puristic beauties. They fit particularly harmoniously into Hygge-style interiors. Corn leaves are true all-round talents - they can be used to embellish floral arrangements, candles and autumn wreaths. Let your creativity run wild and conjure up imaginative decorations for the house and apartment. You can even recreate these ideas with the children. It is important that you first practice using adhesives, scissors and fire correctly. Never leave candles burning without supervision.