Cheese wedding cake as an alternative to classic cake

Various alternatives to the classic wedding cake are now no longer uncommon. Muffins,simple donutsAnd cupcakes are very popular as a cake replacement and are increasingly decorating the wedding buffet. At the moment, however, a hearty wedding cake conquers the hearts of all cheese lovers: the cheese wedding cake. And this is exactly what the name already reveals - a cake made of real cheese. We show and explain to you what exactly this type of cake represents and how it can be designed and served.

Together with cheese wedding cake together differently

End with cream, cocoa, cream or fondant - the wedding cake made of cheese is aboutA unusualHearty treats, which can be as diverse as the classic cake. Different types of cheeses are used for the compilation, which, as you know, also have different colors and textures. In its size, too, the cheese ribbon differ, which makes it possible to stack it like the floors of the normal cake and put together the classic step shape.

Conveniently, each cheese varieties can be provided with labels or shields so that the guests always keep an overview and know what they are actually trying. And if you don't want to do without the sweet temptation, you don't have to. It is not uncommon for the cheese wedding cake to be served in addition to the normal wedding cake, so that every guest has the choice or can both enjoy.

Which cheese?

Au Bouchon, Etorki, Saint Albray and Saint Agur are just a few of the many options. Even Cheddar, Brie or Camembert, goat cheese, smoke cheese or mozzarella are suitable. Accordingly, you have the choice between spicy and milder varieties and between soft, cutting and hard cheese. But since everyone has a different taste and so everyone finds the right thing, it is advisable to combine different types for the cheese wedding cake. Three to five layers are ideal for a cake for the wedding.

What amount per person?

Above all, this depends on what time the cheese should be served. If it serves as the main course, it is best to expect 200 g per person. However, if the cheese is to serve as a snack after the actual food, 80 to 100 g should be sufficient.

Alternative wedding cake - the decoration for the cheese wedding cake

In principle, this type of cake is decorated as well as the classic. Flowers can be used as wellLike fruits. In both cases, it is best to choose seasonal varieties. So you don't just fit the season of your wedding better. At the same time, reduce costs in this way and also guarantee the best taste in the case of the fruits. But which types of fruit are best suited for cheese? Here are some variants:

  • Fig
  • grapes
  • Berries
  • Currant
  • Physalis

Mixed cheese platesare usually served with these summer fruits, since the combination of hearty cheese and sweet aroma of the fruits is simply wonderful. And what about wine? After all, he is the perfect drink to cheese. Here you will find a list of the right onesWine varieties depending on the type of cheese.

In addition, there are a possible decoration ligaments and even top. Visually, different types of cheese binds and cheese color make a lot. Sometimes newlyweds choose colored cheese bind to get a stronger color. Furthermore, nuts, herbs, breads or dried fruit are also suitable for decorating. Or how about small bowls with suitable sauces for dipping (e.g. mustard sauces)? With regard to this, you can get advice from the cheese manufacturer of your choice.

The surface should also be well chosen and match the rest of the wedding decoration. Wooden boards and slate boards are very popular. The tip can be with onePretty girlsOr design other classics. The cheese wedding cake of the normal cake is in no way inferior to romantic optics.

Ideas for wedding cakes made of cheese

In the following we would like to show you ideas for this type of wedding cake so that you can get an idea of ​​how breathtakingly beautiful this alternative can look. Let yourself be inspired and surprise your guests with a creativeWedding cake is different!

Chic design in bright colors with flowers

Alternately stack the cheese laibe and herbal elements

Natural cheese color is reminiscent of stone

Cake in the green and blue colors

Ideas for wedding cake made of cheese in different colors

Decorate with white roses for a romantic look

Heart shape cheese for the top of the cake

Pretty cake design with grapes and cake garlands

Wedding cake on a wide wooden disc and with roses in different colors

Dry flowers in yellow for an autumnal cheeters' location decoration

Decoration with a black band

Purple and yellow is a great color combination

Käsetorte from three floors

Combine different types of cheese

Figs and grapes are the perfect fruits for decoration

Spices look pretty on the cake

Exotic torture decoration with oranges

Delicate design in beige, white and gray

Colorful flowers made of lace as a cake end

Käserinde with texture makes the cake more visually interesting

Vintage cheese wedding cake

With succulents decorate at a summer wedding