Even if it's raining outside and the weather is cloudy: ThatAutumn doesn't have to be boringbe. We offer you several ideas that allow children to let off steam creatively. And adults are guaranteed to have fun painting, gluing and cutting out too. CreativeCrafting with children in autumn made easy!
Creative crafts for children in autumn: owls made of wool
Who can do this?cute owlsresist? You can quickly make them together with the children - you probably have the materials for it at home. For a bird you need:
- a pipe cleaner
- Cardboard in different colors
- Wool in matt shades
- a rectangular piece of cardboard
- two large white buttons
- two small black buttons
- a pair of scissors
Craft instructions:
- Wrap the rectangular piece of cardboard with wool yarn.
- Cut out two triangles for the ears and one triangle for the beak from cardboard.
- Assemble the eyes from the small black and large white buttons.
- Make the legs out of pipe cleaners.
- Putting the owl together.
Creative crafts for children in autumn: Fox made from autumn leaves
You have on your last walk in the forestlots of autumn leavescollected? Line the floor with newspaper and spread the autumn leaves on it. Leave them there to dry for 1-2 days. Then you can make a cute greeting card with a fox motif. For this purpose you will need the following materials:
- Maple leaves in orange, yellow or red
- a small black pompom
- Googly eyes
- orange and white construction paper
- a double card
- Markers in different colors
- Glue
- a pair of scissors
Craft instructions:
- Cut out a smaller square than the double card from the white construction paper and stick it in the middle of the card.
- Use the markers to draw dots on the edge of the white square.
- Cut out two triangles for the fox ears and put the fox together.
Make and paint autumn leaves out of salt dough
Colorful autumn leaves are guaranteed to create a happy atmosphere. We'll explain to you how you can make and paint them yourself from salt dough. You need the following materials:
- 120g salt
- 200 g wheat flour
- 120ml water
- Acrylic paints
- Watercolors
- a brush
- Autumn leaf cookie cutter
- baking paper
- a baking tray
- a rolling pin
Craft instructions:
- Place flour and salt in a bowl and mix well.
- Pour in water and knead the ingredients by hand.
- Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to approx. 1 cm thick.
- Cut out autumn leaves using the cookie cutters. Use a toothpick to pierce a hole through the top center of each autumn leaf for hanging.
- Line a baking tray with baking paper, place all the autumn leaves on it and bake in a preheated oven at 150° Celsius.
- After 30 minutes, remove the baking tray from the oven and let the autumn leaves cool.
- Paint the autumn leaves as desired using acrylic and watercolors.
Creative crafts with children in autumn: hedgehogs made from cones and modeling clay
Make a cute hedgehog out of modeling clay and cones. For the craft idea you need the following materials:
- Modeling clay in brown and pink
- Spatula
- Cones
- adhesive
Craft instructions:
- Clean the cones and let them dry.
- Form the head, ears, nose and legs from the modeling clay. Draw the eyes with black marker.
- Putting the hedgehog together. To do this, attach the details made of modeling clay to the tenons. You can glue them in place for more hold.
Creative crafts with children: autumn garland made of paper and colorful noodles
Decorate your living room or children's room with a long-lasting and creative autumn garland. You need the following materials:
- colorful farfallen (pasta, for example from Bellezini)
- Craft paper
- Twine or yarn
- a pair of scissors
- a glue
Craft instructions:
- Cut the yarn.
- Draw and cut out a fall leaf template freehand, then transfer it to construction paper or download and print a template. Cut several autumn leaves out of the craft paper.
- Alternately glue pasta and autumn leaves to the thread.
Creative painting with children: autumn leaves
It doesn't always have to be crafting. Painting also trains concentration and requires a certain level of skill. You can practice using the watercolors and brush with the next idea. For a colorful picture with autumn leaves you will need the following materials:
- Watercolor pencils
- a painting pad
- a brush
- Draw the outline of an autumn leaf.
- Paint the autumn leaf, using several colors.
- Pour water into a bowl. Dip the brush into the water and paint the colors over the surface.
- Let the colors dry and then draw the leaf veins with a watercolor pencil.
Creative crafts with primary school children: painting stones
The next idea combines crafting and painting in one. We will explain to you how to paint stones and decorate them with “stamps” made from natural materials. You need the following materials:
- flat stones
- Acrylic paints
- a flat brush
- Fern leaves
Craft instructions:
- Clean the stones thoroughly and let them dry.
- Paint the stones with an accent color (red, orange, yellow) and allow to dry.
- Apply green paint to a fern leaf and then press the leaf, painted side down, onto the stones.
Creative crafts with children in autumn: acorn man
Make cute acorns with the children. They are a great autumn decoration for the windowsill, the mantel or the garden table. You need the following materials:
- Acorns
- Acorn hat
- Wooden beads
- Fineliners in red, blue, white and brown
- a knife
- Hot glue or wood glue
Craft instructions:
- Clean the acorns and let them dry.
- Carefully remove the acorn caps with a knife.
- Glue a wooden bead onto an acorn. The wooden bead should serve as a head.
- Glue an acorn cap onto the wooden bead as a “hat”.
- Draw the face and hair with the fineliners.
Creative painting for primary school children: making brushes from natural materials
Collect various grasses, small tree branches with fresh leaves and needles and use the natural materials as brushes. Use clothespins to hold the natural materials.
Creative crafts with children in autumn: Carnival mask “Fox” made from paper plates
If it is raining heavily outside and you don't have any natural materials at home, then you can make a carnival mask out of a paper plate. You need the following materials:
- a paper plate
- Cardboard in black, brick red and white
- Coloring pencils
- a pencil
- Paper glue
- a circle
- a pair of scissors
- Rubber band
Craft instructions:
- Cut the paper plate in half. For a fox carnival mask you only need one half. Then use the scissors to shape the paper plate into the desired shape so that you can immediately see the snout.
- For the eyes, use the compass to draw two circles on the plate and cut them out. The circles should be 3 cm in diameter so that the child can see through them. Tip: Before cutting, check that the mask fits well and that the circles are drawn in the correct place.
- Paint the mask with the paint pens.
- Cut out the ears, nose and whiskers from the cardboard and attach them.
Paint creative pictures with decorative sand
You can create lots of cool pictures with colored sand. For this purpose you will need the following materials:
- Farbsand, orange
- Mod-Podge Kleber
- a brush
- Pencil
- Coloring pencils, green and orange
- a painting pad
Craft instructions:
- Draw a pumpkin and color the stem and leaves green.
- Apply Mod Podge to the pumpkin and sprinkle colored sand over it.
Make a fox out of toilet paper roll
Beautiful animal figures can be made from toilet paper rolls. Below we will explain to you how you can make a fox figure yourself with the children. By the way, you can also use them as finger puppets. These are the necessary materials:
- a toilet paper roll
- Googly eyes
- Cardboard in orange and sand color
- a black marker
- a pair of scissors
- a flat brush
- Glue
Craft instructions:
- Paint the toilet paper roll orange and let it dry.
- Meanwhile, cut out the snout, tail, belly detail and ears from cardboard. Draw the fox nose with black marker. Attach the googly eyes.
- Attach all details with glue and put together the fox figure.
Creative ideas for crafting with the children: animals made from pine cones and felt
Turn cones into animals. You need felt, googly eyes and cones and can make a hedgehog or an owl quickly and easily.