Spring crafts with children: Beautify old flower pots with these 5 simple DIY ideas

Especially when it's cold outside, we long for warm and sunny spring days. Bring a spring feeling into your home with the next simple DIY ideas. Paint and decorate old flower pots and transform them into cute bees, cute unicorns, colorful butterflies or bright red ladybugs. Spring crafts with children are a lot of fun, especially on cloudy days! The ideas are perfect for children in kindergarten and primary school.

Spring crafts with children: DIY idea for butterflies

For the first cute DIY idea, you need a small clay or ceramic flower pot that you first paint powder pink. Then make wings out of blue and pink foam rubber. You can make the butterfly's antennae out of white pipe cleaners and then glue them into the pot. Then attach the googly eyes. Now comes the time to plant the flower pot with flowers. Pansies and violets are ideal as they show their beautiful flowers as early as February.

Spring crafts with kindergarten children: rainbow flower pot

Children love colorful decorations. The next idea is super easy to implement and ideal for children aged 4 and over. First, paint the flower pot sky blue. Then draw a rainbow and have the children paint the rainbow. This can be achieved with acrylic paints. Let the colors dry and then form small “clouds” out of cotton. Attach them to the bottom and then glue the googly eyes.

Spring crafts: ladybugs

A cute ladybug can also be put together in just a few minutes. First paint the flower pot red and let it dry. Then draw a circle on black cardboard. Have the children cut out the circle and then cut it in the middle. For the feelers you will need two pieces of pipe cleaners (black). Before putting the ladybug together, have the children add lots of black dots to the red pot. You can use black marker or acrylic paint for this purpose. Then draw a mouth. Now you can glue on the wings, antennae and googly eyes. Complete!

Make a cute bee out of washi tape with the children

The next idea can also be implemented quickly. You first paint the flower pot yellow and let it dry. Now the bee's stripes are missing - you can make these quickly and easily from washi tape. Use black pipe cleaners for the feelers. Finally, attach the wiggly eyes - and the cute little bee is ready.

Spring crafts with children in primary school: unicorn

For the next unicorn, first paint the flower pot white. Then use acrylic paint to paint two circles of powder pink for the cheeks and use a marker to draw two closed eyes with long eyelashes. Cut a triangle out of cardboard, cover it with glue and sprinkle glitter over it. Assemble the ears from pink and white foam rubber, make craftsFabric flowersand decorate them with green leaves made of felt. Glue all the details to the pot.

Spring crafts are fun for everyone and a great pastime on rainy days. A great idea is to paint old flower pots with the children or decorate them for spring. You can then fill the flower pot with soil and plant flowering violets or pansies. This is how the spring decoration for the children's room is complete.

This craft idea is also perfect as a gift for teachersfor Valentine's Dayor as a nice surprise for the grandparents. If you want the violets to stay at home and decorate the children's room, you can ask the children to look after the flowers. This includes, above all, regular watering. Ultimately, the little ones learn to handle flowers and plants responsibly. From April onwards the beautiful flowers can be placed in the garden or on the balcony. And you can plant the flower pot again next year.