Surprise your children with a nice gift for Easter. Of course, not only the contents but also the beautiful packaging have a special appeal. We give you 7 ideas on how you can make Easter baskets out of coffee filters.
Make cute Easter baskets – quick instructions
To make these cute Easter baskets you will need the following materials: coffee filters, watercolors, floral wire, scissors, pliers, plastic cups /white/, glue. Paint the coffee filters in different colors and glue the individual filters together. Photo instructions/. Tape the filters to the plastic cup. Then cut the floral wire into several pieces, bend each piece into the shape of a rainbow and attach the two ends to the plastic cup. Fill thatEaster basket with chocolate eggs- complete!
You can color coffee filters in different ways. One of them is a mixture of acrylic paint and water in a ratio of 1 to 9. Dip a coffee filter into the mixture and let it stand for about a minute. The longer you sit there, the more paint they will absorb. Then remove it from the diluted paint, squeeze it briefly and let it dry in the sun.
You can decorate the finished baskets with beautiful paper flowers and turn them into a real eye-catcher. You can of course also use filter bags as craft materials, which can be used to create enchanting roses or dahlias in no time. Another method of coloring coffee filters would be to use water and markers.
First, cut large circles out of the coffee filters and paint different patterns on them, such as zigzag lines or dots. Cut a small hole in the center of the circle. Roll the unused coffee filters to form straws and insert one end into the hole and the other into a glass of water.
The paper circles will soak up water, which will create a great color gradient. Then let the circles dry and then fold them a little to create the desired flower shape. Straws or pipe cleaners can be used as stems.
Original ideas with coffee filters
Cut the painted coffee filters into small pieces - and stick them on the plastic cup. Wrap the floral wire with the filter parts - done! These instructions are very simple, but the craft idea is definitely time-consuming.
The other instructions on the topic are more complicated: you can simply use theCoffee filter flowerscraft and use it to decorate a finished basket. You can find more detailed video instructions for the flowers at the end of the article. We hope you have fun decorating!
Color the coffee filters, then cut them into pieces
Stick the coffee filter pieces on the plastic cup
Wrap the floral wire with the coffee filters
And then attach to the cup with glue
The finished design
From several coffee filters
Made from coffee filters, plastic cups and floral wire
This craft idea is simple and perfect for beginners
If desired, the Easter basket can be decorated with stones and lace
Done – sweet gift idea for parents for Easter too
Make flowers out of coffee filters
Use this to cover a basket weave
This craft idea is time-consuming but a lot of fun
The end result is visible
You can fill anything with candy
Bake delicious cookies for the parents
Delicious cookies with original shapes and decorations