Easter decorations for outside – 40+ ideas for the garden & entrance

Easter decoration in your own four walls is the number 1 topic for all hobby artists and hobbyists. However, the entrance area with door and the garden should not be neglected under any circumstances. If you are looking for ideas for an inviting garden and entrance, you will find excellent ideas for Easter decorations for outside in this article.

For theapproaching Easterdoes not necessarily have to be extensively and elaborately decorated. Just by redesigning funny decorative elements and home textiles, surprising changes can be created on terraces and in the garden. The outdoor furniture can be spiced up with matching textiles and become a tasteful eye-catcher. Bold colors and atmospheric patterns on seating immediately put a smile on your face. The colorful nuances of the Easter decorations reflect the great longing for light and life.

Ideas for atmospheric decoration indoors and outdoors

Funny animal characters can greet arriving guests. Happy andhomemade Easter bunnieswill hop through the garden and living room. Cuddly little lambs and cute chicks made of wool, felt and other colorful materials bring great joy, especially to children. In different shapes and colors, individual small pieces are put together to create a charming, unique Easter accessory.

Add an Easter touch to the front garden

Spring brings a cheerful atmosphere, light and joy of life. It's starting to get really bright and cozier outside. In spring you candecorate with natural materials– Arrange flowers, moss, twigs and decorate with homemade decorations.

Spring colors decorate the entrance to the house

If you want to give your house an Easter touch, you can't go to thisWreath with his spring flowerswaive. It is best hung above the door. The beautiful decoration promises a peaceful, cozy celebration.

Easter arrangements for outside

Arrangements do not necessarily have to be artificial, but they can of course be left outside. But if you prefer to use natural materials, you can also create a beautiful one with themMake an arrangement, which decorates the terrace, veranda or entrance area. If the weather is good and you can even drink coffee or have lunch outside, such an arrangement can also be used as a table decoration.

ABasket with flowersis quick and easy to do. Simply line it with foil and then with floral foam. Now you can put any cut flowers into the floral foam after moistening it. The arrangement will last a long time outside in the fresh air.

Design your patio table with a DIY spring decoration for outside

The example of oneSpring decorations for outsidein the picture above is great for decorating the patio table. You will need a wreath, bowl, baking pan or other container and daffodils, as well as any other decorations. Make a wreath out of twigs and floral wire that is slightly larger in diameter than the bowl and place it on top of the bowl after filling it with a little soil. Then plant the daffodils inside (or other spring flowers), fill with soil and decorate the wreath with other decorations.

Decorate the firewood to suit Easter

A great idea for spring decorations outside is to create stacked firewood. So if this is within visible proximity, it would be a great way to create an Easter atmosphere even there. And since winter is coming to an end, the pile won't be as high anymore, so you can put up whatever decorations you want. And for this you can easily use ready-made decorations, like in our examples:

A lantern or Easter basket,painted Easter eggsand of course spring flowers in pots, which you can currently get for little money. Collect a few such decorations and scatter them on the firewood until you are happy with the arrangement.

Easter bunny decoration for outside with cress

Easter bunnies for spring decorationsYou've probably already thought of using them outside, but would you have thought of combining them with cress? Planted lushly in a bowl, the cress looks like fresh grass. The advantage of grass is that you can also eat it. It's best to sow cress in several bowls so that you can set them up in groups and decorate with Easter bunnies, Easter eggs or whatever else your heart desires.

Giant Easter eggs for outside

Don't you think normal Easter eggs are eye-catching enough for the garden? Then you can also make large Easter eggs for outside. A great idea for outdoors are the models in the picture above, which were set up in a city facility but are also suitable for the home garden. You will need egg-shaped balloons of any size (depending on how big you want the eggs to be), yarn of any color, and glue.

After you have inflated the balloon, dip the yarn into the glue and wrap it around the balloon. Once you are happy with the pattern, allow the glue to dry and set. Then the balloon is burst and what is left is the egg-shaped frame. You can then cut it in half if you like it like in the exampleplant with spring flowersand want to set it up openly.

Paper mache eggs as Easter and spring decorations outside

Such eggs can also be made in a similar wayMake paper mache. However, these should be in a protected place (e.g. under a roof) so that they do not get wet. Tear newspaper into long strips and then glue them onto the balloon until it is completely covered. Allow this first layer to dry, then add a second layer and once dry, a third. You can then design the finished egg in any way you like, for example with acrylic paints or the decoupache technique.

Make your own cute little tree

This Easter decoration for the garden is easy to make in just a few steps. You need:

  • Styrofoam cones
  • wooden stick
  • artificial moss
  • artificial or blown and painted eggs
  • Floral foam
  • Patent liability
  • clay pot
  • Scissors and knife
  • optional: decorative ribbon
  • Hot glue

Using the patent sticks, spread and fix the moss along the cone until it is completely covered. Then cut the floral foam to fit the pot. Insert the wooden stick into the cone and then insert the other end into the floral foam. Then use hot glue to attach a few eggs here and there to the moss.

If you want, you can now additionally decorate the visible part of the wooden stick. For example, wrap it with a pretty ribbon or with ivy. Feel free to come up with something else. You can also hide the floral foam under a layer of artificial moss when you make these Easter decorations for outside. Then you can place the pretty tree in front of the front door or on the terrace.

Decoration idea for the door

When decorating the outdoor area, don't forget the door itself. In addition to the typicalEaster wreath for the doorThere are numerous alternatives in a round shape that are no less beautiful and can be easily made. How about this idea, for example, in which a closed umbrella is easily decorated with artificial spring flowers. Then just attach a hook for hanging and the Easter decorations for outside are ready.

Spring decoration with garden hose

Don't throw away the old garden hose from last year because you can use it for this great oneDIY spring decorationto use. You need:

  • Garden hose
  • 2 or 3 battery-operated LED fairy lights, depending on length
  • Cable ties
  • Copper pipe, 75 cm
  • artificial spring flowers and Easter decorations as desired
  • Foam ring
  • Wire cutters
  • Scissors
  • thick wire
  • Attachment of a watering can
  • Hot glue

Partially insert the tube into the hose. This allows you to shape the top with the lights however you want. Roll up the rest of the hose in a circle and tie all rows together on two opposite sides with cable ties. Cut out a piece of any size from the foam ring and attach it to the hose using cable ties.

Now you can design the foam with the flowers by simply inserting them into it. If you want, you can add other decorations such as Easter eggs using hot glue to make a beautiful outdoor Easter decoration. Then take the watering can attachment and enlarge some of the holes using a screwdriver, knife or other tool. Thread a string of lights from below through one of the holes and then out through a second one. If the fairy lights are very long, you can use one of them for multiple holes.

You can add more holes if necessary until you are satisfied with the amount of “water jets”. Then shape the end of the hose as desired and use hot glue to attach the attachment. The string lights should now reach up to the flowers and look like they are water coming out of the hose. You can place the finished spring decoration anywhere in the garden (e.g. with a wooden stick) or hang it up (e.g. on the wall of the house). You can also use a watering can instead of a hose.

Make colorful fairy lights for outside

While we're on the subject of fairy lights: how about one?beautiful DIY Easter garlandfrom plastic eggs? Because the eggs are made of plastic, they are weatherproof and perfect for outdoor use, but that doesn't mean you can't use them indoors too. Use a drill to carefully drill small holes into the eggs, but they shouldn't be too big so that the bulbs are stuck firmly in place afterwards.

You can also use a little extra hot glue to secure them in place, but don't go overboard with the amount as the glue shouldn't be too noticeable when the Easter egg garland is hanging later. Hang this decoration from the canopy or along the front door, wrap it around pillars on the patio or around the windows - decorate however you want.

If you like it colorful, you should make colored garlands for the festival

Garlands can not only decorate the house indoors. The good-mood-bringers are also perfect for the terrace or veranda, even without fairy lights. And the variations are endless! On the one hand, there are a wide variety of garlands to buy. On the other hand, you also have the option of making one yourself.

It is best to use Easter motifs and any material you like. How about Easter bunnies made of paper or chicks made of felt? Easter eggs made of plastic, paper or real, blown-out eggs are also perfect. Of course, several motifs can also be combined. Have a fun craft afternoon with the whole family and decorate the outside of the house together!

Decorate the basket with real or artificial pussy willows

Pretty arrangement in a basket with snowdrops and moss

Table decoration for outside in red and green

Easter basket made of hay or moss for the patio table

Colorful Easter bouquet in a shabby chic vase

With wooden ladder for the house entrance

Fragrant and decorative jewelry for wreaths

Inviting Easter decorations on the porch

Easter party ideas for outside

Easter bunny figures

For outside with rabbits

Homemade carrots

Easter figures on a side table

Decorate the veranda and terrace colorfully

Design retro wagons for Easter

Cute trees made from Easter eggs

Make a door wreath for spring with twigs

Garland of colorful plastic eggs

Distribute Easter eggs in the bed

Easter basket alternative with rubber boots as a garden decoration for Easter

Party with the theme “Easter” in pink and green

Welcome sign for the garden with a rabbit and made of linen

Branches of corkscrew willow for a simple Easter wreath

Pretty Easter bouquet for the porch with flowering forsythia and tree branches

Colorful Easter eggs in buckets

Plastic eggs in a lantern

Design flower pots for Easter with tulips and bunnies

Lush arrangement of spring flowers and Easter basket

Idea for an Easter bouquet with grasses

Door wreath in egg shape

DIY spring wreath with artificial moss and grass and flowers