Design Easter eggs decoratively – you can quickly implement these 12 techniques!

There are also trends when it comes to decorating Easter eggs. Try something new with egg coloring and design this year! We'll show you 12 simple ideas and techniques that you can implement in just a few minutes. Coloring Easter eggs with nail polish, napkin technique or glitter is currently popular. Just make sure that the eggshell is generally thin and porous. So you are not allowed to eat these eggs because of the use of acrylic paints and glue.

Easter eggs in a galaxy look

Materials required:
Acrylic paint in black, blue, purple, white and gold
Paint brush


  1. First, paint the egg with black acrylic paint.
  2. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly after each coat.
  3. Then add blue and purple.
  4. Use a sponge to dab the blue and purple again to blur the color transitions. Allow to dry.
  5. Using another piece of sponge, dab golden paint onto the egg.
  6. You can then use a brush to spray white onto the egg. The white speckles should be thatStars in spacerepresent.

2. Stick napkin motifs on the egg

Materials required:
Paper napkins with floral motifs
Acrylic paint in white
Mod Podge-Kleber
Paint brush


  1. First, paint the egg with white acrylic paint. Allow to dry.
  2. Separate the layers of the napkin.
  3. Cut out the designs from the napkin.
  4. Brush the egg with Mod Podge.
  5. Place the motif on top and seal the whole thing again with glue.

3. Decorate with sugar sprinkles

Materials required:
Pod Podge-Kleber
Paint brush


  1. Brush the entire egg with Mod Podge. Wait a little longer for the Mod Podge to become stickier.
  2. Then place the egg in the bowl filled with sugar sprinkles. Using a spoon, roll the egg through the beads to completely cover its surface.
  3. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly.

4. Easter eggs with feathersdecorate

Materials required:
Mod Podge
Paint brush
Decorative feathers for crafts


  1. Trim the feathers to fit the egg.
  2. Brush some glue onto the egg.
  3. Then place the feathers on top.
  4. Seal everything with another coat of Mod Podge. Allow to dry.

5. Ifcarrotdecorate

Materials required:
Acrylic colors in orange and black
Thick and thin brush
Felt in green
Hot glue


  1. Paint the egg with orange acrylic paint and put it away to dry.
  2. Using a thin brush and black paint, paint small strokes on the egg. This will be the pattern of the carrot.
  3. Make carrot leaves out of green felt. These are then attached to the top of the egg with hot glue.

6. WithGlitter

Materials required:
Mod Podge
Paint brush


  1. Use a brush dipped in glue to create the desired pattern on the egg. For example dots, stripes, etc.
  2. While the glue is still wet, sprinkle the glitter over it. All areas covered with glue should now be covered with an even layer. Simply wipe off the excess powder.

7. Easter eggswithStructure

Materials required:
Hot glue gun
Acrylic paint (in different colors)
thin brush


  1. Use the hot glue gun to create structures on the egg: waves, lines, dots or a net.
  2. After it has cooled, paint it with acrylic paints of your choice.

8.The marmorier

Materials required:
Nail polish (in different colors)
Disposable gloves
Disposable bowl


  1. Fill the bowl with water.
  2. Nunpour the different shadesNail polish crooked and diagonally into the water. The more nail polish, the more intense the color will be after marbling.
  3. Take a toothpick and stir the colors.
  4. It is best to put on disposable shoes andgently submerge the egg under water. This way the nail polish will stick to the bowl.
  5. Now let the eggs air dry for about an hour or until the nail polish sets.


Materials required:
Acrylic paint in yellow
Paint brush
Yellow decorative feathers for crafts
Insulating tape, black
Hit them, bunt
Hot glue gun


  1. Paint the egg with the yellow acrylic paint and let it dry.
  2. Cut a feather into three and glue the pieces to the top of the egg.
  3. Cut out black eyes from the electrical tape. A triangle of colorful washi tape forms the beak.

10. Decorate with napkin technique

Materials required:

paper napkin
Mod Podge
Paint brush


  1. Separate the layers of napkins from each other. You only need the top layer with the motif.
  2. Cut one of the squares into 1cm wide strips.
  3. Brush the egg with Mod Podge.
  4. Place the strips end to end on the egg and cut off the excess. Allow to dry.
  5. Then seal everything with another coat of Mod Podge.

11. Hase

Materials required:
Felt in white
Pink acrylic paint
Hot glue gun
thin brush
Black marker


  1. Cut out the rabbit ears and two circles for paws from white felt.
  2. Use the pink paint to paint the inside of the ears and the underside of the paws.
  3. Then the rabbit's nose and eyes are painted.
  4. Finally, attach the ears and paws to the egg with hot glue.

12. Donuts

Materials required:
Acrylic paint (in different colors)
thin brush


  1. Using a pencil, draw the outline of a donut on top of the egg. The lines of the rings should be rather uneven and look as if the glaze is running.
  2. Now fill in the contours with color. Allow to dry.
  3. Finally, paint colorful lines on the donuts. These should represent sugar sprinkles.