Celebrating New Year's Eve with children: food, games and ideas for a nice celebration at home

New Year's Eve is celebrated differently in every family. Some families spend the evening playing games, others cook and bake together and then watch a film with the children. However you greet the New Year, you should start planning early for a successful celebration. We offer you several ideas about thisParty food, the games and crafts and give useful tips on how you can organize a New Year's Eve celebration with small children.

The whole family should have fun on New Year's Eve. A good optionto start the partyand get into the festive mood. Regardless of whether you have invited friends with children or are planning a party with a close family circle: the next ideas are guaranteed to put a smile on the faces of the little guests.

Ideas for New Year’s Eve with children: Chair dance “Journey to Jerusalem”

Everyone knows the game “Journey to Jerusalem”. The rules are very simple. They arrange chairs in a circle. They arrange the chairs so that there is one less chair than the participants. For example: If four children are playing, then the chairs should be three in number. If seven children are playing, then the chairs should be six. Then turn on music and participants start walking in circles around the chairs. They then suddenly turn off the music. Each participant should try to find a chair nearby and sit down as quickly as possible. The one who remains standing loses the game. After the first round, a chair is removed and then the second round can begin.

What can you do with the family on New Year's Eve: Escape Room

Escape rooms offer a unique experience. On New Year's Eve you can organize an escape room challenge for the children. You don't have to plan or spend a lot for a DIY escape room. Here are some ideas for a DIY escape room for kids:

  1. Hide important clues in a balloon. Only if the children burst it can you find the clues. Plastic numbers can also be easily hidden in balloons.
  2. Write clues with white crayon on a white piece of paper. Hide watercolors around the room. When the children color the sheet, the secret messages suddenly become visible.
  3. You can take photos of an object in the room and then break it down into several parts. The children should solve the puzzle.
  4. You can place a key in a jam jar and fill the jar halfway with water. Have the children take the key out of the jar using a magnet.
  5. You can use Lego blocks to provide clues.
  6. Write clues in very small letters. Have the children use a magnifying glass to read them.

Spend New Year's Eve at home with children: karaoke evening

A karaoke evening is not just a lot of fun for the children. The adults will certainly sing one or two songs too. If you don't have a karaoke system, you'll definitely find what you're looking for on YouTube. Simply play the melody, read the text from the screen - and fun is guaranteed.

Celebrating New Year's Eve with children: What can you do with school-age children?

After playing and singing, you can take a short break with the children and write down your New Year's resolutions. This is how the children learn to set new goals. The adults can help formulate the goals and possibly visualize them with cards.

Create New Year's Eve with children: Photobooth

Welcome the New Year with a fun photoshoot. You can create a photo booth for this purpose. Of course, the right accessories should not be missing.

You can buy foil balloon numbers with eyelets and string them up as garland. Additionally, make flowers or stars out of the foil.

Games for New Year's Eve with children: Bingo

Bingo is an absolute classic. For children, it not only offers the opportunity to pass the time, but also promotes their ability to concentrate. You can also play bingo with pictures.

Fun games for New Year's Eve with kids: I Spy

The game I Spy is very popular and is particularly popular with children in primary school. For New Year's Eve, you can reinterpret the game and print out the template above.

You can also paint beautiful pictures with the children for New Year's Eve and use them to decorate the walls or the refrigerator.

Crafts for New Year's Eve with children

Crafting on New Year's Eve is also a lot of fun. Below we give you several ideas of what you can do with the children. For example, you can make festive slime yourself. We have already given you the basic recipe and several variations in the article “Make your own slime– Quick and easy recipes for lots of fun”. Of course, the right decoration should not be missing.

Crafts for New Year's Eve with children: confetti cannon

All you need is toilet paper rolls, balloons and cardboard to make your next idea a reality. Cut a balloon in half, put the bottom half over the toilet paper roll and secure it with tape. Let the children paint and decorate the toilet roll in any way they like. Thehomemade confetti cannonis finished.

Punch out confetti from cardboard and fill it into the toilet roll. Tip: You can also fill the confetti cannon with small pompoms. The pompoms can be collected much more quickly.

You can also make a magic wand or a disco pinata yourself. The two ideas will add variety and give the children the opportunity to let their creativity run wild.

Celebrate New Year's Eve with small children

Small children pose a big challenge when planning a New Year's Eve party. They definitely need a quiet room where they can retreat. Children under 4 years old should not stay awake for too long. You can celebrate in the afternoon and right after dinner. For this purpose, you can prepare appropriate games and set a festive menu. If you have friends over, then of course the whole evening shouldn't revolve around the children. Let them play alone too.

Food ideas

What is served on New Year's Eve depends primarily on your own preferences. But finger food is particularly popular with children. Small appetizers can be prepared quickly and easily and can be served with fruit and vegetables. Of course, the children can help with the preparation. Below we list several ideas of what you can cook together.

Food for the party

  • Vienna sausagesin puff pastry. Cut finger-thick strips from the puff pastry and wrap them around the sausages. Brush the sausages and puff pastry with a beaten egg yolk and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown.
  • Tarte flambée pockets made from puff pastry: Roll up the dough and cut into rectangles. Prepare a suitable filling. Examples: cooked ham and cheese, feta cheese and spinach, mozzarella and basil pesto with nutmeg and lemon pepper, bacon cubes and crème fraîche with onions. Divide the filling between the pieces of dough, fold the rectangles together and press the edges securely.
  • Pieces of bread with dip: old box white bread. Seasoning mix of your choice, vegetable oil, milk. Cut the bread into 1cm thick pieces. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Brush the bread pieces with milk, drizzle with oil and season as desired. Then bake at 180 degrees Celsius with fan for 20 minutes, turn and then bake for another 20 minutes. Serve with a dip of your choice.

Recipes for New Year's Eve with children

  • DifferentMake your own meringues
  • Bake fortune cookies. The basic recipe is very simple and you can bake the fortune cookies together with the children. Simply melt 25 g of butter, add 30 g of powdered sugar to the butter and stir in. Add 30g flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Then beat an egg white, add it to the flour mixture and fold in. The dough should be liquid. Draw three circles with a diameter of eight centimeters with a pencil. Using a teaspoon, spread a thin layer of dough on each circle and bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius with a fan for 4 minutes. Then take it out and place the piece of paper with the messages in the middle of each disc. Then fold the slices in half, press the ends together slightly and bake for another 6-7 minutes until golden brown.
  • Chocolate bananas, chocolate strawberries or chocolate apple slices: Many fruits can be covered with a chocolate coating and are ideal as a dessert for New Year's Eve.
  • Various New Year's Eve cookies: The lucky pig cookies are very well received. You can simply use a cookie recipe to make the dough and then cut it into the shape you want. After baking, the cookies are then decorated with icing.