Making gnomes for outside: instructions for Christmas decorations for the entrance, terrace and balcony

At Christmas, a cheerful decoration at the entrance should not be missing. It creates a happy atmosphere and increases the anticipation of the festival. In today's post we will explain to you how you can make cute gnomes. Beautify the balcony, terrace or entrance with onecreative Christmas decorations.

Making gnomes for outside: Instructions for Christmas decorations made from fir branches and felt

First, we'll tell you how to get cuteGnome made of moss and pine branchescan do yourself. You need the following materials:

  • Fir branches with cones or pine branches or cypress branches
  • Moos
  • for the nose: a potato, a pom-pom or a sock and rice
  • A piece of felt fabric measuring 45 x 18 cm
  • A piece of wire mesh (flower supplies) measuring 45cm x 15cm
  • A piece of wire mesh (floral supplies) measuring 45cm x 25cm
  • a wooden stick
  • tape
  • Blumendraht
  • Hot glue or glue for felt
  • a pair of scissors
  • a flower pot with a drainage hole (large enough for the wooden stick)

To make the winter gnomes, proceed as follows:

1. Turn the flower pot over and place it upside down on the work surface.

2. Push the wooden stick through the drain hole of the flower pot.

3. To make the body, twist the larger piece of mesh into a cone and secure the ends with tape.

4. Add moss around the trellis. The natural material should completely cover the construction.

5. Twist the smaller piece of grid together into a cone and place a Secret Santa hat on it.

6. Form a cone out of the felt fabric (it should be larger than the Secret Santa hat construction) and secure the ends with hot glue.

7. Put on the hat.

8. For the nose, you can fill a sock with rice and shape it into a ball. Alternatively, you can attach a potato with floral wire. You can also use a wooden ball or make and attach a pom-pom.

Make Secret Santa: Properly stage the Christmas decorations outside

Stage the gnomes together with a real Christmas tree and othersChristmas decorations for outside. Place a lantern right next to the cute decorative figure. Alternatively, you can place the gnomes on tree trunks. By the way: The height of the gnomes depends on the length of the wooden stick and the size of the wire mesh cones. You can of course adapt the size of the lattice pieces and the length of the wooden stick to make larger or smaller gnomes.

Make gnomes for outside: large decorative figures for the garden

You have onelarge garden, which looks dull and empty in winter? That doesn't have to be the case. Get into the Christmas spirit with your next creative decoration. We'll explain to you how you can make large gnomes using a tomato climbing tower.

You need the following materials:

  • a tomato vine tower
  • Long branches of evergreen trees. For example, laurel, pine, arborvitae and fir are suitable.
  • Blumendraht
  • a garden scissors
  • a pointed hat
  • a potato for the nose
  • red gloves made of felt fabric (decorative)

Proceed as follows:

  1. Use the tomato trellis tower as the basic structure of the Christmas gnome.
  2. Place the evergreen branches around the trellis. Fix the ends of the long branches at the top of the climbing tower. Use the short branches to fill in gaps.
  3. After the body is finished, put on the hat.
  4. Attach the nose. To do this, secure the potato with binding wire.
  5. At the end, glue the gloves in place.

Make winter gnomes out of wool, felt and tree branches

The next winter gnomes can be made quickly and without much effort. You only need a few materials, which you certainly have at home or can get while walking in the park. Depending on how big you want the gnomes to be, you can adjust the length of the tree branches. In small format, the dwarf men can decorate the garden table; large figures will also look good on the terrace or balcony. Our tip: Arrange them in groups of three.

You need the following materials for the mini elves:

  • Tree branches for the gnome's body. Diameter approx. 4 cm, height approx. 15 cm
  • a saw or secateurs (depending on the size of the tree branches)
  • Felt material for the hat
  • Cotton for the beard
  • Hot glue
  • a small pompom for the nose
  • small brass shells

Proceed as follows:

  1. For the gnome's body, cut the tree branches into several 15 cm long pieces. Cut the top part of each piece of wood diagonally.
  2. Make a small cone out of the felt material and place it on the gnome’s “head”.
  3. Glue a bell to the top of the pointed hat.
  4. Shape the beard out of the cotton and glue it in place.

Make large Christmas elves

For large Christmas elves you need massive tree trunks and fabricwith Christmas motifs. Alternatively, you can simply buy red fabric and then decorate it with snowflakes, stars and other motifs using a stamp and white paint.

Make Christmas decorations for the outside: sew the elves' clothes

For the next DIY idea for Christmas decorations, you will need a tomato climbing tower, fabric, a white wooden ball (you can also use a Christmas ball), cotton filling for decorative pillows and red gloves. For the beard you can use plush or wool. But the quickest way is if you have an old Santa Claus figure lying around and can use the finished beard. Proceed as follows:

  1. First sew the elves' clothes, then the hat.
  2. Drag the clothes onto the tomato vine tower.
  3. Attach the nose.
  4. If you wish, you can tie several tree branches together and decorate them with plastic snowflakes as desired.

Christmas elves at the door

They don't necessarily have to be big Christmas elves. A homemade sign for the front door is a space-saving alternative to figures made from fir branches. For this DIY idea you need the following materials:

  • three fence boards
  • White acrylic paint
  • Plush fabric for the beard
  • a flat brush
  • Old wooden cutting board
  • Felt fabric in red
  • a wooden ball
  • cardboard
  • a cutter knife
  • Hot glue
  • a pair of scissors
  • glue
  1. Paint the three fence boards white and lay them next to each other. Use glue to glue the cutting board to the fence boards.
  2. Label the cutting board. You can also attach a wall decal or use self-adhesive stickers.
  3. Cut out a slightly curved hat shape from the cardboard. You can use a craft knife for this purpose.
  4. Cut the fabric to size and glue the pieces to the cardboard.
  5. Attach the wooden ball.
  6. Cut out the beard from the plush fabric and attach it.

Make gnomes out of wood: decoration ideas for outside

The next idea is easy to implement and suitable even for complete beginners. You need three thick branches or tree trunks that are different heights and cut at an angle at the top. Paint a face on the diagonally cut surface, glue a wooden ball for the nose and then tie the three tree trunks together with decorative ribbon. The Christmas decorations for the front door are ready. With the elves you can create a happy atmosphere right at the entrance.

Make elves for outside: Festively decorate a mini Christmas tree

We have already explained to you how you can make a gnome out of fir branches. However, it is more environmentally friendly if you buy a small Christmas tree in a pot and then decorate it festively. For the next craft idea you will need the following materials:

  • Jute fabric for the pointed hat
  • a large red Christmas ball for the nose and several small red Christmas balls as decoration
  • Wool or cotton wool for the beard
  • red gloves
  • a pair of scissors
  • adhesive

First make the pointed hat out of the jute fabric and decorate it with pine branches and small red Christmas balls. Then attach the gloves. Then shape a white beard out of the wool. Hang or tie the red Christmas tree ball to the fir branches. Santa Claus is ready.

Alternatively, you can also use fir branches and attach them upside down to a tomato climbing tower.

American Christmas decorations for outside with homemade figures

Americans love Christmas and like to decorate their homes and gardens with homemade items. Instead of investing in expensive decorative figures that you have to store after the end of the Christmas season, you can opt for homemade decorations. Evergreen conifers and wintergreen hedge bushes have adapted to the weather in Europe. Their branches also remain green for weeks, even after cutting. The most important thing is that they really just stay outside. In a warm house or apartment they quickly turn yellow and lose their needles

Christmas elves have been part of the pre-Christmas tradition in Scandinavian countries for many years. The custom of displaying the cute gnomes in pointed hats and red gloves in front of the entrance is now also very popular in Germany. And the best thing – you don’t have to spend a lot of money for creative Christmas decorations. With a lot of creativity you can also make the little men yourself.

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