Invite summer into your home by making beautiful decorations with sand and shells. If you arrange these in a glass lantern, you would achieve an even more extraordinary effect. These beautiful onesSummer decoration ideaswill evoke associations with the beach and dreams of your long-awaited beach vacation.
Summer decoration ideas on the railing
Beautify your lanterns with shells and give them a wonderful maritime flair. Half-fill wide-mouthed glass vases with sand and decorate with various seashells and starfish. Add a candle in the center. If the shells are of different colors, shapes and sizes, then the decoration will be even more interesting.
Summer decoration ideas with sand and lanterns
DieSummer decoration ideaswith real marine treasures are very easy and varied. Glue shells and driftwood pieces onto a wreath blank. Fill a bowl with water, gravel, and floating candles. Glue small shells to the outside of the lanterns. The possibilities are endless. For an even more beautiful effect, play with the different heights of theLanterns. They look much more beautiful in a group than alone.
Hanging candle lanterns with candles and driftwood
Great summer decoration ideas for the table
Lanterns with sea treasures instead of candles
Hanging on ropes
Tray with lanterns and shells
Beach decorations and stair lighting
Candles lanterns decorated with sunflowers
Table decoration for a garden party in summer
Idea for decorative garden lighting
Decorate lanterns with sea glass
Lanterns at different heights
summer window decoration
Driftwood in the lanterns
Stick shells on lanterns
Combine lantern with hydrangeas
Wooden tray with corals and shells