29 ideas for balcony design – Beautify the balcony with plants

Even the small balcony can be designed as an attractive garden. Hanging baskets and flower boxes blur the hard lines of the railings, while climbing plants can transform the bare walls into real paintings. If there is enough space on the balcony, you can arrange a group of beautiful plants in pots there, or even better, surround the entire balcony with plants. We have put together some ideas for balcony design and tips for balcony decoration with plants for you.

Since the balcony is usually small, simple design and maximum use of space are constantly recommended. When you see the plants on yoursuitably designed balconyarrange, note which areas are sunny and which are shady during the day. Take into account specific conditions such as the direction and strength of the wind, drainage of the vessels and the balcony itself.

Decoration ideas

If you place a group of plants in pots on the balcony, there should be no more than five. For larger numbers, it would be better to get a plant stand or build a long wooden planter. Plants thrive better in such a container because they have more space. If the flower boxes are the same and arranged linearly, they look like a decorative frieze. In modern and minimalist homes, identical containers are often placed in a row. Or instead of flowers, straight hedges or grasses.

Plants and pond

Flowering perennials offer a quick and effective way to add intense pops of color. Most balcony plants can be grown alone in containers or combined with low, evergreen shrubs such as: B. Shrubs and small evergreens. The low balcony flowers also include marigolds, nasturtiums and begonias. Average heights include ageratum, gazania, the busy lizard, cineraria and snapdragons. Petunias, lobelias and verbena are very suitable for arrangements in baskets or boxes, either alone or in combination with evergreen plants.

Add ornamental trees

Interesting effects can be created when perennials are combined with perennial aromatic and aromatic plants or perennials with climbing plant species. The vine pea is one of the most popular climbing plant species because of its beautiful colors, wonderful scent and long flowering period. Geraniums are perennial, evergreen plants that come from South Africa. They bloom from early summer to late autumn and are very suitable for use in containers, hanging baskets and boxes. But in winter they shouldn't stay on the cold balcony.

Folding furniture for the small balcony

The shape, style and material of the flower container plays a big role in the whole composition. An old clay pot, ceramic planter, or minimalist metal container can become mysteriously shrouded in vegetation, while a plastic container can be completely covered by falling leaves or flowers.

Boxwood balls

With potted plants, you should not forget that the space for the roots is limited. So, they grow slower than those planted in the garden and can hardly reach their size. Potted plants should be transplanted into a larger container periodically. Additionally, nutrients in the soil are limited, meaning they dry more quickly and should be watered more frequently, especially during the summer months. Also fertilized regularly.

Small, cozy balcony