Leave the plain white platesmade of porcelain or ceramicShine in new splendor or make a beautiful gift. We will explain to you how to paint plates and which colors you can use and which motifs are particularly easy to transfer to ceramic. Of course, the children can also help - we also have some simple ideas for them using Edding and acrylic paints.
There is a wide selection of pens available in stores,Markers and paints for bottlesand ceramics available. Which variant you choose depends primarily on the motive and secondly on the purpose. We give you an overview:
1.Porzellanmarker.Porcelain markers are suitable for simple geometric motifs such as stripes, dots and waves. They have a line width of 2 mm to 5 mm and are available in the basic colors red, blue, green, yellow and black. The markers are applied to clean and grease-free plates. After 30 minutes they are already dry. However, in order for them to last a long time and be dishwasher safe, they must be baked in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius.
2. If you want to put complicated motifs on your plates, you should draw the patterns.Porcelain drawing pencilsare perfect for this purpose. You can apply this to both porcelain and ceramic plates. The porcelain drawing pens are wipeable.
3.Porcelain paints(also suitable for glass and ceramics) are dishwasher safe and do not need to be baked. Similar to porcelain markers, they are only applied to a completely clean and dust- and grease-free surface. After that, you need to let the plates dry in a warm place for three days. The porcelain paints score points with their high opacity and are applied with a brush in a similar way to acrylic paints. They are perfect for coloring large areas and can be mixed together to create exciting color gradients. However, you have to work very precisely because they can only be wiped off with difficulty, if at all.
With the porcelain markers and porcelain paints you can spice up your dishes and continue to use them without hesitation.
Paint the plate with acrylic paints
You want homemade platespaint with acrylic paints? In principle, there is nothing wrong with it as long as you only use the plates as decoration. Acrylic paints are not dishwasher safe and are not suitable for painting dishes in which you will serve hot food. They are not food safe and should therefore only be used for decorative purposes. There is also another challenge: porcelain dishes are slippery and the acrylic paints do not adhere well. Materials with a porous surface such as salt dough or clay can be easily painted with acrylic paints. To prevent them from smearing on ceramics and porcelain, you should proceed as follows:
- Clean the surface thoroughly, remove dirt and grease and allow to dry.
- Apply three coats of acrylic primer (if desired, you can tint the primer with acrylic paints and then apply with a large flat brush). Allow the primer to dry overnight.
- The next morning you can start painting. For this purpose, you can use a template if you want to attach simple motifs such as silhouettes or geometric patterns. Simply download the template and print it out, or draw it yourself on paper and cut it out. Attach the motif to the plate with adhesive tape and trace it with a porcelain drawing pen.
- It is better to draw complicated motifs freehand. The porcelain drawing pens can be easily wiped clean with a soft, dry cloth. You can therefore always correct the drawing if necessary.
- The next step is to fill in the contours with acrylic paints. Use a size 0 or 4 silk paint brush for the smaller details. However, since the brush sizes are not standardized, you should always check with the manufacturer to be on the safe side. For curves and contours as well as for color transitions, use a cat's tongue brush. When working on large areas, it is best to use a brush with a slanted tip.
- You can touch up smeared areas by putting liquor on a cloth and gently wiping the area. However, it is important that the acrylic paint has not yet dried.
- Allow the plates to dry in a well-ventilated and warm place and then display them around the house.
Paint the plate with Sharpie
Edding porcelain brush pens are often used for painting cups, teapots and ceramic vases. The fiber pens are perfect for painting monochrome motifs, silhouettes (e.g. Mickey Mouse silhouette) and geometric patterns. They score points with their high light resistance and short drying time. If they are seasoned, they can easily be washed in the dishwasher. However, the Edding pens are not food-safe. This isn't a problem with cups and vases because we paint the outside that doesn't come into contact with the food or flowers. Plates painted with an Edding pen can only be used for decorative purposes. Proceed in the same way as with acrylic paints: Clean the surface thoroughly and allow it to dry, apply the contours with a porcelain paint pen and then fill in with a porcelain brush pen. You can correct any errors before burning. The Edding brush pens are available in all basic colors and in 11 other mixed colors.
The brush pens are perfect for painting faces, contours and simple abstract motifs. Skilled painters can also draw mandalas and then color them with a brush pen. The Edding pens are very easy to use and are the perfect introduction to the topic of “painting ceramics” for beginners.
Painting plates: simple motifs for beginners
You already know which paint colors are available and now you want to start painting. Now the question arises as to which motifs are easy to paint. We advise you to initially choose abstract motifs or stylized natural shapes. This way you can practice working with the ceramics, clay or salt dough and don't have to constantly correct the picture.
Several strokes for flower stems and a few circles in subtle colors and a flower meadow is created on the plate. If you want to paint plates and give them as gifts, then simple motifs are the best choice. Because they can be attached quickly and you can paint not just one plate, but the entire set. Because the plates are flat and can be placed on the table, they provide the perfect painting surface for inexperienced hobby painters.
Painting clay plates: DIY ideas
If you want to paint clay plates, you can choose natural motifs and create gentle color gradients. In painting, a color gradient is a seamless transition from one color tone to another. So you can paint beautiful flowers, fruit or natural landscapes. If you are working with acrylic paints, you can mix the colors with a little water. To do this, first apply water to the cleaned surface with a flat brush, then paint the desired image as usual. Here's how to make the transition: Lightly moisten a brush with a slanted tip and pull along the edge of the paint. Then quickly run it into a different color with a cat eye brush. If you would like to work with paints for porcelain, you can paint two or three opaque shades one into the other. This is much easier and quicker than with acrylic paints, as porcelain paints have a longer drying time.
Painting plates: Paint floral motifs on modeling clay
Below we will explain to you how you can paint plates with some simple motifs. Floral motifs look particularly good on flat plates. If you make the plates yourself, you can emboss real flowers into the ceramic or clay. Collect beautiful wildflowers during a walk in the forest or meadow or cut flowers and tree leaves from your own garden.
Then place modeling clay on the work surface and shape it into the desired shape. Place the flowers or leaves on top and emboss them into the modeling clay using a bowl. If necessary, you can also use a cutter knife to help. Then carefully remove the natural materials and let the plate dry in a warm place for about 10 days. You can take photos of the natural materials, then you will later know which colors to use when painting to stay true to the original.
When the modeling clay is completely dry, you can paint the motifs as you wish. It helps if you work with porcelain paints because they can be wiped off if necessary. Work with a pointed brush in size 0 (i.e. with as few hairs as possible). Allow the motifs to dry before burning the plates. Most porcelain paints are food safe, meaning you can use the plates. However, since these are embossed motifs, we advise against this. Washing will definitely be very tedious.
Paint your own plates: Create a template
Would you like to paint your plates quickly and easily or decorate a complete set of dishes with the same motif? Then you should make a template. Draw the template on cardboard and cut it out. Then attach them to the plate with adhesive tape and trace the contours with a porcelain pen. Allow the pen to dry before removing the template. Otherwise the contours can become smeared. Then fill in the contours with the color of your choice.
Painting the plate: baby handprint
Gifts with emotional value are very popular in the USA. With a little color and a lot of creativity, you can capture special memories from your child's first years of life to share with family and friends. In the first year, the baby has a strong grasping reflex. This means that his hand automatically closes with every touch. Therefore, it is very difficult to make a baby handprint with paint. It's much easier if you make a footprint. For this purpose, the first thing you should do is choose the paint color. GoodFinger paints are suitableand food coloring. They are applied directly to your baby's foot with a brush. Then all you have to do is press your foot on the picture. Then quickly wash the paint off the foot. To ensure that the color lasts for a really long time, you can apply a protective layer after it has dried. Ask the craft store what they can recommend.
For children aged one and over, a handprint is also an option. The process is similar. To make the end result look more interesting, you can creatively paint children's hands and turn them into “flowers”, “stars” or even “superheroes”.
Painting plates with children: cool ideas for simple patterns
Homemade plates can be creatively painted. You canwith the childrenPainting the plates, it is a good pastime on rainy days. We offer you some ideas for beautiful and simple motifs:
1. Monster Eye
2. Herz
3. Donut
Paint the bowl and plate with children: Minnie Mouse motifs
4. Paint Minnie Mouse's bow with porcelain paints
5. Draw Minnie Mouse silhouette with an Edding pen
6. Paint the plate with Edding – Mickey Mouse
Painting bowls and plates: templates for Minnie and Mickey Mouse motifs
8. Headdresses and hats of the three most popular Disney cartoon characters: Minnie, Mickey and Pluto
9. Paint Mickey Mouse silhouette on the plate with Edding, then paint the plate mint green with porcelain paints.
10. Mickey and Minnie Mouse silhouettes and hearts.
11. Monster AG – paint cartoon characters on plates
12. Painting plates for Christmas: gingerbread men
13. Funny face on plate
14. Painting plates for Halloween – ghost
15. Paint monsters on plates
16. Paint Hello Kitty face on plate
17. Painting plates: ideas for kindergarten children
18. Painting plates: sun