Obin the flower boxOr in the flower bed: Petunia let balconies and gardens sink into a sea of flowers. The flower ensures floral splendor all summer and delights the eyes of the hobby gardener. The location also plays a crucial role so that the flowering plant feels comfortable. Many know them as a real sun worshiper. In fact, there is a large selection of varieties these days and some of them are also perfect for the shadow garden or the north balcony. So if you wonder whether petunia can grow and bloom in the shade, then the answer is: yes. It is important, however, that you stick to some basic rules when planting and maintaining.
Petunia is a one -year -old plant that is common in the tropical climate zones of South America. In Germany it is only planted after the ice saints when the weather gets warm and the sun shines all day long. In the rain, the young plants can thrive badly, so they should either mount rain protection or start plants at the end of May.
The right location plays a crucial role. The Petunia prefer sutting up tosunny locationsAnd need at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Do Petunia also grow in the shade? Yes, although it matters on the shadow. Locations in partial shade, such as the east balcony, are best suited, because there the plant gets full sun in the morning and shadows in the afternoon. The light shadow can also promote growth, but petunia then forms drives too long and blooms significantly less. The plant cannot tolerate full shadows.
Locations that are sunny at least 4 hours a day and that have rain and wind protection are suitable for petunia. The balcony with west, east or south orientation offers the perfect lighting conditions for the sensitive flower.
In the garden, the flower thrives perfectly in flower beds on the edge of the lawn. When planting, you should make sure that the petunia is not in the shade of a tree. Also right next to hedge plants or high bushes, it will not feel comfortable. Soil cover, ornamental grass and low flowers prove to be the perfect planting partners.
Petunia for shady locations: You should consider that when planting
There are several simple rules that promote flowers. Above all, you should note:
1. AtPlanting flower bedsAnd keep boxes a minimum distance of 20 cm between the flowers.
2. Lay a drainage layer made of bloated tone so that superfluous water can drain. This is very important, especially in shady locations, because the water cannot evaporate and the roots can begin to lazy.
3. Place the stems out so that the shoots fall over the bed or the box.
4. If the young plants form too long drives at the beginning of summer, be sure to shorten them.
5. If the location is son -sonn who is son -shaded, the Petunia can spend all summer there.
6. After plants, fertilize the substrate with long -term fertilizers.
7. Petunia need a lot of water when they are in the full sun. The water requirement is lower in the shade. It is best to check the earth: it is still damp, not watering.
8. Protect the flowers from wind and rain.
Make petunia bloom
Admittedly, in partial shade the Petunia do not bloom as lavish as in the full sun. However, it is quite possible to extend the flowering period through simple tricks.
- If there are container plants, you can change the location at the weekend so that the petunia is in full sun.
- If the change of location is too complicated, you can shorten drives too long and regularly enrich the earth with compost.
- Remove faded flowers and fallen leaves regularly. This stimulates flower formation and extends the flowering period.
- Be sure to make sure that the earth is moderately moist to fresh.
- Pour the Petunia at irregular intervals. When you are in the partial shade, pour the flowers every 10 days when the location is sutely - every 7 days.
Petunia for shadows: These varieties thrive best
The wild plant thrives best in the full sun. Fortunately, there is now a large selection of different varieties and some of them are suitable for the partial shade and the light shade. So if you are looking for the Eastern balcony or the covered terrace for Petunia, you can ask for the following varieties in the garden center:
“Wave Red”As the name suggests, red flowers and long shoots that protrude beyond the flower pot. Breeding thrives at low temperatures and is perfect for the east and also to the north balcony. Wave Red can also defy rain without any problems.
The variety "Super Pink”blooms in pink, white or pink. It tolerates partial shade when the soil is permeable and humos and no waterlogging forms. Plant the flowers from each other at a distance of 18 to 20 cm to ensure good ventilation. Incidentally, this variety attracts butterflies and bees into the garden or on the balcony.
The variety“Pink Passion”blooms in bright yellow, pink, white or pink. The heyday lasts from May to the end of October. It can thrive in the partial shadow and has a rather low water requirement. The right planting time is mid -May to the end of June.
The variety“Sunset”Forms flowers with a yellow edge and a brick -red middle.
“Light Blue”is a hybrid that forms purple and pink flowers. The special thing about this variety is that it needs a pruning.