How can you get rid of pigeons from the balcony and keep them away? The best methods and tips

Pigeons can be a real nuisance, especially in big cities. They not only conquer entire city squares, but also make themselves comfortable on roof terraces and balconies. However, those who have put a lot of effort into their...Nice balcony to set up, certainly doesn't want to share it with a family of pigeons. You can find out how you can keep pigeons away from the balcony in this article.

Pigeons on the balcony – what to do?

Pigeons can pose a major problem for your health and quality of life. Nesting pigeons leave droppings behind, and pigeon droppings are potentially harmful to humans, but also to pets or other animals. Therefore, these birds are often called “rats of the sky”. The noise that pigeons make, especially during the period when they are breeding, is also very disturbing - and causes sleep problems in people. For this reason, pigeon control is a well-known form of pest control in large cities.

There are different approaches to pigeons, but also other larger orkeep smaller birds away. You can scare away pigeons by manipulating their natural reactions or scaring them away with things they don't like. Bird repellents make areas less attractive for pigeons to nest or perch, and scarecrows discourage them from entering attractive areas. Both approaches help with pigeon-proofing balconies and other areas.

What helps against pigeons on the balcony?

The first question you have to ask yourself is what these birds don't like and what can scare them away. We have listed the different options below.

The best repellents manipulate the physiological or psychological nature of a pigeon. Although some may cause minor suffering, these methods are humane and harmless. However, keep in mind that some of these only work for a limited time.

Pigeons drive away with light reflection

You can use various objects that reflect the sun against the annoying birds, as pigeons are allergic to them. For example, you can use old CDs by threading them onto a string and like aMobile on the balconyhanging. Other light-reflecting objects such as glass balls, plastic balls or even strips of aluminum foil can also deter pigeons.

Choosing reflective surfaces to scare away pigeons takes advantage of the birds' natural reactions, but does not cause distress. The reflective surface is rather confusing for the pigeons and will cause them to simply nest elsewhere.

Wind chimes keep pigeons away from the balcony

Exercise can also effectively drive the pigeons away from your balcony. You can use all kinds of wind turbines for this, for example by putting them in the balcony box or tying them to the balcony railing. Simple ribbons, garlands or wind chimes that you hang somewhere are another good option. However, the balcony does not have to be completely protected from the wind for movement to occur.

Plastic spikes against birds on the balcony?

Pigeons like our balconies because they have plenty of space to sit and nest. If the birds have no way to land, then they will look for a perch somewhere else. To do this, you can cover the railing, the balcony ledge or the window sill with plastic spikes. This way the pigeons can no longer land there. These spines may not look very pretty, but they still do the trick. It is only important that the spikes are not too sharp so as not to injure the birds.

Drive away pigeons with noises

What else can you do against pigeons on the balcony? Acoustic defense systems are another optionPigeons from the balconykeep away. These can be, for example, noises such as barking, loud bells or cries of birds of prey. However, you must remember that the birds will get used to the sounds after a while. So you need to change these regularly to prevent this from happening.

Tip: Discuss this measure with your neighbors so that there is no trouble. If they don't agree, then you should use another method to drive away the birds.

If the sound of a bell doesn't bother you, you can also hang bells somewhere on the balcony. Their sound is unpopular with pigeons and can quickly scare them away.

Buy or make a pigeon fright

Pigeons are food for birds of prey such as hawks and eagles. Since these birds of prey do not live in cities, you can display them in the form of a dummy bird. Plastic ravens that function as scarecrows are also suitable for this. You can place these on the window sill or the balcony railing, for example. You have to regularly move the pigeon deterrent to a different location. Otherwise the pigeons will get used to his presence and will not perceive him as a real enemy.

To make the scarecrow work better, you can hang it on a thin nylon thread to make it move using the wind. A great alternative are movable plastic birds such as owls or hawks. These usually use solar energy to move their heads and therefore look much more realistic to the pigeons.

A cat on the balcony scares away pigeons

Anyone who has a pet already has one of the best ways to deter birds. If a cat is lurking on the balcony, the pigeons will keep their distance. These birds don't like the barking of dogs either, so your four-legged friend can also protect the outdoor area from pigeons. He has to do thatabsolutely securedbe. Since the pet doesn't spend all of its time on the balcony, you may also want to consider an additional repellent.

Stretch a pigeon net

If you cover the balcony with bird netting, you can immediately say goodbye to your pigeon problems. However, you must ensure that the birds do not get caught in the bars. The pigeon net may not look very nice, but it is effective against unwanted animals. However, it can limit the view and make your stay on the balcony more uncomfortable. Therefore, the pigeon net is more of a temporary measure or an option for balconies that are not used very often.

Pigeons are driven away using ultrasonic or infrasonic waves

Ultrasound and infrasound waves are a frequently used measure againstPests of all kinds. But be careful that these waves not only work against pigeons, but can also disturb other animals and even your pet. In addition, pigeons quickly get used to different sounds and after a while they may ignore them and nest on your balcony again.

Can you scare away pigeons with smells?

Strong and offensive scents and smells such as pepper or even essential oils can deter pigeon populations for a time. To completely get rid of pigeons with smells, you must consistently distribute the scents throughout their sleeping and nesting areas to make the habitat uninhabitable.

Pigeons and other birds are not big fans of strong herbs and spices. So that means you canScare away pigeonsby sprinkling strong spices such as red pepper, cinnamon, garlic or cayenne pepper on your balcony.

To protect your balcony or roof terrace from annoying birds, you should make the place unattractive. Here we have collected a few tips on how to make the balcony an unpopular place for pigeons.

Do not leave food or crumbs lying around

This is the first and most important tip – don’t feed the birds! Animals tend to return to where they find or get food. If you feel the urge to feed a pigeon on the balcony some crumbs, it's best to refrain from doing so. Because one pigeon can mean an entire clan on your balcony in a short time.

So that you don't unknowingly provide the birds with food, you must clean the balcony after every time you spend outside, especially the areas on, under and next to the seating area.

Remove the pigeon nest

If pigeons breed on your balcony, it will be more difficult to drive them away. The breeding season for pigeons lasts a long time - in Central Europe usually from March to August, but breeding pigeons are also not uncommon in autumn and winter.

Nesting birds concentrate on window ledges, balcony areas and places near a birdhouse or other food source. If you find the pigeon's nest on your balcony, you can remove it. This is easiest to do if the nest is just a branch structure. For safety reasons, destroy the nesting site with gloves and a mask. If the nests are repeatedly disposed of, the pigeons will no longer use your balcony to build nests.

Decorate your balcony and keep pigeons away

A beautifully decorated balcony where you spend a lot of time quickly becomes unloved by pigeons and other birds. The movement scares them off and they look for a quieter place.

With a simple decoration like some garlands made of colorful ribbons, you can not only beautify your balcony, but also protect it from unwanted flying guests. Change the decorations from time to time so that the birds don't get used to them.

Tip: If you go on vacation (especially during the pigeon nesting or breeding season), make sure that the pigeons do not turn your balcony into a nesting area. To do this, use one of the measures mentioned in this article to protect the balcony in your absence.