Hibernate Calla, but how? The flower in the pot or in the garden can only survive the winter with the right care

The Calla is a beautiful exoter that adorns the garden and balcony in summer with its noble filigree flowers. In Germany it is mainly cultivated as a pot flower because it cannot survive the hard winter outside. So in autumn you have to hibernate the calla. In the article, we explain how you can do this and what you should take into account.

Winter -hard calla hibernate: This is how the flower survives the winter in the garden

Almost all types of calla are not hardy and are very sensitive to minus temperatures. A special case is the “Crowsborough” variety, which can survive up to -20 ° Celsius. It will be in the gardenhibernated in the bed.

Cut the hardy Calla back in autumn

The hardy exotic is cut back in autumn, shortly before the permanent frost. The above -ground plant parts will die anyway. You can cut them back in autumn so that the tubers can save the nutrients and the energy reserves for winter. Cut all the above -ground plant parts close to the ground. It is best to do this in September while the weather is still warm. Otherwise you risk frost damage. The cut should take place on a dry, sunny day. If you have missed the right time, then let the shoots and leaves die better.

Winter the tuber in the bed: You should consider that

You do not need to dig out the tuber and hibernate warm. Leave the hardy variety in the bed. A mulch layer canProtect the plant additionallyand save water. The Calla needs very little water during the rest period in the winter months. Therefore, watering the garden flower can be completely omitted. However, the good drainage is necessary because the exoter is difficult to tolerate waterlogging. To improve this, you can incorporate coarse -grained sand into the earth.

Special case: non-hardy garden calla varieties

If you have planted a non-hardy garden calla variety in the bed, then take the winter as follows:

  • Cut the above -ground plant parts close to the ground in September
  • Dig the tubers at the end of September, carefully loosen the earth from the tubers.
  • Then let the tubers dry for several days.
  • Store the tubers dark, cool and dry.
  • The temperatures in the winter quarters should be around 10 ° Celsius.
  • Layer the tubers with newspaper in boxes and leave them there in winter.
  • In spring you can then take them out of the boxes and plant it out again.

Risk of confusion: Sumpfcalla is not the same as Calla

Often there are confusion and the non-hardy calla varieties are visually confused with the swamp calla. Calla Palustris - i.e. the swamp kalla, still known as a dragon root, forms large white flowers and reaches a height of up to 100 cm. It is a hardy pond plant that can easily survive the cold season outside.

Calla hibernate: useful around the care of the pot flower

The other, non -hardy varieties will be brought to the winter quarters at the end of September - until the beginning of October. If the temperatures outdoors fall below 15 degrees Celsius, it is usually too late - the flower can quickly freeze to death. The right preparation for the cold season and the right location play an important role.

Do I have to do the leaves and faded?

For many hobby gardeners, the question arises whether the Calla has to be cut back in autumn. Logical, but unfortunately wrong, it is often claimed that the leaves of the calla have to be cut off. In fact, the exotic does not need a strong pruning. It is completely sufficient if you are before wintering (preferably in autumn, when it is warm):

  • Cut down dead leaves
  • Faded removal
  • Possibly remove drives affected by mushrooms

Before hibernating, you should check the calla, similar to other potted plants, for signs of infestation.

Head the Calla in the pot: which is the right location?

The Calla flower also needs a lot of light in the winter months. At the same time, you should avoid direct sunlight, because this could quickly burn the sensitive leaves and drives. Oneglazed terraceOr a winter garden is therefore unsuitable. The Calla will feel comfortable in an unheated room with west or east direction. Place the pot near the window, but not directly on the windowsill.

As far as the room temperature is concerned, the flower thrives best at temperatures around 10 ° Celsius. From January, the room temperature can increase up to 13 degrees Celsius.

Incidentally, temperature fluctuations are difficult to tolerate the calla. So if you use the room where it is overwintered and then heat up to 20 degrees Celsius, then the flower could die.

How often and how much pour the pot flower?

Once you've brought the Calla to the winter quarters, you can almost completely adjust the water gifts. In your home country, the plant is used to a cycle, whereby there is first a rain period (that's why the flower is poured vigorously in spring and summer) and then a dry period comes. This dry period comes with us in autumn and summer when the experienced hobby gardeners let the earth dry completely in the pot. Only then will the Calla be poured.

Like all plants that are in the resting phase, the Calla is not fertilized in autumn and winter. You can only supply them with nutrients shortly before the wintering.