Gardening in Summer: Which Shrubs to Prune in July to Promote Strong Fruit and Abundant Blooms?

Early summer flowering shrubs can be pruned this month to keep them vigorous and blooming well. Which shrubs do you prune in July? Below we give practical tips for summer pruning of trees in the garden as well as fruit-bearing and flowering ones.

The summer cut shouldone on fruit bushesapply, e.g. B. on berries so that the quantity and quality of the fruit is influenced. If you don't cut them, the harvest becomes increasingly poor - too much old, unproductive wood!

When to prune summer raspberries

The rules for pruning summer-fruiting raspberries are not complicated. As soon as the shoots bear fruit, they die back, so they can be cut back immediately after harvesting. However, cutting is made more difficult by the fact that new canes are already growing on two-year-old canes during fruit formation. The trick to cutting is to differentiate the two types of rods. All summer-bearing shoots with berries are biennial shoots and should be cut out near the ground after harvest. However, in order to achieve a good harvest, you also need to thin out the annual shoots. When cutting back the annual canes of summer raspberries, remove the smallest and weakest ones first. The next step is to shorten the remaining shoots. Remember that the tip of the shoot contains most of the fruit buds, so only cut off the tip. You'll get more berries if you also cut out the first wave of new growth in the spring. Cut these out when they are about 15cm high.

Summer pruning of red currants

Cut out a selection of the oldest wood as close to the base as possible. If there are lots of new shoots developing from the older wood, you have a choice. (These new shoots will appear in the nextSummer fruitswear.) Either shorten the older branch back to a new shoot growing outwards, or leave the branch for another year and cut back all the shoots by a third, or remove it at the base if it is too much for the bush charged. Any of these options are fine - just choose the one you like best. Shorten all branches and shoots by about a third and cut them back to an outward-facing bud. This stimulates the fruit heads - for more growth in summer.

Cut blackberry bushes in July

In addition to adequate watering of the blackberries, pruning is one of the most important prerequisites for successful blackberry production. The timing of the pruning and the way you do it are crucial. It's not complicated, though, so see for yourself. There's usually no need to prune blackberries in the first year. Only when the new canes (the so-called primary canes) are around 90 to 120 cm tall should you cut off the tips of the new canes to increase productivity by encouraging side branching. Cut the tips of the new primary rods at about chest height.

Every year after your blackberry bushes have produced berries and immediately after harvest, you mustthese bushes(the so-called floricanes) cut back to the ground. These canes won't produce any more berries, so don't worry about cutting them off. Blackberries produce the most berries in midsummer. Depending on the blackberry variety, you may have to prune in June or July.

How to prune gooseberries

From early June to mid-July, trim all young side shoots to five leaves and tie the growing tip to the cane as it spreads. It is best to cut the gooseberry bushes shortly before the end of dormancy so that they can quickly sprout again with the strong new growth in spring. For gooseberry bushes, it is advisable to delay pruning until the buds begin to open.

Flowering shrubs are cut in summer

Every gardener enjoys lush flowering plants. To this end, you need to know when and how to use yourflowering shrubsneed to be pruned so that they bloom profusely and can decorate your garden for a long time.

Clean out roses after flowering

Now that the roses are in full bloom, everyone benefitsRose varieties from regular trimming,as the flowers fade throughout the month. Remove any damaged leaves. This way you will remove diseases and pests from your rose. Cut out the dead wood. If the stems are dry and brown they are dead, if they are green they are alive. Cut the dead wood back to the base so that the living branches can continue to grow. Open the center of the plant. Ideally, the branches should protrude upwards in a vase shape and have an open structure. Remove weak growth. A simple rule is to remove anything thinner than a pencil. These thin shoots produce nothing viable and tend to prevent the rest of the rose bush from reaching its full potential. Seal the cut shoots. If you seal the freshly cut shoots with a cut protection product, you will protect your rose bush from rot.

Summer pruning of hydrangeas

As a rule, flowering shrubs should be cut in summer. The hydrangea should be cut immediately after the end of the flowering period, but no later than August 1st.Cut the hydrangeanot in fall, winter or spring, otherwise you could cut off new buds. Pruning branches at the time of leaf emergence in spring can result in multiple smaller flower heads forming rather than fewer large flower heads.

Cistus cutting in the summer season

Prune cistus lightly after flowering to promote neat and bushy growth. If they become too leggy and unruly, you can lightly prune the entire plant back with pruning shears after flowering. Fertilize and water well to encourage new shoots and, with luck, a second display of blooms towards the end of the season.