Long-flowering shrubs add an extra element of beauty to your garden. Not only do they add curb appeal, they also provide reliable color, attract pollinators, and give your garden structure and privacy. Whether you have a large property or a small patio, you can plant shrubs that bloom from spring to fall so you have color all season long. Many richly flowering bushes can also be planted in containers or on a patio to add color. They are ideal for planting foundations, walkways, pools and as accents in a mixed bed with evergreen plants. Find out here which are the best long-blooming shrubs for your outdoor space.
What are the longest blooming shrubs?
Every plant has a cycle of growth, flowering and dormancy. So there is no one perennial that blooms all year round. However, there are a number of shrubs that are extremely long-flowering or tri-seasonal, meaning they offer something to see in spring, summer and fall. These include, for example, hydrangeas and butterflies as well as re-flowering varieties of lilac, hibiscus, azaleas, spar bushes andenchanting shrub roses, which thrive in many different regions of the country.
Long-flowering shrubs – panicle hydrangea
Most plants on this list produce fresh flowers all season long, but panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) ensure a particularly long flowering period by keeping the flowers they form looking magnificent until frost. The large, cone-shaped flowers are initially white or green and then turn pink and red over the summer. This color lasts until frost, meaning the panicle hydrangeas can bloom for three (or more!) months.
Panicle hydrangeas are among the easiest and most reliable among the richly flowering shrubs and even more so among the hydrangeas. There are some varieties that are hardy and others that are heat resistant. For many years, panicle hydrangeas only came in one size: huge. But that has changed and now there are several dwarf varieties. No matter how much space you have, there's a panicle hydrangea that's perfect for blooming.
One of the best shrubs for long-lasting flowers: bladderwort
The bladder spar (Physocarpus opulifolius) is a beautiful shrub that has it all: colorful foliage that shines in dark burgundy, green or bronze all season long, fragrant white flowers that bloom in mid to late spring and a natural, arching shape that doesn't require pruning must be. Keep an eye out for new dwarf varieties for smaller gardens.
This shrub looks great most of the season and works equally well in mixed borders or beds or as an accent plant. It is also a magnet for pollinators.
Butterfly bush – a long-blooming beauty
The butterfly bush (Buddleia Davidi)has fragrant flowers, which range from white to deep purple. However, it is often invasive, so do your research before planting it. Prune it in autumn to prevent the seeds from spreading.
These fast-growing, tall shrubs should be planted in well-drained soil in spring or early fallbe planted in full sun. In spring, cut the branches back to the ground. To avoid excessive leaf production, do not use fertilizer on your butterfly bush. Only water it heavily when it is actively growing.
Hibiscus (marshmallow) – an eye-catcher in your garden
In the height of summer, the last thing you want to do is be in the hot sunpottering around in the garden– this is the time to relax and enjoy the fruits of the labor of spring and fall. Few plants make this easier than the hibiscus (Syrian Hibiscus). It requires virtually no care and blooms for well over a month each year, often even two months. This long bloom period will delight not only you and your family, but also all pollinators who find the colorful blooms irresistible.
Marshmallows come in a wide range of shades of blue to pink, including pure white, and you can find both double and single flowers (although the single flowers are the better choice if you want to attract pollinators).
Long-flowering shrubs – the hardy azalea
Known for their magnificent show, these evergreen bushes come in all colors from peach to pink to pure white. They are beautiful planted in masses or as a foundation planting. The azaleas (Rhododendron)are more cold-resistant and are characterized by unusual, large, double flowers and shiny foliage. They bloom in early to mid spring and after a short period of dormancy form a new set of buds,which takes place from mid-summer/late summeropens until frost.
For optimal flowering, we recommend a location with high, filtered light (for example under a tall deciduous tree) throughout the day and moist, nutrient-rich soil. A monthly application of a rose fertilizer from early spring to the end of July should produce excellent results.
Long-flowering shrubs that provide fragrance: Daphne
The real daphne (Daphne mezereum) is a pretty, attractive shrub that has become increasingly popular in recent years.Plant these bushes near walkways, where you can enjoy their heavenly scent. The fruity-scented Daphne flowers in pink, white or lavender bloom in late winter and early spring long before many other shrubs and they maintain a beautiful, compact shape even without pruning.
Also interesting:Which shrubs bloom in March: Do you already know them?