Hibiscus (Hibiscus), also called marshmallow in German, belongs to the mallow family. The genus consists of hundreds of different species. They are native to high temperatures and are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The reason many gardeners love hibiscus is because of the flowers, which grow quite large and beautiful. How you should care for your hibiscus and what mistakes you should avoid can be found below.
How to properly care for hibiscus when the leaves turn yellow
One of the most common problems hibiscus growers face is their hibiscus plants yellowing and/orpale and veined leavesreceive. Experienced plant growers are particularly prone to taking the wrong route of treatment when they see this on a hibiscus plant. This is because they have had success treating other plants that have the same appearance, but the causes are completely different because hibiscus have very different needs than most other flowering plants.
Be aware of the temperature outside
Hibiscus grows best at temperatures between 15°C and 32°C and the beautiful plant cannot tolerate low temperatures - below 0°C it freezes. In summer, your hibiscus plant can be placed outdoors, but as soon as the temperature gets close to freezing, you should no longer leave your hibiscus outside in the garden or on the patio, but bring it indoors. Avoid the mistake of letting your plant freeze.
Your hibiscus needs sun: pay attention to the location
Make sure your hibiscus needs plenty of sun. The more direct sun the garden and house plants get, the better they bloom. At least 6 to 8 hours of sun is optimalfor good flowering, but you can also plant them in the shade: they will then produce fewer flowers over the summer. The afternoon sun is stronger than the morning sun, so a proper location that is shady in the morning and sunny in the afternoon should produce more flowers.
Important tip: Do not choose a location for your plant that is sunny in the morning and shady in the afternoon.You can find out what other mistakes you should avoidread here.
Caring for hibiscus: create a watering plan and avoid mistakes
When hibiscuses bloom, they need a lot of water. In warm weather, the plant needs to be watered daily. However, as soon as the weather gets cooler,your plant needs outsideor less water in the house. Water your marshmallow in the winter only when the soil feels dry.
Find the right floor
Hibiscus does not do well when there is waterlogging and prefers moist but well-drained soil. Clay and sandy loam soils are usually the best. If your soil is too sandy, you can improve its structure by incorporating mulch or other organic matter.
Caring for hibiscus: Don't forget fertilizers
Garden and house plants need a lot of nutrients.If you don't fertilize them properly, you are making a big mistake. There are several ways to fertilize hibiscus. One option is to spread a layer of compost around the base of the plant in the spring. You can provide your marshmallow in the pot with liquid fertilizer. Be careful not to use too much fertilizer as too much phosphorus will kill the marshmallow.
Be careful: You should stop fertilizing before the rest break, otherwise the garden plants could suffer frost damage in winter.
Cutting hibiscus - important for the appearance of the plant
Pruning a hardy marshmallow in the garden isn't complicated, but there are a few things you should know to keep the plant looking its best. In autumn, cut back any dead trunks or branches to around 20 – 30 cm before applying a protective layer of mulch. Remove the mulch in spring when you are sure there is no risk of severe frost.
If branches are frozen in winter, cut them back to the ground. As new growth begins, you can then prune and shape the plant as desired. Remember that perennial hibiscus is a slow starter, so don't worry if there is no growth in the spring. It may take a number of warm days before the plant decides to sprout. Cut back the shoot tips when the plant has reached a height of about 15 cm. This encourages the plant to branch, resulting in a bushier plant with more flowers.
Remove spent flowers throughout the season to keep the plant clean and encourage a longer bloom period. To do this, the old flowers are pinched off with your fingernails or cut off with secateurs. Some perennial hibiscus species can self-seed. If this is the case, be sure to deadhead old flowers to prevent the plant from going to seed.
Fight pests successfully
Take the time to accurately identify the pest and then find the exact pest control product you need to get rid of it. Above all, it is very important that youUse only natural products if possibleto eliminate the pests. If you use pesticides on your marshmallow, you risk killing the beautiful plant.
Also very useful:Get rid of lice on hibiscus naturally and reliably