Biodynamics is not only a way of growing plants, but also a philosophy. A biodynamic garden is an ecosystem based on balance. This is achieved by planting different vegetables, herbs and flowers next to each other. The principles of biodynamic farming are simple: you should aim for as complete a turnover of organic matter as possible within the garden. We'll show you what you need to consider if you want to design a biodynamic garden.
Composting is the key to healthy plant growth
Composting the organic waste is very important and the utilization of ecological and cosmic energy should be maximized. Gardening should be done according to the biological calendar and only natural fertilizers should be used.
Biodynamic cultivation should begin with soil improvement: spreading compost made with natural biodynamic preparations or sowing green manure. This enriches the soil with nutrients and increases the number of microorganisms that contribute to the formation of a lumpy soil structure. Such a soil is well ventilated, warms up quickly, absorbs moisture and tolerates mechanical stress and heavy rainfall better.
Compost is the best natural fertilizer. For its production, organic waste, including food waste, is used. To prevent the compost heap from emitting unpleasant odors, each layer of organic material should be covered with a thin layer of soil. If there is not enough oxygen, rot can begin. To avoid this, you should turn the compost layers from time to time.
A biodynamic garden benefits from mulching
The soil benefits from mulching. Mulch protects the soil from temperature fluctuations and weed growth, prevents the early development of soil-dwelling pests, and serves as a source of nutrients.
Shredded plant residues can be used as mulch: weeds (without seeds!), lawn clippings, bark or compost. The mulch layer should not be too thick: 2 cm in summer and 5-8 cm in winter is sufficient. Before mulching, remove weeds and water the soil.
Use biological preparations in the garden
Biodynamic gardening often uses preparations made from plants. These are:
- Extracts (tinctures) – the plants are poured with cold water and left to stand for 12-42 hours;
- Decoctions – the plants are poured with cold water and left for 12-42 hours, then boiled for 20-30 minutes;
- Infusions - the plants are poured with boiling water and left to stand in a closed bowl for about 30 minutes;
- Slurries – the plants are doused with water and left for 2-3 weeks until the solution ferments.
Good neighbors for the proper development of plants
Many plants secrete chemical substances (phytoncides) that promote or, conversely, inhibit the growth of other species. When selecting and planting plants, their possible interactions should be taken into account. In this way, the quantity and quality of yields can be increased and resistance to pests and diseases can be improved.
Lavender combines with roses and is a powerful antiseptic. Garlic influences the formation of flower buds and enhances the scent of the flowers.
Fruit trees and bushes that are surrounded by good plants produce tastier fruit and, above all, are less affected by diseases and pests. Consequently, they do not need to be sprayed.
Dandelion releases ethylene, which improves flowering and accelerates the ripening of fruits and attracts insects that pollinate the flowers, lupine and lacfiola attract insects and pollinate more intensively. This has a positive effect on the harvest. Foxglove stimulates the growth of other plants.
Use organic fertilizers
Biodynamic gardening involves the production and application of organic fertilizers. We will show you some organic fertilizers that you can make yourself and use in the garden.
The plants are harvested before flowering. Nettle manure is rich in mineral components and is well absorbed by plants. It contains a lot of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. It can be used throughout the season at a concentration of 1:10 diluted with water for watering the soil and 1:20 for spraying plants.
Such fertilizer is especially suitable for vegetables: celery, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower and ornamental plants. Undiluted nettle manure added to the compost heap accelerates the decomposition of organic matter and increases the content of mineral components.
Also read:Using leaves as fertilizer and compost in the garden: How and which autumn leaves to use for plants?
The material can be collected throughout the growing season, but it is best in June-July. The concentration of the solution for watering the soil and spraying plants is 1:5. Horsetail fluid contains silicon, calcium, sulfur, potassium and magnesium. It increases the immunization of plants and eliminates fungal diseases: powdery and downy mildew, rust, gray mold.
The flowering plants are collected from April to August. An undissolved extract is used for watering the soil as well as spraying the plants (1.5 kg of dandelion per 10 liters of water). It accelerates the process of growth and humus formation.