Like many other plants, clematis (also called clematis) benefits from pruning. This promotes growth and allows them to shine in their full bloom. But when and how exactly you should cut back the clematis depends on the variety or the cutting group. Today's article is specifically about the varieties that are shortened in the fall season. Learn how to prune clematis in the fall depending on the variety.
The clematis cutting groups – When do you cut clematis?
There are three cutting groups for these plants and depending on which your specimen belongs to, you will have to cut the clematis in autumn or spring. The way it is cut also depends on it. We briefly summarize:
Cutting group I:
This group is only cut when necessary and if so, then in the spring after flowering (May/June). It is more of a rejuvenating topiary that becomes necessary when the clematis is bare in the lower area and has become very large overall.
- Alpen-Waldrebe
- Berg-Waldrebe (Clematis montana)
- Clematis Macropetala
- Großblumiger Waldrebe (Clematis macropetala)
- native wild species and other varieties that bloom in spring (e.g. those from the Atagene group)
Pruning Clematis in autumn – These varieties get pruned now
So the first cutting group is currently irrelevant to you. However, if you have one of the following varieties in your garden, you can plan on pruning them soon. You can cut the following groups of clematis in autumn:
Cutting group II:
The specimens from this group are even cut twice a year. The first cut can be done either in late autumn or right after the end of winter, i.e. in early spring. Immediately after the flowering phase, you have to shorten the respective varieties a second time. This is usually in May or June. A third to half of the length of the shoots is shortened, which is intended to promote new, strong shoots on which the flowers appear. TheMain flowering is in summer. Then clean and trim the plant again, but only slightly, by cutting off the clematis flowers and trimming the shoots a little.
- Spring-flowering varieties (mostly hybrids, especially with double flowers) that bloom twice a year
- Italian clematis (e.g. Clematis viticella)
Cutting group III:
These varieties can also be cut every year in late autumn, i.e. late November or early December, or early spring (February or March), removing everything that has grown during the season. Only leave around 20 to 50 centimeters of the shoots above ground when you cut the clematis in autumn or spring, which is intended to produce strong new growth with abundant flowers.
- all perennial/herbaceous clematis
- Clematis Texensis
- Oriental clematis
- Single-flowering, large-flowered hybrids from the Patens group
- Gold-Waldrebe (Clematis tangutica)
- Italian clematis
- other wild species and varieties
Exceptions prove the rule - whether a cut is necessary depends on the following
Most of the time, the purpose of pruning is to avoid the lower areas becoming bald, because then the flowers only appear in the upper areas. If the plant stands alone as a perennial, for example, or on a trellis, this is also definitely an aesthetic problem. In this case, you should cut them before you overwinter the clematis (or alternatively in spring according to the rules mentioned above).
However, some people use the clematis as a climbing plant (which it is actually not), for example to decorate trees such as magnolia or other high areas with flowers in summer. In this case, the bald beginning does not matter and you do not need to do any radical pruning. However, a rejuvenation cut still remains in groups II and IIINursing measures necessary. You then carry out this at the times mentioned above, but only every four to five years.
It also makes sense to keep an eye on pruning times when looking for a planting partner for the clematis. Varieties that can (and should) be cut in autumn and also sprout a little later in spring are particularly suitable for roses, as the latter have enough time and air to develop during the winter months. Summer-flowering clematis varieties have this characteristic.
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Cut clematis in autumn – prevent diseases!
Whether you choose to cut the clematis in the fall or in the spring, the plant is always exposed to potential diseases and especially the fresh cuts represent weak points. For this reason, it is really important to use the right garden tools and prepare them well. This means: sharp secateurs, which are best disinfected in advance.
Tipp: You can use the cut shootsTo propagate clematis.
In this way you guarantee a straight, smooth cut, because bruised plant parts are ideal entry surfaces for pathogens and you should also avoid frayed shoot ends. Disinfecting the scissors is intended to prevent you from passing any diseases from one plant to another. It is best to cut each plant separately and then disinfect the scissors again before using them on the next plant.