Many hobby gardeners pick up scissors again in October. And although the first month of autumn is a good time for cutting many hedges and trees, there are also trees that should definitely not be cut back in autumn. Which trees should not be cut in October? Here is the list.
Why it's not a good idea to prune some trees in the fall
Before we get to the list, a few things need to be clarified. You may be wondering why it's not a good idea to prune certain plants in the fall. During the cold season, many plants, especially trees, concentrate most of their energy in root formation. If you cut them in October or before winter, they won't be able to heal their cuts because the energy is already being used for something else.
In addition, tree pruning is usually aimed at promoting growth or improving flowering. That's why it doesn't seem to make sense at allTrees to be cut now: They will neither grow nor bloom in winter.
Pruning some trees in October and November can even have serious consequences for the plants. It can weaken them and you can also inadvertently cut off the buds for next season. Typically, if a tree blooms on annual wood in the spring, you should avoid pruning it in the fall.
Pruning is an essential part of caring for a plant, helping to promote its growth and flowering and reducing the risk of certain diseases. However, if pruning is done incorrectly or at the wrong time, it can do more harm than good. And although with some treesthe autumn cut is highly recommendedFor others it is best done in late winter or spring. So which trees should you not prune in October?
Cherries, plums, mirabelle plums and the like: stone fruit should not be cut in October
Stone fruit trees are among the woody plants that should not be pruned in October. These includefor example cherry trees, apricots, nectarines, plums, plums and mirabelle plums. These trees enter the dormant phase in October, which is why their cuts would heal very slowly. This makes the trees more susceptible to fungi and bacteria and promotes disease. Stone fruit trees are best cut in late summer or after the harvest.
The crabapple does not need any pruning now
The crabapple differs greatly from the apple tree, particularly in its fruits, which are smaller and usually much more acidic. Nevertheless, this tree has a high ornamental value in the garden and blooms magnificently in spring. Regular pruning is not necessary for the crabapple, but you can still thin out the crown after flowering to avoid fungal diseases. If you want to remove dead wood, late winter or early spring is a good time to prune.
No pruning for these shrubs in the fall
In addition to trees, there are also many shrubs that should not be cut in October.
Hydrangeas of cutting group 1
For hydrangeas, the right time to prune depends on when the plant produces its flowers for the next summer. If you cut back the wrong species in autumn, in the worst case the flower will stop completely next year. Hydrangeas in cutting group 1 should never be cut in the fall. These include farmer's hydrangeas, plate hydrangeas, velvet hydrangeas, oak leaf hydrangeas and climbing hydrangeas. They lay their buds the previous year and if you cut them back in the fall you can accidentally remove the flowers for the next season. The old shoots also serve as a kind of frost protection and are also an eye-catcher in winter.
Woody plants with evergreen foliage
Evergreen deciduous trees do not need regular pruning. They are only pruned when necessary, for example if some branches are bothersome or the plant has grown too large. However, autumn is not a good time for these pruning measures. The outer foliage of these trees protects the inner ones from frost and sun and must not be removed before winter. Spring and late summer are better for thinning out plants such as boxwood, cherry laurel, holly and spindle bush.
Do not cut azaleas in October
As a rule, azaleas do not require annual topiary trimming - they grow splendidly on their own. If the plant has grown out of shape and needs pruning, then do not use scissors in the fall. The right time is in spring after flowering.
You don't cut blackberries in the garden in autumn
The outer tendrils of blackberries also serve as protection against the weather in winter. Therefore, the shrub should be pruned not in autumn, but in early spring. The canes are also very sensitive to cutting and cannot close their cuts in time before the first frost. This often leads to the fruit-bearing shoots bursting open and the harvest the following year fails completely.
List of trees that should not be cut in autumn
Here are all of the trees mentioned above that should not be cut in autumn or October:
- Cherry tree
- Pflaumenbaum
- Zwetschgenbaum
- Mirabelle
- apricot
- Nectarines
- Crabapple
- Hortensie
- Boxwood
- Cherry laurel
- Stechpalme
- Spindle bush
- Azaleas
- blackberry
Also interesting:Which fruit trees prune in autumn? How do you do it right?