Cucumbers turn yellow and fall off: what are the possible causes and what can be done to save the vegetable?

Finally they are here in mid-June - early July: the first little cucumbers. It will take some time for them to ripen. But then the bitter disappointment: the cucumbers turn yellow and fall off. What could be the cause and how can it be prevented? We explain what you can do about it.

Why do the small cucumbers on the plant turn yellow?

There are many possible reasons why cucumbers suddenly turn yellow and fall off. We list the most common ones and offer solutions. However, the reasons for this are very different. It is often not possible to tell at first glance whetherPlant nutrientsmissing, the location is too sunny or the roots are rotting. Therefore, proceed as follows:

  • First, check the plants for signs of disease or pest infestation.
  • Then consider whether there has been a change in the weather in the last few days. Hot spells and drought can also have a negative impact on yields such as rain and high humidity.
  • Maybe you changed something? For example, the outdoor cucumbers were transplanted into the greenhouse.
  • Have you seen bees or other pollinating insects around the cucumber plants or not?
  • Have there been major temperature fluctuations in the last two or three weeks?

The cucumbers are not pollinated

Cucumbers produce their fruit behind a flower. On each plant there are few male and many female flowers and only the female ones form ovaries. If these are not pollinated, the unfertilized cucumbers will fall off.

Outdoor cucumbers are usually pollinated without any problems. However, the cucumbers will be ingrown in a greenhouse, this should be ventilated every day for a longer period of time so that the pollinating insects have access to the plants. Another option would be to pollinate the flowers yourself. It's best to rub two flowers together. Repeat this process daily.

The soil is too wet or too dry

If the soil is too wet, the cucumbers can rot quickly. To prevent this, you can incorporate sand or clay. Good drainage is an absolute must, especially for potted plants.

Another possibility is that theCucumbers not watered regularlybecome. Water the plants directly around the root area. Depending on the variety, you should do this between three and four times a week. Mulching with grass clippings can also significantly increase the soil's ability to retain moisture.

You should also pay attention to the humidity in the greenhouse. If this is over 60%, you should ventilate the room regularly to avoid the formation of rot.

Cucumbers turn yellow: there is a lack of nutrients

The cucumber plant needs a lot of nutrients to form the fruits. The heavy feeder feels best when the soil is airy and rich in humus. It is therefore worth loosening the soil before planting the cucumbers. You can also supply the plants with slow-release fertilizer at the start of the gardening season. However, this is not enough and you would then have to fertilize the cucumbers weekly in the summer.

The plant bears too many fruits

Everyone is happy about a rich harvest. However, if the cucumbers bear too many fruits, this can have a negative impact on the quality and some fruits may yellow and fall off.

The cucumbers turn yellow and fall off: diseases or pest attacks

Cucumbers are very susceptible to fungal diseases, the most common being powdery mildew. The disease is transmitted from plant to plant and can significantly reduce yields. In the worst case, the plants die. To prevent this, you should place the specimens in the ground at least 60 cm apart. This way you can prevent it from spreading quickly. The next step is to cut off the diseased plant parts and treat the affected plants with an approved fungicide that is not harmful to insects or, even better, with a suitable home remedy. Preventing a fungal disease is very simple: avoid waterlogging, do not water the cucumbers from above, the leaves should remain dry.

The cucumber plants are also often used byPests such as aphidsand spider mites infested. Certain home remedies are effective against aphids. You can also use beneficial insects to combat pests.

Frost damage and sunburns

In some cases, if the temperature differences during the day and night are too great, you should protect the plants from frost damage with fleece in the evening.

The wrong location can also result in the fruit falling off. If the plants are sunny, direct light can burn the leaves. This affects yields.