Optimal growth: The best neighbors for onions in mixed culture

Experienced gardeners know that choosing the right neighbors for onions in the vegetable garden is crucial to their growth. Througha smart neighborhood plantingNot only can you keep pests away, but you can also improve the growth and taste of your onions. On the contrary, the “wrong” neighborhood can lead to an intensified nutrient battle. Below we introduce you to some ideal neighbors for onions that contribute to a harmonious and productive vegetable garden.

Benefits of growing onions together with other plants

Tomasz Klejdysz

Intercropping with onions offers several benefits that can enrich your vegetable garden:

  • Better use of the garden:Growing onions together with other plants allows you to make the most of your garden and achieve a diverse harvest.
  • Natural pest repellent:The natural defenses in bulbs keep pests like aphids away and create a healthy environment for other plants to grow.
  • Improving the soil:By growing different types of plants, you improve the soil structure and promote the health of your garden.



Onions and carrots are a great example of intercropping. Carrots are very susceptible to pests such as the carrot fly, which is attracted by the smell of the roots. However, onions have a very strong scent that masks the smell of carrots and confuses the pests. TikTok user @nettlesandpetals reports that this combination is successful every year. This means that unsightly covers are no longer necessary! Onions grow tall and relatively narrow, so they don't take up much space between rows.


Fresh lettuce from your own garden is a dream, right? When you plant onions next to lettuce, both plants benefit from each other. Lettuce has shallow roots, while onions take advantage of the extra space in the soil and keep pests away. These two plants can be planted together without competing for space or nutrients.


Onions and leeks belong to the same family and have similar growth requirements, such as nutritional requirements.


Shutterstock / Ilya Karnaukhov

Yes, you heard that right! Strawberries and onions are an unusual but effective team. The onions keep slugs away, while the strawberries enrich the garden with their sweet aroma. Onions, especially scallions, have a strong scent that helps deter pests by masking the aroma of strawberries and protecting them from insects like aphids. The bulbs also form a protective barrier around the strawberry bed and repel crawling pests such as snails and slugs. Additionally, the larger strawberry plants can act as a solar filter for the tender onion sprouts, keeping the soil temperature cooler and resulting in healthier plants.

Also read:These flowers, herbs and vegetable plants in the strawberry bed ensure a rich harvest


Space-saving and pest-free. Cucumbers and onions are ideal neighbors in the vegetable garden because they complement each other in their space and soil requirements. Both plants have similar growth requirements, preferring well-drained soil and full sun, and making efficient use of garden space.

Onions can enhance the flavor of cucumbers and do not require much space, making them fit well betweenCucumber vinesfit. It is important to leave enough distance so that both plants can grow without competition for nutrients and water. If possible, plant them 45-60cm apart. Keep in mind that onions prefer cooler conditions and are therefore not ideal for oneCucumber harvest in the greenhouseare.


Shutterstock / rudolfgeiger

Spinach is a cool-season crop that can be grown alongside onions since they both have similar growth requirements. Spinach helps reduce weeds and provide shade, while onions deter aphids and other pests with their strong scent. Both plants do not overly compete for nutrients and use garden space efficiently. Spinach grows quickly and can be harvested early to give the bulbs more room as they begin to grow.

Rote Beth

Beetroot and onions are an unbeatable team in the vegetable garden. According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners from Russia, beets, onions and garlic should be planted together in three rows, leaving about 20 cm between them.

Onions and garlic ripen earlier than beets. Therefore, the beds are automatically thinned out when the first harvest comes in. Once onions and garlic are removed from the bed, the beet has more space and access to moisture. This method ensures a good harvest of all three vegetables and saves space in the garden.



Tomatoes and onions can be grown together as companion plants and provide several benefits to each other. Onions, with their strong scent, can repel pests that would otherwise attack tomatoes, such as aphids and Colorado potato beetles. Both crops should be grown 35 to 40 centimeters apart so that the tomatoes do not shade the bulbs.

By the way, if you are wondering why these clay pots are planted in the raised bed, you canread this article.

Are onions good neighbors for potatoes?

According to Gardeningknowhow.com, onions can stunt the growth of potatoes. Still, when planted around potatoes, onions can help deter pests like aphids and thrips due to their strong scent.Sea Plantura.gardenHowever, onions can be easily planted next to potatoes.

Herbs and flowers that grow well alongside bulbs

Foto: Shutterstock / olenadesign


With its delicate aroma and pretty flowers, dill is not only a delight for the senses, but also an excellent companion for onions. It also attracts pollinators to the garden.

Also read:Which herbs in the vegetable patch?


Good for you in a cup of tea and good for your plants; Chamomile has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can improve the flavor of your onions.


Shutterstock / Andrey Abryutin

According to HomesandGardens.com, planting parsley or mint near onions can help keep the onion fly away. The fragrant leaves of mint and parsley confuse the onion fly, which likes to breed in the leaves of onions. The onion fly larvae will also eat through the onion bulbs, leaving you with no crop when it comes time to harvest the onions.

However, Sue Sanderson, horticulture manager at Thompson & Morgan, warns against some companion plants such as mint: “These plants are fast growing and will quickly choke out your crop. “The best thing to do is growMint in a herb potl next to the other plants to keep them under control.”


Marigolds are not only beautiful to look at, but also practical as companion plants for bulbs. The compound thiophene it contains acts as a natural insect repellent that kills aphids andKeeps nematodes away. By planting marigolds among your bulbs, you can protect them from pests and promote healthy development.

Other good onion neighbors are:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kohlrabi
  • Zucchini
  • Broccoli
  • Saddlery
  • Garlic
  • Chicory
  • radish
  • Brunnenkresse

Creation of an optimal planting plan for onions

  • Consideration of growing times and space requirements:Plan your garden carefully and take into account the different growth times and space requirements of the plants.
  • Consider rotation farming:To keep the soil fertile and prevent disease, it is important to rotate plants regularly.
  • Consider height differences and lighting conditions:Make sure taller plants don't block the sun for lower-growing plants and vice versa.
  • Correct planting depth for onions:Bulbs should be planted about 2-3cm deep, with the tip end facing upwards.
  • Recommended distance between bulbs and other plants:The distance between the rows of onions should be about 10-15 cm to provide enough space for root growth.

Also interesting:When are onions ready to harvest?

Bad neighbors for onions

Some plants are not good neighbors for onions because they can affect their growth and yield.Beans and peashave a high nitrogen requirement that competes with that of onions, whileWhite cabbagecan hinder the growth of onions. It is therefore advisable to grow these plants separately to achieve the best results.

Choosing the right onion planting neighbors can make the difference between an average and a high-yielding harvest. By choosing the right combination of plant species, you can not only increase your yields, but also promote the health of your vegetable garden.