By law, heavy cutting work is only permitted until the end of February. That's why hobby gardeners have to trim their hedges in the first few months of the new year. But in what weather can you cut the bushes without damaging them?
Cutting hedges in frost: What temperatures can the bushes tolerate?
Winter is the right time to trim the hedge. Not only because it is required by law, but also because the plants tolerate the stress of cutting better during the rest phase. In winter you can also use the general oneCondition of the hedgeassess better and notice problem areas.
At the same time, pruning in January and February poses a major challenge for the hobby gardener. The weather is often very changeable - short periods of frost, then temperatures above 5° Celsius, then frosty days again.
Basically: temperatures between -2° to 5° Celsius are optimal in the winter months. It is important that there is no frost in the next few days. Cutting at the end of a frost period is therefore ideal. Find out about the garden weather and wait until the temperatures are around 0° and will rise in the next few days. This allows the bushes to recover better and prevents frost damage.
At the same time, make sure that the maximum temperatures in the next few days do not rise above 10° according to the weather forecast. If it gets really warm in the short term, this can promote plant growth in combination with pruning. The bushes will sprout again. If frost sets in again after a week, the new shoots will freeze and the plant's vegetation cycle will be disrupted.
Pruning shrubs in winter: when is the best time?
Depending on how much you want to cut back the bushes, you have different options to choose from. We explain when the right time is for each cut:
Severe pruningIt is best to do this when the temperatures (according to the weather forecast) will be between 2° and 10° Celsius in the next 10 days. The hedge plants then have enough time to recover and can then tolerate sub-zero temperatures without any problems.
Nourishing prunes,In which only dead wood is removed and some shoots are shortened, you can also do this in sub-zero temperatures. Please note, however, that temperatures will rise in the next few days (according to the weather forecast).
Deciduous shrubstolerate cuts better in sub-zero temperatures. As long as it is only a temporary period of frost, you can cut them without any problems.
Evergreen shrubsIt is best to cut in mid to late February when temperatures are above 3° Celsius.
hedge bushes, which form flowers,should be cut the previous year. If you have missed the right time, then it is best to wait until next year for nourishing cuts. If you prune the bushes in January and February, you will also remove the flower buds and the plants will not bloom again that year. However, heavy pruning can be done in January and February if it is really important.
Hedge care after cutting
Have you trimmed the hedge and then suddenly frost sets in? Protect the hedge by covering the bushes with winter protection fleece. This is particularly recommended for young plants. You can also do this immediately after cuttingMulch soil. This will prevent ground frost later and ensure that the plants can absorb water.
Watering: Evergreen shrubs need regular watering, even in winter. Check regularly whether you should water the hedge. Never let the soil dry out.
Deciduous shrubs, on the other hand, need significantly less water. You can completely adjust the watering.