Is your hydrangea getting dry leaves? The causes for this can be varied and range from care errors to disease or pest infestation. We would therefore like to list all the variants so that you can identify the actual problem and take better action against it. The good news is that if you act right away, these plants will recover and produce new leaves fairly quickly. Bring your beloved plant back into shape so that you can enjoy its blooms for a long time to come!
Hydrangea is burnt - When the sun affects the plant
Unusual weather influences
If you have noticed dry leaves on your hydrangea at a time when there is intense heat, this could well be a result. Even if the shrub previously seemed to have had the perfect location, unusual, extreme weather conditions can sometimes cause exceptions. Also, if you have suddenly removed a former source of shade (a canopy or tree), the plant may not have had a chance to acclimate to the new conditions.
Has your plant been in a pot in a greenhouse or other room and was suddenly placed outside in the sun? This abrupt transition can also cause your plant to burn and the hydrangea to have dry leaves. Always remember that you first have to get each plant used to its new location.
If the hydrangea has dry leaves: sunburn due to incorrect watering
Garden plants can quickly burn from water, especially in the hotter months of the year. More precisely, this happens when the hydrangea leaves have become wet and at a particularly hot time of day. Imagine the water drops like a magnifying glass through which the sun's rays penetrate and generate heat like a magnifying glass.
Therefore: Always water from below (this also prevents fungal infestation) and choose the morning or evening hours to do this.
Why does the hydrangea have dry leaves – Too little water
Speaking of watering: Of course, a lack of water can also cause the hydrangea to have dry leaves. What seems like an obvious cause doesn't immediately come to mind for some people, simply because they don't realize how much water hydrangeas actually need. The first signs that you are notwater sufficiently, can be seen on the plant even before the leaves dry out. The bush initially only leaves its leaves hanging. At this point at the latest you should take action to prevent the hydrangea from drying out. Because in the next stage the leaves become brown and dry.
So how often should you water? Whenever the top layer of soil is dry, and in summer that can mean watering it twice a day.
Hydrangea gets brown leaves due to spider mite infestation
As with a lack of water, when it comes to spider mites, the plant shows that there is a problem even before the leaves dry out. In this case they initially turn brown. In general, any color change on the plant should be inspected carefully. In this case, you will immediately notice the webs that are mainly found on the undersides of the leaves. You can use home remedies to combat the pests.In this articlewe have summarized some tips.
Leaf spot causes spots on the leaves
Unfortunately, even the relatively easy-care hydrangeas are not always spared from diseases.Typical ones like thatare, among other things, fungal diseases and especially the leaf spot fungi, which, as the name suggests, cause spots on the leaves and these are dry. The fungus occurs when the air is particularly humid for a long time, but also when the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients. Either way, it plays an important role whether the plants are healthy, because only a healthy hydrangea has enough strength to fight off an infestation.
For this purpose you mustfertilize properly. If there is an existing infestation, you should remove and dispose of the diseased parts, fertilize the plant and, whether or not, use a chemical agent against the fungal infestation.
Hydrangea has brown leaf tips
One phenomenon you may see in spring is brown,dry leaf tips. Why in spring?
If the winter was unusually mild, this resulted in the garden plants sprouting earlier than usual. Hydrangeas are no exception. But if it suddenly gets colder again and even frost occurs, the fresh parts of the plant freeze. This is reflected in the brown tips of the leaves. You can no longer save these, but cut them off. However, you can protect all other parts of the plant by covering the plant with a protective film in the evening to protect it at night. Fleece or jute ribbons that are made to be breathable and translucent are ideal for this. However, the hydrangeas do not need this protection during the day and should be able to stand freely.