Regardless of whether they are in a pot or in an ornamental garden: hydrangeas only feel comfortable when they stay in the same place for several years and generally do not tolerate a change of location well. In some cases, however, it cannot be avoided: Unless the garden is being newly planted or because the plant is infested with pests, or perhaps because a tree next to it is displacing the bush. If you want to transplant hydrangeas, there are a few things you should keep in mind. With these tips, the hydrangea is guaranteed to tolerate the change of location well.
When to transplant hydrangeas: The timing is crucial for success
There are various reasons why you might want to transplant your hydrangeas. When it comes to garden hydrangeas, choosing the right location plays a crucial role. If the shrub produces few or no flowers, if its leaves are always wet and if it hardly grows, these are signs that it does not feel comfortable in its current location. Also inIn case of over-fertilizationa change of location makes sense.
However, since every transplant stresses the flowering shrubs, there is a risk that the perennials will die. Especially if you transplant them at the wrong time.
As with all plants, the rule of thumb applies here: it is best to transplant the hydrangea during the dormant period. However, there are differences:
- The farmer's hydrangea and the plate hydrangea are best transplanted at the end of the dormant period, i.e. around February to April. An important prerequisite for this is that the permanent frost is already over.
- The ball and panicle hydrangeas, on the other hand, are transplanted in late summer to early autumn (end of August to end of September), i.e. directly after the end of the flowering period and before the start of the dormant period.
- The potted plants are transplanted from the pot into the garden from the beginning of April to mid-August.
Transplanting hydrangeas in August: is that possible? Can hydrangea tolerate a change of location in summer?
For now: Transplanting in summer is only an option in exceptional cases. Good preparation is the be-all and end-all.
1. You should transplant the hydrangeas on a cloudy day.
2. Experts advise against transplanting shrubs during hot periods. This could cause the plant to lose its flowers and leaves and even die.
3. The pruning can be omitted this year as it would put additional stress on the hydrangeas and stress makes them more susceptible to diseases and pests.
4. Water the hydrangea bushes thoroughly even after the flowering period has ended. If the plant produces flowers again, this is a sign that it feels comfortable in a new location.
The potted plants can cope well with a change of location in summer. In exceptional cases, the ball and panicle hydrangeas also tolerate the change of location well and grow quickly in the new place in the garden.
Transplanting hydrangeas: Which location, which soil? Step-by-step instructions
1. Choose the right location. Hydrangeas need a lot of moisture, especially in summer and autumn, and cannot tolerate drought well. Sunny and partially shaded locations that are well protected from wind and heavy rain are therefore best suited.
2. Loosen the soil and incorporate leaf humus. Remove stones. Measure the soil pH or send a sample to the laboratory. The hydrangea prefers slightly acidic soil. If necessary you canSoil permeabilityimprove by mixing in sand. This means the orchids can take root much more quickly.
3. Dig a planting hole and pour about 10 liters of descaled tap water into the hole.
Transplant garden hydrangeas in autumn
After the end of the flowering period, you can easily transplant the garden hydrangeas (ball and panicle hydrangeas). Proceed as follows:
- Cut the hydrangea after flowering. The plant then needs two weeks to recover from the cut. Only then can you repot them.
- Hydrangeas are shallow-rooted, so do not dig directly around the visible area of the root system. Do this very carefully so that you do not damage the fine roots. Do not remove the soil at the roots.
- For larger bushes, you can tie the shoots loosely together so that you do not damage them when planting and planting.
- Place the garden hydrangea in the planting hole and cover the roots with soil.
- Water the newly transplanted hydrangea thoroughly.
Plant hydrangeas from the pot into the garden
The potted plants are particularly sensitive to frost and must be planted in the garden at the beginning of August at the latest so that they grow well until the first frost. They prefer a sunny, wind-protected and, ideally, warm location with a west or south orientation.
1. Dig a planting hole that is twice as wide as the diameter of the pot. Loosen the soil, work in leaf humus and, if necessary, sand. Pour about 10 to 14 liters of descaled tap water into the hole.
2. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, leaving at least some of the potting soil on the roots andplant the hydrangeastraight into the garden.
3. Place the potted plant in the hole. Cover the roots with soil and water the plant thoroughly.