Combine hydrangeas with other plants: These species are perfect for partial shade and sun

Hydrangeas are a real eye-catcher, even when they stand alone. Nobody can deny that. But you can nevertheless increase the flower dream with a few suitable combination partners. But it's not just flowering plants that can be perfectly combined with the hydrangea. Surprisingly, grasses also seem very attractive in this company. We have put together a few ideas with which you can combine hydrangeas.

Plants should have the same location requirements

Before you randomly combine hydrangeas with other plants, you should of course make sure that the location is suitable.Hydrangeas needa partially shaded location, which for some species can also be sunnier if sufficient water is provided, as the shrubs need a lot of it. A nutrient-rich and neutral soil that is not too calcareous is optimal. Accordingly, you need to find planting partners who also place such demands on the location or are more tolerant in this regard and can adapt.

Especially in the sun, it is important to make sure that all plants get enough water. So if you pair the hydrangea bushes with plants that deprive them of water, this could lead to the bushes dying sooner or later. Therefore, choose plants that are not too competitive.