Cutting evergreen hedges: When and how to cut, which cutting methods are suitable (+video)

Creating a beautiful and gentle green wall on your property is not such a difficult task if you know some golden rules. If your hedge is already growing and needs pruning, we're sure you'll benefit from our advice today. In this article we explain how to cut evergreen hedges.

Foto: Tricky_Shark / shutterstock

How often should I trim my hedges?

The frequency of pruning directly depends on the growth rate of the plant you choose. At a minimum, one topiary per season is required. However, if you want your hedge to grow quickly and densely, you may need more topiary:

When should I make the first cut?

Foto: taxus baccata shutterstock

The importance of correct initial pruning cannot be overestimated, as the appearance of the hedge depends on its shape in the first two to three years.

Gardeners usually try not to prune young plants at all for the first two years, but this is wrong. A certain amount of pruning of the planted hedges is necessary so that they do not grow too quickly.

It is also necessary to promote the abundant formation of roots, otherwise the lower part of the hedge will be bare and the upper part will be thickened. The degree of initial pruning depends on the specific plant species.

Which height to choose

Foto: sabina91 / shshutterstock

When choosing the height of a hedge, you should consider 3 factors:

1. The plant you choose. Not all conifers are suitable for a 2 m high hedge. For low fences it is better to use juniper, boxwood or roses.

2. Purpose of the hedge. For decorative purposes (demarcating areas, fencing flower beds and paths, etc.), hedges 30-60 cm high are well suited. For planting along the property boundaries, choose medium-high and high variants with a height of 60 to 200 cm.

3. Ease of care. A tall hedge requires more water and fertilizer and is more difficult and longer to trim.

Also read:Evergreen hedges that are hardy: Check out the most popular and used hedge plants!

Which tool to use

When choosing a hedge trimmer, pay attention to its comfort and quality. Electric hedge trimmers are suitable for all plants. Depending on the width of your hedge, you can choose a model with the appropriate blade length: 45, 50 or 55 cm. The low weight of the device (2.6 to 3.5 kg depending on the model) allows you to work for long periods of time without putting strain on your arms and back.

Foto: taxus baccata / shutterstock

Pruning hedges should be done in early spring, when the hard frosts have passed and the average air temperature is about +5 ° C. All dry, diseased and winter-damaged branches should be removed. The cut can then be carried out as needed. The educational cut will be carried out later. It is carried out differently on deciduous and coniferous trees.

Conifers are cut much less frequently than deciduous trees. They can safely grow for 2-3 years without pruning. In case of weak growth, excessive crown volume and exceeding the required height, it is worth using scissors. The best time for pruning coniferous hedges is spring.

Cut strictly shaped hedges

Photo: barmalini / shutterstock

The main purpose of such a hedge is to create a barrier, protective strip or windbreak. The hedge must therefore have the required height, width and density.

Smooth, strong hedges do not need to be wider than 30-60 cm when they are well established. Remember that a wider hedge requires more work and takes up more space in the garden.

Strictly shaped hedges should always have a wide base. If the upper part of a hedge, especially in evergreen shrubs, is wider than the lower part, the branches cannot withstand strong winds or snowfalls.

When trimming a hedge like this, start at the base of the hedge after determining the required width and work your way up. For hedges taller than 1.5 meters, the upper part is often wider than the lower part, as it is much more comfortable to work with the shears at arm's length and lower than overhead.

Hedges without a strict shape

These hedges can also have a very attractive appearance. They also require less pruning and maintenance than hedges with a strict shape. Shrubs that bloom on old shoots should be pruned and shaped immediately after flowering, and those that bloom on annual shoots in early spring.

Shrubs that bear fruit and flower on old branches should be pruned back and shaped later when the fruit has fallen off.

Also read:Which hedges are cut in February? Why pruning in winter is better for plants than in summer

For step-by-step instructions on how to trim evergreen hedges, see the video below