Which hedges are cut in February? Why pruning in winter is better for plants than in summer

Every hobby gardener probably already knows that hedge trimming is not possible all year round. Not only because it can harm the plants if you choose the wrong time, but also because trimming hedges is prohibited by law in order not to disturb the nesting of birds. When are you no longer allowed to cut hedges? It is not allowed from March to October. So you still have plenty of time to prepare your hedge plants for the new season. Below you will find out why, how and which hedges you can trim in February.

Is it right to trim your hedges in winter?

Many hobby gardeners prefer pruning in June. In itself, this is not necessarily wrong or harmful to the plant. But on the one hand it is prohibited by law. Furthermore, theFebruary average significantly more profitablefor the plant, which is why you should definitely consider it.

If you decide to prune in February, you will ensure that the plants grow visibly denser and, above all, more evenly. The reason for this is that the plant sap is not yet working and represented as actively during this time. This ensures that the radical cut is more tolerable for the hedge. In addition, the interfaces and branch tips do not run the risk of drying out due to winter pruning, as would be the case with summer heat, for example. By the time new growth appears in May, you will also have a neatly formed hedge or specimen plant that will decorate your garden before all the others have started.

Until when can you cut hedges, or rather what period is optimal this month?

If you trim your hedges in February, you can start trimming them in the middle of the month and still have until the end. A sunny day that is frost-free is also recommended. Temperatures above -5 degrees are ideal. Make these care routines a habitfor this winter month.

At the beginning of summer(around June 24th) you can then carry out a lighter topiary, which will not harm the birds. As soon as the new shoots gain speed after the February pruning, the plants quickly get a little out of shape again. The summer pruning is intended to bring these new shoots, which grow so confusedly, into shape.

Which hedges are cut in February?

In principle you can use pretty much all hedgescut in February. The only exceptions are those that bloom in spring (e.g. forsythia, only after flowering). If you shorten them too, they would remove their buds, which would cause the flowers to fail.

ThisTrim hedgesYou in February:

  • Evergreen deciduous shrub

Get the followingno waya pruning in February:

  • Spring bloomers
  • Deciduous species

Exceptions are sick and dead branches. You can do this with them tooPlanting in Februarycut off things that shouldn't actually be cut.

Cutting hedges in February – what should the topiary look like?

Maybe you already do it this way or you've seen it often in others: the shape of the trapezoid, in which the upper part is narrower than the lower part, is optimal for the densely growing plants - that is, a tapered hedge tip and an opaque base. The reason is quite simple: in this way, sufficient sunlight can reach the lower leaves so that the plants do not become bare due to lack of light. By stretching string, you can also get straight cuts. However, before you start shaping, carefully remove any diseased or dead plant parts.

Most importantly, do not cut the trapezoid the other way around. If the upper area is wider, the plant disturbs itself in terms of the amount of light. The wide branches cast shadows on the lower ones, so that sooner or later the leaves wither and fall off.

Also consider the type of hedge plant you have. There are those that tend to grow taller and therefore tolerate a narrower topiary. Then there are also bushier ones. For a beautiful look, you should leave these bushier when cutting topiary.

Tipp:If from time to time you cannot achieve smooth cuts and injure the plant, you should smooth them out with a sharp knife. There are also special products that are used to close wounds. Both measures protect against diseases from penetrating the injuries.

Rejuvenation cuts in February – yes or no?

The aim of rejuvenation cuts is to stimulate dense, fresh growth. For this purpose, the bush is cut radically down to the old wood. Whether you can trim hedges in February depends on the type of hedge.

Rejuvenation pruning of hedge plants that shed their leaves is optimal in February. The evergreen varieties tolerate this type of pruning better in early summer, i.e. when you would actually carry out the light topiary pruning already mentioned.

Also read:These four trees receive a pruning in February

In both cases, you can shorten the thick main branches yourself to a full 30 cm above the ground. From next spring, continue with the usual cuts. This is important so that the plant regains dense growth after rejuvenation.

Keep in mind that slow-growing hedges sprout more slowly and grow densely than faster-growing hedges. It will take you longer to recover.

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