Caring for compost properly in winter – This is how your compost pile in the garden stays in good condition in cold weather!

At first glance, keeping your own compost going in winter seems almost impossible in sub-zero temperatures. Many gardeners simply shut everything down during the winter months and wait for the warm weather to return. But it doesn't have to be this way, and your compost pile can be managed well into the winter months with the right steps. You can also easily save and store additional ingredients to make your own soil nutrients better than ever next spring. Here is some useful information and gardening tips that can help you complete this task.

Winter composting is like summer composting, but in slow motion. In the coldest weather the process simply stops and theLeftover food freezes. When temperatures rise above freezing, the process continues. When winter temperatures last for a long time, the amount of leftover food is significant and definitely worth saving. In addition, a healthy compost heap requires appropriate care throughout the entire period. However, the decomposition process slows down in compost in winter when temperatures drop. The bacteria inside can still survive, but need energy to do their work. Winter compost therefore requires a little preparation, but is a manageable activity for most gardeners.

First and foremost, don’t abandon your compost pile too soon. In fact, it's surprising how long this one can keep working with just a little extra care. When organic material decomposes, it naturally produces heat. And that alone can keep the core of a compost pile active long after the thermometer drops below freezing. However, beyond a stack's natural heat generation, there are a few steps you can take to help your stack perform stronger and longer. It all starts with a layer of additional insulation in the form ofMulch over the compost pile.

Prepare compost bins or piles for the winter season

It is best to empty compost bins of all usable material before the onset of winter. You can do thatUse compost in your garden, fill raised beds with it, or transfer to a dry container with a lid for use in spring. Harvesting the compost before you start your winter compost pile will free up space for the new compost. It is important to keep the container warm if you live in an area where there are low winter temperatures and strong winds. Stack bales of straw or hay around your bin or packed leaf bags. This ensures that all useful creatures are in the compostthroughout the winterstay warm.

Insulate the compost heap and protect it from the cold

Just like you yoursKeep warm at home, a thick insulation layer contributes significantly to thermal insulation. This can also be done with a compost pile by simply placing a thicker layer of straw or shredded grass clippings on top. A pile like this will keep the compost from freezing for weeks, if not months, in the winter. To make this insulation even better, you can cover the straw layer with a heavy-duty black tarp. The plastic tarp keeps snow, ice and rain from saturating a winter pile. It also prevents the moisture in the pile from drying out too quickly.

So why a black tarpaulin? Because black absorbs heat and whatever winter rays the sun gives, the black tarpaulin helps to heat up the pile underneath even more. Finally, make sure your pile is large enough to retain heat for as long as possible. A compost pile should also be large enough to generate enough heat for decomposition. A small pile simply won't be able to insulate the heat produced to keep the whole thing from freezing, even on slightly warmer nights.

Find the right location for the compost in winter

In addition to insulating a compost pile, proper placement also plays a big role in maintaining it. Nothing helps heat up a heap more than sunlight, even filtered sunlight on a cloudy day. During the winter months, it is also best to face your compost pile south. This means that the warming rays of the sun can hit it best. Heaps or bins behind garages, fences or a wall have a hard time finding the sun in daylight.

Because of this, they will be the first to cool down in the fall and, even worse, the last to warm up in the spring. Of course, not all compost piles or bins can be moved so easily. However, if you can move your compost to a warmer location during the winter, it can help immensely. Try to orient the front of your bucket so that it faces south. This is one of the best ways to beat the cold naturally.

Tips for caring for compost in the winter season

To keep the process of composting going as long as possible in the winter, you need to feed and turn the contents. Without new materials to heat your stack, heating performance will quickly slow down. Therefore, try to add as many fresh vegetable scraps, eggshells and coffee grounds as possible. If you happen to have chickens or rabbits, their warm manure is also a great addition. All of these are considered “greens” in a compost pile and help increase heat and decomposition. Also, chop the kitchen scraps as finely as possible. The smaller the pieces for winter compost, the faster they will decompose and produce heat.

During the summer months, most gardeners simply throw their waste into the compost heap. In contrast, in the winter season, every time you add new material, you should dig deeper and place the leftovers in the middle of the pile. By doing this you give the fresh green material a better chance to warm up. Additionally, this also adds much-needed oxygen to the core. As a bonus, digging fresh compost in the winter also prevents your pile from being attacked by animals looking for an easy meal. But don't forget to reattach the insulation layer and tarpaulin afterwards.

Turn the compost heap regularly and freeze the compost

Try to turn your pile as often as possible during the winter period. By doing this a few times each week and continuing to add kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, etc., you are adding both oxygen and fuel to the mix. Otherwise, a compost pile will begin to freeze from the outside in much faster in the winter. The cold materials at the edge of the pile simply cannot get enough heat to compete with the air temperature. Accordingly, by rotating and adding scraps in the middle, you will help distribute the heat for as long as possible. One of the biggest mistakes gardeners make is failing to conserve materials during the coldest part of the winter months. Although you may have a frozen pile, you can easily store it for when the weather warms up again.

Keep a bucket with sealed lids right outside your back door. While there is snow and it's cold, you can fill this bucket with scraps until a bit of warm weather makes the pile accessible again. It's better to find your way to a frozen pile and you don't have to worry about smells because the cold acts like a giant freezer. Whatever you do, don't stop saving your coffee grounds and eggshells. They are two of the best ingredients around and are also perfect for spring use. To save these, simply place them in a large freezer bag in your freezer and add materials as needed. For the eggshells, you can crush or pulverize them before adding them to save space.