Because of its care and robustness, the phlox adorns numerous gardens. Not only that, he also presents himself in a breathtaking bloom that makes many other flower competition. But so that it can really bloom so lush, the cuts play a very important role at the right time. Can you cut phlox in summer? When exactly and how do you proceed? And is the species and varieties dependent?
Not every flame flower is needed to be cut in summer. With some you can now easily get started and others are not the one nowright time.
Which flame flowers are cut during the summer season?
There is thatHigh growing and low -growing flame flowers.
The low phlox varieties, on the other hand, tolerate and benefit from cuts before dying at the end of the season. During the growth phase, they cut the phloxes types that grow soiled. When you cut the phlox depends on the flower. The first cut is already donein the early summerwhen the flowering period is over. For the purpose of stimulating upholstered phlox and Co. into a new shoot. If the cut takes place in good time, the ground cover even has enough time to initiate a second flowering phase.
- This step is an advantage atwinter green phlox. These include Alaska-Phlox (Phlox borealis), Upholstered phlox (Phlox Douglasii), Teppichphlox (Phlox subulata), Wander-Phlox (Phlox stolonifera).
As I said, they carry out the cut immediately after flowering. The plant and faded flowers are then shortened up to directly above the leaves. It is important not to cut too short and really let the leaves on the plant so that it can drive out again.
Cut the phlox in summer: low -growing varieties that can now be cut
Most of the varieties mentioned above do not need any further care cuts by the next spring after early summer. The exception are those who only bloom in August or then end their flower. In this case you can cut the phlox after flowering. If this were carried out at an earlier point in time, the perennial could drive out again, which is now undesirable. It could then be caused by the upcoming frost.
Otherwise, the care cut is optional after the August blossom or in autumn.
Now shorten the high flame flower
Those who grow high (e.g. B.Phlox paniculata), you always only cut back in winter orpartly already in autumn, if some drives are affected by diseases. It is an advantage for them if the dead shoots stop during the cold season to offer the plant and insects a certain winter protection. And these dead plant parts are then removed at some point.
But even during the summer, when the high Phlox is in its bloom, you can extend its heyday by cutting it regularly. So you should cut the high flame flower:
How to cut the high phlox in summer
A notice:In general, phlox plants do not require nourishing cuts. The only advantage is that you promote flowers and achieve a more cultivated look if you remove faded things and do not leave the plant. In addition, they prevent the formation of seeds, which quickly spreads the plant itself, which is often an undesirable side effect of beauty in the home garden.
If you are the high phlox inCut summer, all you have to do is remove the faded flower toilers:
- When do you cut Phlox back?It is best to choose a time that is at some point during the flowering phase between July and September. In any case, you should cut the faded Phlox flowers, but even if some flowers are not yet withered. So you shouldn't all have dried up yet. It may be a little difficult for them, but they don't forget: they will soon be rewarded with a new flower. The earlier you remove the old, the faster the flower can direct the force for seed formation into the new flower formation.
- How should you cut the phlox after flowering?Place the cut directly above the top leaf couple. Cut cleanly through the stem without squeezing and tearing.
- How do you maintain the flame flower afterwards?Give the plant new strength by properly maintaining it. You should not only pour them well afterwards, but also fertilize them. So it is well cared for in order to be able to train new flower shoots.
Cutting the flame flowers for flowering purposes is in any case a voluntary cut without which the beautiful plant can also get by. However, do not neglect the annual care cuts that are due to either in autumn or spring. However, if it is worth the effort to you, also use the above-mentioned bonus cuts for even more and longer blooms!