Rhododendrons and azaleasrequire certain conditions in their cultivation and require special care to ensure their successful development.
Rhododendrons and azaleas– Planting and transplanting
When plantingRhododendrons and azaleasyou must take the following into account: the location where you want to place your flowers must be well protected from wind and afternoon sun. If you want to plant them around the building, it is best to choose the east or north facade of the house. In open areas, less windy sites are well suited for their planting and places shaded by trees or buildings in the afternoon.
With proper care, the azaleas andRhododendronstransplant successfully throughout the year if it is well protected from drought or frost. But the ideal time for transplanting is in late fall or early spring, when temperatures are low and soil moisture is plentiful. Plant thoseRhododendrons and azaleasat the same depth as they were in the pot.
Many of the plants in nurseries and garden centers grow in mixed potting soil that contains large amounts of peat, which is certainly missing from the structure of your garden soil. For the correct development of ornamental plants, we recommend that you improve your soil with peat, especially around the roots of the plants.
Rhododendrons and azaleas with colorful flowers
The soil should be well drained (no water retention) and must be rich in organic matter. If the soil is heavy clay, it is necessary to install a small drainage system underneath to remove excess water. Adding leaves, peat, moss or other organic matter can enrich the soil and contribute to the better development of rhododendrons and azaleas. At theTransplantingdig a hole two times larger than the pot's hole. Then mix the excavated soil with some of the organic substances mentioned above. Use this prepared mixture when transplanting, first just a portion of it at the bottom of the hole. Place the plant inside, then take the rest of the mixture and seal properly. Only then do you water the flower you have just transplanted.
beautiful splash of color in the Japanese garden too
Avoid using alkaline fertilizers. TheRhododendrons and azaleaslike acidic soil.
Azalea flowers
Rhododendrons and azaleashave shallow, fibrous root systems, so these ornamental plants need to be watered often on hot summer days. But please, don't forget, although they need a lot of moisture, they will not grow well in very wet and not well-aerated soil.
need a lot of moisture
Remove the dried branches and leaves. If you want to design and shape, you should do it immediately after the flowering period, so you are guaranteed to have many beautiful flowers in the coming year. After they have faded, you can also cut these flowers away.
Rhododendrons and azaleasis grown through cuttings. The cuttings develop roots within 6 to 8 weeks. Cuttings of azaleas can be made at any time, but the best results are observed with cuttings planted in June and July, and for rhododendrons – in August and September. The cuttings are 7 to 10 cm in size, the lower leaves must be removed and then planted in a mixture of peat and sand. After rooting, the young plants can be transplanted into pots to be placed in a shady place and kept moist.