Red autumn flowers: These species ensure autumnal blooms in your garden!

Red fall flowers come in a variety of sizes, styles and colors, making them suitable for any garden design. And if you want to grow plants in containers, you'll find a plethora of fall flowers perfect for your patio. If you want to discover flowers that bloom throughout fall and into winter, plant strategically.

Red autumn flowers – beautiful blooming species

Photo: Kristine Rad/Shutterstock

With some charming fall flowers, you can keep your landscape blooming well into fall. There's no denying the beauty of flowers in spring and summer, but as the days get shorter and the nights get colder, you'll find that you can really use some colorful flowers. If you want to have a beautiful garden in autumn, you should start planning your flower beds as soon as possible. This is how you can plant red garden flowers and ensure a splendor of flowers in the garden.

Pro tip:Before you begin fall planting, you should find out about the specific sunlight and water needs of each plant. This will give your seedlings the best chance of taking root before the first frost. Also consider planting flowers in the fall that will attract pollinators like bees.

Dahlie (Dahlia)

Foto: Maywand Khan/ Shutterstock

Dahlias come in many colors, but orange and red tones are particularly suitable for the autumn garden. The tuberous plants of the genus Dahlia belong to the Asteraceae family. The corms are planted in late spring, usually May, and typically bloom from July until the first frosts in fall. Dahlias are irresistible both as a bed flower and as a cut flower. Dahlias planted in a row along the bed make good neighbors for your vegetables.

Löwenmäulchen (Antirrhinum)

Photo: nuwatphoto/ Shutterstock

Although they are often planted as annuals, snapdragons are a popular choice for gardens because of their short lifespan. No matter whether you have a mixed bed garden, a flower box or justPlant a patio pot, they are an integral part of your classic flower garden. The vibrant snapdragons bloom in a plethora of colors in spring and fall when temperatures cool - the red blooms instantly brighten up your garden. The flowering period is long as the flowers start at the base of the stem and develop upwards. If you water your snapdragons regularly, they will bloom well into October, although they usually slow down and stop blooming in mid-summer.

Flowers with red flowers – cosmos (Cosmos)

Foto: mcajan/ Shutterstock

In addition to masses of fluffy leaves, cosmoses cover your beds with a profusion of blooms in colors ranging from white to pink, red and orange. With a bed of red cosmos, your kitchen will be decorated with flowers all year round. They form beautiful bouquets from April until the first frost. An added bonus is that the spent flowers can reproduce in your garden by spreading their own seeds. An extended flowering period is a hallmark of the sun-loving Cosmos plant.

The shorter versions are not only beautiful cut flowers, but also look good in pots. Their simple, open flowers are not only popular with gardeners and pollinators, but also keep gardens looking beautiful well into fall.

Also interesting:Climbing plants that bloom in autumn and bring a splendid end to the season in the garden

Zinnien (Zinnia)

Photo: Yanti Lin/ Shutterstock

From mid-summer to the first hard frost of fall, zinnias will adorn your landscape with a kaleidoscope of color. These plants are best grown from seeds as they are annuals. Not only are they a delicacy for butterflies, but they also make excellent cut flowers. Because zinnias are annuals, they only live for a single growing season, during which they spread their seeds and flower.

Blooming autumn flowers in red – purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)

Photo: Rukman Limbu/ Shutterstock

An annual succulent plant often grown for its beautiful flowers is the purslane. This species comes from South America. They can grow up to 10cm tall and spread into a thick mat, making them an attractive ground cover alternative. The ruffled petals, which can bloom in all sorts of colors, sit on reddish stems that do not open when the sky is overcast or at night. This plant is poisonous to pets, so gardeners should think twice before planting it.

@cranerygardensCut Flower Garden is still producing for making bouquets in Early October Here is the list of flowers that are still blooming in October and what you can do now to grow your bouquet next year in your home garden (Zone 6B, 7A) 1. Dahlias – for the beautiful cut flower varieties, order dahlia tubers now to late winter from reliable local source. 2. Cosmos – order/buy seeds now to early spring for cut flower specialty variety. 3. Zinnias – sow from seed anytime in early summer. They will continue to bloom until October if you keep cutting them or deadheading. 4. Japanese Anemone – Buy live plant from local stores or online to plant now for next year blooms. Plant it once and it will produce blooms for you every year. 5. Fox Gloves – Fox Gloves needs to be sowed in summer for blooms in the next year but you can find a special variety that bloom the first year. 6. Snapdragon – sow from seed anytime in early summer. They will continue to bloom until October as long as you keep cutting them. 7. Others – Good news! You can always pick anything that is still blooming in your garden in October to make a bouquet :) Please share with us what flowers are still blooming in your garden in the comment. Thank you! Follow for more seasonal garden bouquet guides for Zone 6B & 7A. (our location is Tinton Falls, New Jersey)#bouquet #cutflowers #cottagegarden #flowergarden #floraldesign #seasonalflowers #dalia #cosmos ♬ Pretty – Instrumental – GC

Also read:How to plant the flower box for autumn and until when the flowers can stay outside

Cover photo: Julija Ogrodowski/ Shutterstock