Climbing plants that bloom in autumn and bring a splendid end to the season in the garden

No problem, because there are some fall-flowering climbing plants that you can plant in and for the fall and often combine with each other. Which are these?

The passion flower for the bucket

Foto: Kattecat/ Shutterstock

A true beauty that doesn't necessarily come to mind right away is the passion flower (Passionflower). A big mistake, because their unique flowers not only look incredibly pretty, but due to the long flowering period from late spring and throughout the summer into October, they are an excellent source of food for many of the beneficial insects in your garden.

Is your passion flower not blooming?That could be the reason.

Photo: LariBat/Shutterstock

The plant needs a sunny location, but can also thrive in partial shade if there is no other option. Please remember that passionflower is not hardy and is therefore better cultivated in a pot with a climbing aid. Here's how you can do itoverwinter comfortablyand put it outside again in spring to enjoy the flowers again.

The orange climbing trumpet

Foto: crystaldream/ Shutterstock

The American Climbing Trumpets (Campsis radicans) are also climbing plants that bloom in autumn and prefer sunshine. They not only climb trellises, but also walls. In order to develop its beautiful flowers, it needs sufficient nutrients, so you should fertilize regularly. Their flowering period begins in July and can last until October. The plant is oneoptimal food source for bees.

Climbing roses are easy-care climbing plants that bloom in autumn

Foto: Monika_1/ Shutterstock

Climbing roses are also real long-term bloomers, impressing with their blooms from June onwards and can keep them until October, even if there may be short breaks in flowering. The summer and autumn bloomers, which are between three and five meters high, do not tolerate the blazing sun very well for several hours, which is why it is best to plant them on the east side or, if necessary, on the west side of your house.

Photo: Sergey V Kalyakin/ Shutterstock

Here are some recommended climbing roses that show their flowers well into autumn:

  • ‘Compassion’ – helllachsfarben
  • ‘Aloha’ – apricotfarben
  • 'Ghislaine de Féligonde' – apricotfarben
  • 'Mini Eden' – pink
  • 'Golden Gate' - golden yellow

The inconspicuous ivy with evergreen foliage

Let's move on to a somewhat inconspicuous plant when it comes to flowering. This appears quite late (September and October) and is less noticeable due to its small size and white-yellow color. Nonetheless, the ivy is(Ivy helix)a valuable addition to the garden, because the late flowering period in particular provides the insects with valuable food for a while after other plants have long since faded.

Foto: crystaldream/ Shutterstock

Be sure to avoid direct sun when it comes to ivy, as it doesn't tolerate it well. But it should still be bright, just justin a shady location. Also make sure that the soil is not too dry for too long, because the plants love moisture.

The fast-growing creeping knotweed

Foto: Burning Bright/ Shutterstock

The flowers of the creeping toad (Fallopia aubertii) shine in simple white, yellow or pink, but this climbing plant also impresses with its rapid growth and, above all, its ease of care. The flowering period lasts from June/July to October. With a maximum growth height of 8 to 15 meters, you can easily create long trellises,Arches and pergolasplant with this climbing professional.

Even when it comes to location, the climbing plant doesn't have any high demands. Whether shade, partial shade or sun, it grows equally diligently in all places. Due to its rapid growth, it is worth fertilizing the plant regularly, as this can even increase the speed of growth. The creeping knotweed does not place any special requirements on the soil, except that it should have normal moisture. So water moderately and regularly.

The clematis: Isn't it actually a summer bloomer?

Foto: Tom Meaker/ Shutterstock

Yes it is. But nowadays there are numerous cultivars of most plants and therefore you can also find a specimen of this beauty that starts flowering in summer but continues until October: the Clematis serratifolia 'Golden Tiara'. They are yellow in color and appear as early as June, so you can enjoy them all summer long.

Foto: Tom Meaker/ Shutterstock

This variety should be in a sunny to partially shaded location. Like all clematis, it likes a moist and cool base, which you can guarantee with a layer of mulch. If you are looking for hardy autumn bloomers, you are making exactly the right choice with this clematis, because it can easily tolerate temperatures of up to minus 34 degrees. In order not to deprive the plant of flowering, keep in mind that this variety is prunedthird cutting groupheard. This means it should be cut back to about half a meter above the ground.

Cover photo: Edita Medeina/Shutterstock