Pests on hydrangeas with pictures: Identify pests by their appearance and damage

Spider mites on the hydrangea

Foto: Floki/ Shutterstock

Fortunately, spider mite infestation is a rarity outdoors, with farmer's hydrangeas being more likely to be affected. Below you will find out whether you are unlucky enough to have to deal with this pest.

This is what spider mites look like:

  • less than 1 mm in size
  • hardly noticeable and are therefore usually only noticed late
  • produce webs with finer threads than those of the spider

What happens to the plant:

  • white-yellow spots on the leaves
  • You can see bright dots that sting the mites
  • Leaves curl up and eventually fall off

This is what you can do against the infestation:

  • spray with water jet
  • Predatory mites, gall midges
  • in extreme cases, cut off affected parts of the plant

More about fighting spider mitesfind out here.