Cucumbers are among the most popular vegetables for their own cultivation. Whether salad or insertion decks, the crispy vegetables, which is now a popular ingredient for most summer salads, can be easily attached to our latitudes in the garden, greenhouse or in the pot. However, the different types of cucumber require different care, which leads to some errors in the cultivation that can later endanger the harvest. Today we give a few tips on how to grow the classic salad or snake cucumbers and avoid some frequent mistakes. Read on to optimize the yields in your own vegetable garden.
Add snake cucumbers: You should avoid these errors!
For every gardener, a well -thriving garden is the number one destination. When it comes to a kit, high yields are the biggest sign of well -done gardening. When growing snake cucumbers, there are some errors that harvestfresh, crisp cucumbercan affect in midsummer. You can read which these are.
Cucumber planted too early
If you have planted your snake cucumbers in April or early May, this can make a low or even missing harvest. These plants need light and warmth to thrive, and the wrong planting time can have really bad consequences.
Even if the cucumbers were first preferred in the house, the right time plays an important role. The sowing should not be done too early, otherwise the young plants will be too big. Two to three weeks are sufficient to prefer cucumber. After this time or as soon as the young plants have set a real pair of leaf, they may be moved to the field.
What you can do:Plant the cucumbers into the greenhouse instead of straight out. Alternatively, you can use black mulch foil in the garden in the garden to increase the soil temperature for young cucumber plants. If there is a risk of frost, you should definitely cover the seedlings. For example, you can use garden fleece or various empty containers such as buckets and pots.
To this yearHarvest to save, you can now buy which young plants and put them in the ground. June is stillnot too late to plantof cucumbers, because they still have enough time to grow, bloom and bear fruits.
Add snake cucumbers without rank aid
Cucumbers usually grow up and therefore need a suitable tanks. Stable tanning aid not only contributes to faster growth, but also increases the yields, saves space and protects the plant from diseases and pests. Snake cucumbers in particular absolutely need a support and should never be pulled without a trellis.
What you can do:whenRank aid for cucumbersare suitable for both fully bought and homemade trellis. Choose a variant that best fits in your garden or greenhouse and install it as soon as possible. In principle, the following applies: cucumbers should be guided on ropes or wires in the gray house, whereby trellis and other tendrils are more suitable for the garden.
You can also get the casting error around the harvest
Salad or snake cucumbers need a lot of water to thrive and wear a lot of fruits. Between one and three liters of water are necessary per plant. The floor must not dry out too much, otherwise no good harvest is expected. It is still important to note that cucumbers have a very high water requirement if they form the first fruits. So at that time do you never stop irrigation.
If you grow snake cucumbers, the humidity is also of great importance, so the cultivation in the greenhouse would be recommended. The ideal value of the air humidity is around 60 percent.
What you should do:Pour the cucumbers with lukewarm water in the morning. This can also avoid the formation of bitter substances, so that their salad cucumbers always taste mild and slightly sweet instead of bitter. Water from the rain barrel is best suited.
To create a moist climate in the greenhouse on hot days, spray the paths between the vegetable beds with water. However, make sure that you do not wet the cucumber leaves. This can lead to various diseases. So moist can be, but water - not.
Plants false neighbors in the cucumber bed
Like somePlants fit well together, there are also those who shouldn't stand next to each other. If you get a good harvest of snake cucumbers, you should know false neighbors and never set them near cucumber plants.
potatoesCompare strongly with cucumbers around nutrients and water, which is why they should not be planted together. Cucumbers also favor the potato rot, so negative effects occur in both vegetables.
sageShould the growth of snake cucumbers inhibit, so you should plant it elsewhere. Avoid all kinds ofmint, because they are too aggressive in garden beds and can affect both the space for cucumbers and their nutrients. Better plant mint in a pretty pot.
Pests who like cucumbers also findMelontasty. To protect both cultures, be sure to plant them by far.
In the greenhouse you should alsoTomatodo not grow next to lettuce cucumbers. Both plants have different requirements when it comes to air humidity and you cannot suddenly meet the optimal conditions for both.