When and how to fertilize tomatoes with milk: 2 quick recipes and tips for correct use!

There are various natural and organic fertilizers in the garden. Have you ever tried fertilizing your tomatoes with milk? You may be wondering: can you fertilize tomatoes with milk? Yes! Milk is not only good for people and animals, but also for plants. And if you fertilize your tomatoes with home remedies, you will have healthy plants in your garden. Natural tomato fertilizer made from milk is becoming popular with many organic gardeners. How and when to fertilize tomatoes with milk and how your plants benefit from it, read on!

Why is milk useful for tomatoes?

When fertilizing your tomato plants, consider that they need calcium for healthy growth and fruit development. Milk is a good source of calcium, not only for humans but also for plants. Milk is an environmentally friendly product and it is saturated with many useful substances that are absorbed by the plant during growth.

The amino acids available in milkpromote growth. Milk also contains beneficial proteins, B vitamins and sugars that are good for plants and improve their overall health and crop yields. Milk also contributes to overall soil health and can help control leaf viruses, aphids, spider mites, thrips and fungal diseases. It is an excellent means of cleaning plant leaves.

Which types of milk are suitable as tomato fertilizer and which are not?

Not all types of milk are suitable as fertilizer for tomatoes. The following types of milk can be used in the garden:

  • Fresh cow's milk (2% low fat)
  • Sour milk
  • Evaporated milk
  • Powdered milk
  • Buttermilk
  • Evaporated milk
  • Mandel
  • Military

It's important to note that certain types of milk are simply not suitable for your plants and garden. Do not use:

  • Flavored milk
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Skimmed milk
  • Full fat (undiluted)

Simple recipes for tomato fertilizer from milk

It is very easy to fertilize your tomatoes with milk and you can make your own tomato fertilizer. Here we present two simple recipes. What you need:

  • Milk (cow's milk 2% or low fat)
  • Tap water
  • Recycled spray bottle

Instructions for preparation:

  • Mix equal parts milk and water (50:50 ratio).
  • Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and shake well.
  • Generously spray the leaves of the plant from all sides and wait half an hour.

You can also water your tomatoes with milk. Another super simple recipe for a fertilizer made from milk and water: dilute the milk with a suitable amount of water, a ratio of 1:4 of milk and water is suitable.Pourthe milk around the tomato plant, making sure that the stems, leaves or other parts of the plant do not come into contact with this liquid mixture.

It is best to fertilize early in the morning before the sun starts to shine. This gives the soil enough time to absorb the milk before the temperature starts to rise. If you fertilize later in the day, the milk will evaporate before it is properly absorbed.

How often to fertilize tomatoes with milk?

When using milk as fertilizer for tomatoes, it is good to fertilize once at the beginning of the growing season and again in the middle of the season,when the plants are actively growing. And if you use milk as a pesticide or fungal treatment, apply the milk solution to the leaves as soon as you spot signs of disease or pest.