When are onions ready to harvest? Watch for these signs of maturity

When can you harvest onions? Onions are usually ready to harvest in late summer, i.e. in the last weeks of July and first weeks of August. But instead of just paying attention to the calendar, it's crucial to keep an eye on the plants themselves. In this article you will learn when is the perfect time to harvest your onions and how to store them optimally.

The most important thing in brief

  • Onions are ready to harvest when the upper parts of the plant have dried, browned and fallen over.
  • Pull the onions out of the ground directly by the leaves.
  • After harvesting, bulbs should be dried in a warm, dry, well-ventilated area for two to four weeks. This process, called “curing,” helps make the onions storable for months.
  • The dried peel protects the bulbs and helps extend their shelf life over the winter.

When is the right time?

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Onions planted in the fall are often ready in June, while spring onions can be harvested between August and September. It is important to observe the plants regularly, as weather and variety influence the timing.


There are several signs you can use to tell your onions are ripe.

  • Check it outneck of the onionon: If it feels dry and firm and the layers are no longer shifting, this is a sign that the onion is ready. If the neck is still stiff and upright, you should wait a while before harvesting.
  • Once the neckturns white, bends over and lies flat on the ground,you can be sure that the onion is ripe.
  • Another sign is thisCondition of the shell.The outer layer should be dry and papery. If you observe these changes, it is time to start harvesting.

Weather conditions

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The weather is crucial for the harvest time.It is best to harvest onions in dry weather, to avoid excessive moisture absorption, which increases the risk of rot. If the ground is wet, such as after rain, the moisture can affect the storage ability of the bulbs.

Another sign of maturity ishow easy it is to pull the onions out of the ground. If the soil is very dry, it may be a little more difficult to harvest the bulbs, so you should use a shovel to avoid damage.

How is harvested?

To harvest onions correctly,carefully pull them out of the ground by their leaves.Be careful not to damage the onions. If the soil is hard, loosen it around the bulbs first with a garden fork. Remove excess soil and let the bulbs dry in the sun for a few hours.

After the harvest

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Then the onions shouldtwo to four weeksstore in a warm, dry and well-ventilated place. Thisdrying processhelps dry the neck and firm the skins, making the bulbs last longer.


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Store the bulbs in cool temperatures (0-4°C) and low humidity to preserve them for several months.

If you want, you can add the onions tooBraid decorative onion braids, which allows good air circulation and prevents mold formation. Alternatively, you can also use your crophang up in tights– less decorative, but very effective.

With proper timing and careful storage, onions can last a long time. Pay attention to the signs of maturity and try these tips in your garden.