What can you plant in July? Helpful tips for sowing and planting flowers, vegetables & Co.!

It turns out to be advantageous to start planting in July and to take care of the young Setzlingen in addition to the already established gardens. What can be planted in July? As a result, you will receive relevant information here!

In the hot July, many gardeners focus more on the care and maintenance of their existing gardens than on the layout of new gardens. Nevertheless, it is an advantage to plant in July and to maintain the young seedlings in addition to the established gardens. Even if you have not yet planted your new purchases in beds or buckets, it is worth starting with planting. If you plant now, you can enjoy the advantages of the new growth of leaves and flowers throughout the season. You can make a lot of helping to find bees, butterflies and other insects looking for flowers to eat in your garden. Young plants that were pulled out of seeds in the previous months can also be planted out in July. At the beginning of the month, the optimal time is to plant young vegetable varieties so that they can ripen and bring in a harvest in October in October. What can you plant in July? Discover this below!

What can you plant in July? Start in the ornamental garden

Now that the warmest days of the year have come, one could try to put the garden tools away. Not at all! To beautify faded beds, pots and plant boxes, you can grow a variety of attractive plants in July. In July you can start growing a variety of flowers for later use. Many of these varieties are also suitable for direct sowing in the garden. Just try to imagine where it could work best.

Perhaps the flowers you want to plant in July are sensitive to heat or need a while to mature. In this case, it is advisable to create a pre -culture in a greenhouse or a controlled environment. In this way you have more influence on lighting, temperature and water supply. Above all, consider the heat and drought in July if you want to sow directly at that time. Always keep the floor moist. Otherwise the germination process can be stopped.

Portula flower (Portulaca grandiflora)

The robust and low -growing plants thrive under hot, dry conditions. Portula flower look beautiful in flower lights or beds and bloomall summer, up to strong frost.

Garden with tin (Zinnia elegansplant)

The bright red, orange, white and pink tones of this one-year, easy-care plants bring fresh life into a tired garden. Since they withstand extreme temperatures and drought, tin blooms without their help. You should sow these plants fresh every year.

Wands (Lantana) ensures a floral splendor in the garden

The converters are a nice addition to a high summer garden because they offer a wide range of colors, including bright pink, violet, orange, yellow and pure white. These are annual plants that thrive under hot and dry conditions and are ideal for pollinators.

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) - one of the oldest garden plants

These one -year -old, herbaceous plants can only survive slight frosts. Due to their versatility and bright colors (yellow, gold, orange and even white), striped flowers are a good choice for every garden.

Garten-stepmothers (Viola x wittrockiana)

Step mothers are some of the most popular garden plants that immediately transform their garden into an oasis - that's why they are so popular in Germany. If you are now sowing your stepmothers seeds in the greenhouse, these plants have to grow enough time before they are grown outdoors in autumn.

Good garden tips

You can sow the following flowers outside in July:

  • Prime, stick roses, horn violets, magnificent candle, loop flower, lupines

The following flowers are the best choice for a pre -culture:

  • Forget -me -not

Which plants are still blooming in July?


  • Sunflower, lion mouth, nasturtium

Trees, perennials and shrubs

  • Ritter spur, phlox, miracle flower, yarrow, summer lilac, shrub chestnut, linden

Easy -care, heat -resistant succulents grow

Succulents are the easiest to be cared for - they can grow them instead of one -year -old plants that enter into the heat or do not germinate their seeds. Succulents can spend the summer outdoors when they get a partially shaded place. You can get by longer without regular watering than other free -range plants. Therefore they are an excellent choice for those whoReduce water consumption in the gardenwant to save time, money or other resources. Anyone who holds succulents in their house will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly they grow. The opposite is the case outdoors where these plants thrive in the open air and plenty of sunlight.

Some excellent succulents for the outdoor area are:

  • Hardy cacti, fathenne, house root, yucca palms, echeverie, haworthia

Plant garden in July

Pay attention to a good crop rotation if you plant or sow - a crop rotation between different plant families is recommended to reduce the likelihood of infestation from insects and fungal diseases.

Sow vegetables

  • Spinach

Plant the seeds of the spinach as in spring. Keep them moist and cover them slightly with soil.

  • Busch and rod beans

If you have cleared some space in the garden lately, you can still grow a second harvest beans. The seeds germinate quickly under warm conditions, which is ideal for them. If you often pick bush and rod beans that need a trellis or a network for climbing, you will achieve a rich harvest.

  • Lettuce

If you are continuously sowing from March to September, you have fresh salad for almost a year. You can sow the seeds directly into the bed until late summer/autumn.

  • Carrot

Carrots for the autumn harvest should be planted in July at the latest. Sow the seeds thinly into the field or pots that are filled with well -prepared soil or compost on earth. If you want to keep the carrot fly in chess, you shouldn't thin the seedlings.

  • radish

Radishes give salads a spicy kick and can be quick, easyand almost pest -freegrow. They are suitable as individual cultures and as an accompanying plants.

These are the other types of vegetables that you can sow outside in the garden:

  • Endivie, Chinese cabbage, winter hedge onion, Batavia, lamb's lettuce, chard, rocket, Hirschhornwegerich, autumn and winter radish, spring onion, ice cream parlor, Portulak

What can you plant in July? Vegetable varieties

  • Kale

Regardless of whether kale was planted in July or sown in August, a fantastic harvest is in autumn and even in winter. Wait with the harvest of kale until the late autumn has set up and you have experienced at least two cool nights.

  • Leek

You can plant winter garlic by the end of July.

Here you will find a list of fruit and vegetables that you can plant out in the garden in July:

  • Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Portulak, broccoli, kohlrabi, ice salad, zucchini, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, pointed cabbage, chinese cabbage, lamb's lettuce, batavia, radicchio, multiple load -bearing strawberries

You can prefer these plants in the greenhouse and then plant it out later:

  • Fennel, salad, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli

Herbs should not be missing

The high content of essential oils of many herb types makes them an invaluable resource for the home garden. The following plants thrive under the hot and moist conditions of Julis and you can grow them:Dill, basil, lavender and parsley.

In contrast to vegetable plants such as beans, herbs need a uniform moisture supply, but permanent waterlogging should be avoided. Regular loosening of the soil is sufficient. In the case of herbs that are planted on a balcony, a drainage layer of stones can be an advantage.

Maintain your raspberry and strawberry plants

  • Mulch of raspberries

Raspberry plants are forest plants that need evenly moist and cold soil, although it can get quite warm in July.A layer of mulch- Use organic pine bark, for example - is helpful in summer because it preserves the soil from drying out.

  • Care of strawberries

The harvest time for many strawberry varieties ends in July. However, they still have to be maintained, among other things by removing spotted leaves and pruning foothills. The plants can be prepared for the next strawberry season bybe fertilized, so that you get all the necessary nutrients.

Find out what to do here whenTheir paprika plants do not grow.