Zucchini are known for being very productive. Many gardeners will tell you that they practically grow on their own and can produce a bountiful harvest. Even though zucchini plants are very productive, that doesn't mean they don't need a little help from the gardener. However, there are some pitfalls such as poor pollination and pests that you should avoid. Here are some tips and tricks on how to plant zucchini so you can get a more reliable harvest throughout the growing season.
What are zucchini?
Zucchini are generally divided into two categories: summer squash (harvested in the summer) and winter squash (harvested in the fall). The peel of summer squash is edible, unlike the peel of winter squash. All types of summer squash require very similar care measures. The green and yellow zucchini, for example, only differ in their coloring. Although we're primarily referring to zucchini on this page, the advice applies to any summer squash you grow.
With a few simple growing principles, you can achieve a bountiful harvest of fresh, delicious and nutritious zucchini. A zucchini plant is one of the most productive vegetables of all. Under ideal growing conditions, a single plant can produce 2 to 5 kg of fruit. There is hardly anya healthier vegetablethan a fresh zucchini from the garden. Not only is it a good source of fiber, but it also contains lots of potassium, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, protein and zinc.
When should you plant zucchini?
Avoid this mistake: Don't grow your plants too early!
Sow seeds directly into the ground when there is no longer any risk of frost and the air and soil temperature is at least 16 degrees. Note your last frost date. If youwho want to sow seeds indoors, do it in pots with peat moss 2 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Please note that zucchini seedlings do not always transplant well. Therefore, treat the roots carefully.
This planting trick may help: warm the soil with black mulch once it is prepared in early spring. Don't rush to plant zucchini. Consider sowing some seeds in mid-summer to avoid problemswith some pestsand to avoid early season disease.
How to grow zucchini
Plant and fertilize zucchini in the garden
Zucchini is a vine that grows quickly but takes up a lot of space in your garden. Grow them on a trellis if you don't have much space. These plants grow best with plenty of direct sunlight. Prepare a spot in your garden with full sun and rich, loamy soil. You canorganic compostMix into the soil to promote the growth of your summer squash.
Sow the zucchini seeds at least 70 to 90 cm apart in holes that are about 3 cm deep. Drop the seeds into the holes. Always plant two plants so they can cross-pollinate. As already mentioned, zucchini are lush plants, so sow them sparingly.
If you are growing your summer squash on a trellis and tying it up, leave the trellises about 70cm apart and plant the zucchini in front of the trellis. Water your plants regularly. Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture in the soil. The organic and biological substances living in the compost (including fungi, bacteria and minerals) contribute to the activation of the soil. This promotes resilience and extends the lifespan of your plants.
Caution: Too much fertilizer can cause blossom end rot or other diseases!
Plant zucchini in containers
The zucchini can also be grown in small balcony raised beds orlarge bucketsbe cultivated. Place the plants in the corners so you can save space. This way the summer squashes get enough sun and can grow beyond the edge.
Remedies against pests
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Use a natural or organic pesticide. Like all summer and winter squashes, zucchini are susceptible to various pests. Bugs messing with your vegetables is an inevitable part of theMaintaining your own garden. With a net or fence around the garden you can prevent some animals from getting into your plants.
Weed often
Weeding your garden is an important step in proper plant care. Make weeding part of your daily gardening routine. It's best to do this in the morning when the ground is still moist and the weeds can be easily removed. Frequent weeding can prevent your plantsbe attacked by fungi such as mildew.
Hand pollination as a trick
If there is a lack of pollinators and your flowers die before they can bear fruit, you should try pollinating the zucchini flowers by hand. This requires identifying the male and female flowers - male flowers have a single stem, have pollen and do not bear fruit, while female flowers have multiple stems and a thicker, zucchini-shaped base. After sexing, gently rub the pollen from the male flower onto the stigmas of the female flower. If pollination was successful, the fruits should grow better.
Good neighbors
Consider companion planting.Zucchini make good companion plants, meaning you can grow them in close proximity to other vegetables such as garlic, peas or mint. Companion planting of zucchini has many benefits such as better pest control, perfect plant growth and maximizing garden space.